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Upgrading Rig

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#1 Tre ONeill


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 05:12 PM

Hey all,

I built this rig specifically to run MWO, way back in early closed beta. Unfortunately, I didn't know much at the time, and no one could predict what MWO would become, and so the venture has not done so well. I average around 17-40 fps at optimized settings, and while playable, this is a hinderance at the competitive level I play at, especially for CW.

Here is my current set up, no overclocking:
Posted Image

From my research, the main problem appears to be the AMD CPU. Looks like there are no two ways about it, Intel is the way to go, which is a real bummer (I guess the guy who helped me build it together just didn't know ahead of time, can't be faulted).

My budget is around $600. Its my understanding that Ill need both a new CPU and a new MOBO, correct? Any other thoughts?

In the mean time, I'd like to maybe OC the current CPU, but am totally lost as to where to start.

As an aside, my roommate has an i7-3820 and a gtx 660, and was seeing between 50-100 fps, averaging about 60, with no special settings or anything else (he doesn't even play MWO). Would LOVE to have that for competitive MWO.

It has been mentioned that I should get the AMD fx-8350:
because it works with my current mobo and is cheap, but I am thoroughly disillusioned with AMD CPU's for MWO and am scared of blowing money and being dissatisfied.


Edited by Tre ONeill, 07 January 2015 - 05:13 PM.

#2 MechWarrior4172571


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 05:47 PM

View PostTre ONeill, on 07 January 2015 - 05:12 PM, said:

Hey all,

I built this rig specifically to run MWO, way back in early closed beta. Unfortunately, I didn't know much at the time, and no one could predict what MWO would become, and so the venture has not done so well. I average around 17-40 fps at optimized settings, and while playable, this is a hinderance at the competitive level I play at, especially for CW.

Here is my current set up, no overclocking:
Posted Image

From my research, the main problem appears to be the AMD CPU. Looks like there are no two ways about it, Intel is the way to go, which is a real bummer (I guess the guy who helped me build it together just didn't know ahead of time, can't be faulted).

My budget is around $600. Its my understanding that Ill need both a new CPU and a new MOBO, correct? Any other thoughts?

In the mean time, I'd like to maybe OC the current CPU, but am totally lost as to where to start.

As an aside, my roommate has an i7-3820 and a gtx 660, and was seeing between 50-100 fps, averaging about 60, with no special settings or anything else (he doesn't even play MWO). Would LOVE to have that for competitive MWO.

It has been mentioned that I should get the AMD fx-8350:
because it works with my current mobo and is cheap, but I am thoroughly disillusioned with AMD CPU's for MWO and am scared of blowing money and being dissatisfied.


Your memory is rather weak, being that it is rated? at 1,333 MHz. Check and see, maybe it's your MOBO's default that drove it to that frequency. Take one stick out and read the label for details, uhm, it might say 8-8-8 @1600Mhz? lol.. that would be good. Basically, most AMD motherboards set even a quality RAM to basic default 1,333 Mhz.. check into that.

Everything else is great in your system, besides the CPU a little. That 'little' is lack of overclocking. With AMD8350 you can do a lot better but still would require overclocking--in either case... then..

when you thought you could just move to Intel platform and don't have to do overlocking.. somebody would tell you again why you have low fps.. lack of overclocking.. and.. then.. it would be a de javu again for you, because, let's face it..

any processor for this game requires overclocking.

Even the guys who have their Intel puppies rigged at 5GHz experience dips into 50s.

Your video card is fine, PSU is fine, case is fine, etc.

For $600 you could buy 1 Intel CPU and 1 Intel motherboard and have a few dollars left for a cup of coffee.

AMD route would only take $170 of your money away from you.

The difference? Priceless.

As far as overclocking..

You are going to look at upping your CPU's V-core voltage to 4.2

That is only a part of the story for AMD motherboards because other things are tied into it..

You have to also add voltage to hypertransport (add .1 or .2 Volts to what you would see there on auto) CPU/HT Voltage also needs a boost.

South bridge is beneficial to boost but not necessary.

