FRAGO 004 to OPORD 15-012
- The Base Order [a five paragraph OPORD (http://en.m.wikipedi...aragraph_order] can be found at:
- Current Fragmentary Order [standard FRAGO (http://www.armystudy...der-frago.shtml)] can be found at:
- Clan Smoke Jaguar Command and Control resource:
- Community Warfare Situational Awareness Tool: - MRBC's Reddit resource "Data Resources for Community Warfare
- Community Warfare Planetary Control Awareness Tool: .
SITUATION: Since the 20JAN patch, CSJ has successfully liberated 5 of the six Kurita planets identified for Smoke Jaguar operations. No Kurita threat materialized against Smoke Jaguar planets during the liberations of these five planets. Of particular note is that during this same time frame FRR lost the option to attack Idlewind, thereby securing in large measure Smoke Jaguar lines of supply back to its primary Inner Sphere Invasion jumping off point of Richmond.
21JAN - OCEANIC CEASEFIRE WINDOW: The Kurita Planet of Omagh has already been liberated to100%. No Inner Sphere threat to Clan Smoke Jaguar defensive bastions on newly liberated worlds is expected to materialize. Specifically, a DCMS Operational Counterattack today is unlikely as CGB has the option of attacking the Kurita planet of Alshain during the current Oceanic-Cycle. Given the close identification of Kurita's top-tier Unit: AVGR (11th Alshain Avengers) with the Planet of Alshain, it is highly likely that DCMS High Command will focus all available Defenders to Alshain's defense. Increased Inner Sphere Common Defense Forces are also likely as Lore-centric gamers will recognize the importance and be more likely to respond to "named" planet of a principle Kurita Unit. However in days to come, it is assessed that the DCMS High Command will attempt to dictate optempo by seizing the initiative by executing an early 12-man team(s) led effort to attack a Smoke Jaguar planet, putting CSJ on the defensive, decreasing the likelihood of a successful CSJ transition to additional liberation efforts.
21JAN - EUROPEAN CEASEFIRE WINDOW: It is expected that CSJ forces will retain the objective of Omagh if by some great stroke of misfortune we lose 8-sectors of the 15-currently secured with only 2-hours remains before ceasefire, Likelihood of such is minimal.
ASSESSMENT: The latest version of PGI's CW world selection algorithm appears to not substitute new planets when the initially proved target withstands a single ceasefire's liberation effort. Similarly, it appears the sector selection criteria has similarly been tweaked, Hold actions appear to be not so veery prevalent since the 20JAN patch. Possibly in an effort to permit more action and putting a planet in jeopardy earlier given that ceasefire cycles have been cut to 8-hours, there has Ben tweaked the ration of "Holds" of already liberated planets verses new attacks to gain new sectors.
21JAN - NORTH AMERICAN CEASEFIRE WINDOW: If Omagh does not fall as a target during the European Ceasefire Window, it's selection during the NA Ceasefire Window is likely.
MISSION: Remains UNCHANGED with the single exception that the next Clan Smoke Jaguar liberation objective is the Kurita planet of Omagh. Additional Kurita planets are expected to be selected for each the Upcoming Euro C-cycle and NA C-cycle.
EXECUTION: Remains UNCHANGED with the one exceptions:
1. The current Smoke Jaguar liberation objective is the Kurita planet of Omagh.
COMAND AND CONTROL: NO CHANGE Caveat: this thread remains my contribution to generate a common narrative to inform CSJ MWO forum readers of a general intent and purpose to the day's CW activity. It is expected that this product will be refined to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.[/i]
0515hrsEST - DERP, JGx, REM and others drive early liberation efforts on Omagh. The very last sector just fell to an exceptionally well-coordinated and led REM assault. Such 5-hour efforts now affords CSJ 3-hours to contribute drops in Clan Common Defense ( of Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon.
1557hrsEST - Sorrowcry succinctly provides the basis for why CSJ did not lose the 46% Enemy-held Smoke Jaguar world of Chatham:
While constantly in CW Attack queues earlier today, I noticed but did not initially respond to the Defense of Chatham. One match intermission, Chatham was sitting in the 20's%, then after that match concluded / took our Kurita Attack option up to 73%, I checked out Chatham and the enemy was siting at 46%. I was only able to drop twice more prior to Ceasefire, so only contributed very minimally to the incredible contributions outlined by Sorrowcry in the link provided above.
Mega Props to RDL for tagging Chatham.
"A more heroic defense, has not yet seen the light of a Smoke Jaguar planet!"
1824hrsEST - While I would have to wait for the final analysis ( it appears that Smoke Jaguar defense of Chatham was spearheaded by RDL (kudos again!) and greatly augmented by Clan Common Defenders under OPN CLAN UNITY ( A great effort by ALL involved. There was much enjoyment and good gaming by ALL gamers at Chatham today.
CEASEFIRE ASSESSMENT: - Today's MWO CW was culminated in a North American Ceasefire Cycle that saw the Clans defend all their planets for an eight cycle under OPN CLAN UNITY ( while liberating five Clan Worlds in the NA-cycle alone.
A stronger more telling message to the Inner Sphere that the time and Machiavellian intents of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance can and will be countered by Clan Unity just is not possible. RESULTS breed further results. Time will tell if Clan endurance and vitality is sufficient to reach Terra / New Avalon prior to the conclusion of MWO CW Beta.
CEASEFIRE RECOMMENDATION: -OPN CLAN UNITY has proven its worth countless time. Today was a measurable return to Clan smoke Jaguar for earlier investments of time and skill. I highly recommend that Clan Smoke Jaguar continue to rush to Clan Common Defense once it's Liberation objective reaches past 80% to 85%.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 24 January 2015 - 07:47 AM.