MischiefSC, on 10 January 2015 - 07:41 PM, said:
I can run down a bust a leg off a Scrow far easier than an Ice Ferret, especially in a light. We put down TW/Scrow rushes on Boreal all the time. Sulfur... defending Sulfur is tough but again. Easier to run down a medium/heavy than a fast light.
*with lasers* a Ice Ferret is no match for a Firestarter. 3xSRM6 will leg a FS to death in 2 or 3 shots. I do it with a Griffin all the time; that's why we call them leg breaker builds. You've also got Streakboats. On defense a nice spread of Ice Ferrets playing at the gate and streakboat/laser Scrows or TWs back along the top of the 3 ramps going to the 3 ogens on Boreal and no light rush will ever be an issue. You follow the zerg back up shooting at the legs - don't stop, do what damage you can as they move. Your top screen will finish what you started. Defense in depth; you spread forward based on speed relative to attacker. Against a heavy rush everyone is forward. Against a light rush your mediums are mid-field, heavies/assaults back field, lights forward. You chase them back up to the people in the back row. Legity leg leg.
On attack you're not fighting anyone; you're hugging terrain and going baby turtle style to the ogens. Expect 4-6 to die before you get to the ogens. Understand we zerg ogens with spiders who have 2 MLs and 1 LL; they have a 20pt alpha. The best Firestarter build is going to have *slightly* better DPS but 50% higher heat than a 3xSRM6.
For busting ogens/omega you want the better sustained DPS and lower heat, especially on Sulfur.
I would trade Firestarters for Ice Ferrets any time, any day. You run lights in CW for a single specific expendable mission 90% of the time. Light speed, medium armor, STD engine survivability and a SRM18 package with 5 tons of ammo, all for something about the same size as a Firestarter?
If the IS could run that it would generate endless rage threads. I would leg everyone. EVERYONE. Attack or defend I'd run 3 of them and a D-DC. You'd run your 12man decks with everyone having 1 and 4-6 people having 2-3 of them. Some TDR9s, some assaults and some fast heavies/striker mediums. I could run boreal/sulfur attack/defend with 1 deck. You can run a Raven 3L over the gates, could run these over too.
Clanners think it's crap because the Stormcrow does more damage and tanks better - for attrition that's great. You blow out Ogens on wave 1 every single match without fail and suddenly the defenders options change significantly.
As always I appreciate the reply.

That said I must respectfully disagree very strongly. In no way is the Ice Ferret anywhere near the level of the Firstarter or stormcrow for a few reasons. Even when he functions in his niche role he is still a very limited roll compared to the IS scouts.
1) He is 10 tons heavier than the firstarter, it makes a big difference
2) Ice Ferrets weapons are largely confined to the arms making him more than a bit delicate in a light on light brawl. A streak stormcrow is a much better hunter of firestartes or other lights.
3) He has no jump jets meaning he cannot solo commando or hope to get away like a firestarter can
4) In no way does and srm 18 compete with the level of dps that a small pulse laser firestarter can doll out. That said if you put some streaks on him he could be an ok light killer but the stormcrow would still be much better.
5) He can fit a max of 4 lasers if you're running the non-prime variant, 3 if you are running the prime. He will be shredded by a firestarter 1vs1.
6) His hit boxes are bigger and he is definitely a "medium" sized mech
7) Its not the ice ferrets fault but the stormcrow and firestarter have brokenish hitboxes making them far more survivable then they should be. Again, its not the ice ferrets fault but it does make him less useful. I will take an IS XL engine with problematic hitboxes over a big boxy medium mech where the hits definitely register almost every time.
8) As highlighted in point 7 he large compared to a firestarter and not that much smaller than a stormcrow.
The ice ferret is not a terrible mech (granted his is still tier 5ish and is due for some more perks and Omni pods according to the devs) but in no way does he come close to the stormcrow or firestarter. He does serve a unique roll in the clan arsenal right now but he will not stand up to turrets and frankly the mist lynx is a much better option if you want a commando scout to sneak at the generators due to his jump jets.
I have firestarters, mist lynxs, stormcrows, and ice ferrets. I would choose the first 3 over the latter any day of the week for the reasons I outlined. He is not a terrible mech and I do have him mastered but he just can't compete on a competitive basis right now. Granted, not everything is about competition but when I'm rolling in my unit and we are storming a generator I want the mech that can stay with the group and doll out the damage which is right now the stormcrow and TW. And no mistake, this grouping is just as uberpowerful and cheap as anything the IS can throw out there.
And it is important to remember that he is only available for real money right now making him a non-option for many people.
In complete honesty having run both variants and owning 3 firestarters and 3 ice ferrets if the devs would allow it I would 100% trade you the firestarter from the IS arsenal for the ice ferret while happily throwing in the summoner as a bonus.
Edited by Blueduck, 10 January 2015 - 08:08 PM.