Mergatroid Skittle, on 02 January 2015 - 07:29 AM, said:
This is ultimately a quirk system conversation. In general, I love the quirk system. My only complaint is that some of the quirks get too focused on specific weapon systems. This is basically the Developers saying "Here is the optimal build. Any other build is subobtimal."
The result is that you see the EXACT same builds ALL the time, like the ERPPC TDR-9s and the SPL FS9-A. In my opinion, this takes away the creativity and variance in builds that make this game more interesting.
I say keep the quirks broad and let the players use weapon modules to "specialize".
So we build a quirk system so that a specific mech can be effective at a certain map in a specific game mode? That seems odd.
Yes, with quirks you see less builds on a single Chassis. There is a most prevalent build for a specific chassis. However...
Pre-quirk all you saw was one uber meta build on nearly every chassis. Do you remember the poptart meta? PPC/AC5 on Shadowhawks, Victors and Highlanders. That was ALL you see on comp teams. The same damned weapons placed on differently shaped mechs.
I'll take multiple mechs running different weapons with a 95% chance of knowing what a certain chassis is going to bring ANY day of the week over what we HAD.