Keep HT frequency at or below 2200--you can tinker with it later once you achieve good CPU overclock.

Memory speed and timings are very important in AMD systems--AMD CPUs hate latency/delay so you want to try to up the speed of your ram to 1600 and set your memory to 9-9-9-24-5-33 and increase it's voltage to whatever it would go to before it would blue screen from overheating.. probably 1.6V is about max (maybe a little more, depending if you have some quality ram or not.) You might want to invest in ram cooling (ram air blower for $20) if you are going to OC your RAM in the future and keep it that way.

Bottom line, take it easy, have fun, and start with CPU voltage and up your CPU frequency and see what would happen. CPU multiplier and Bus frequency is what determine the total final CPU overlock frequency number, so a 209 bus times 17 multiplier = what you would get frequency wise. Stability would depend on many factors, including on what I mentioned earlier.

Have fun.

Edited by Jesus DIED for me, 07 January 2015 - 06:42 PM.

#3 xWiredx


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 06:59 PM

For less than $600, you can go big with the CPU and pair it with decent RAM and a decent motherboard: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/xXvzGX

Or, if you wanted to go a little smaller with the CPU, but with a better cooler that should allow better overclocking: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bK3VZL

$600 is a nice budget for this. After this, you can save your pennies for a new GPU down the road, too. The Haswell refresh CPUs are awesome.

#4 Lord Letto


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 07:20 PM

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($318.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Antec KUHLER H2O 650 Liquid CPU Cooler ($37.49 @ Newegg)
Thermal Compound: Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver 12g Thermal Paste ($13.45 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock Z97 PROFESSIONAL ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($144.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($66.30 @ Newegg)
Total: $581.22
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-07 22:05 EST-0500

For ~$600 that's what I'd recommend for Upgrades, PSU and the GPU is Good for MWO (Unless you plan on SLI/XFire later than maybe upgrade the PSU but the one you have now should be OK for a Single Card), I'm Not Sure How AMD RAM Would work with a Intel CPU so I Chose some G.Skill That's Faster than the AMD You have Now. Not sure how Good the Cooler you have is so I chose the AIO Liquid Cooler to possibly have it run cooler and add some OC Headroom while possibly looking cool, if that's too much for you or you don't want to go liquid I'd recommend the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus or EVO. Your SSD should still be OK if it's doing well for you, there are Newer and Bigger Versions of the one you have for $70+ but if it still works and you don't need more space than no real need to upgrade I think.

View PostxWiredx, on 07 January 2015 - 06:59 PM, said:

For less than $600, you can go big with the CPU and pair it with decent RAM and a decent motherboard: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($318.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus Z97-E ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($130.86 @ NCIX US)
Memory: G.Skill Sniper Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($149.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $599.84
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-07 22:19 EST-0500

Or, if you wanted to go a little smaller with the CPU, but with a better cooler that should allow better overclocking: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H80i 77.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($87.74 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Asus Z97-E ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($130.86 @ NCIX US)
Memory: G.Skill Sniper Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($149.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $588.58
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-07 22:20 EST-0500

$600 is a nice budget for this. After this, you can save your pennies for a new GPU down the road, too. The Haswell refresh CPUs are awesome.

Fixed it for You

Edit: FYI, If There's a Microcentre Nearby to Pick up in Store, you can get the i7-4790K For $39 Less than the Price Listed in the Builds ($280 Vs $318)

Edited by Lord Letto, 07 January 2015 - 07:28 PM.

#5 Tre ONeill


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 09:18 PM

Thanks so much for your guys quick help, perfect.

Based on your advice and my research, I'm definitely going to go with the i7-4790k CPU.

As to the cooling, I'll stick with what I got for now and see how it works. As I learn more about how to OC, and as I get some more cash, I'll look at upgrading cooling, but that will be a bit later.

Sorry the SSD info is out of date, I now have 2 SSDs and some big HHDs, so storage isnt a problem

Couple quick questions-
1) I haven't ever noticed hitting a limit w.r.t RAM. I know I might need more in the future, but for now, at least for MWO, I have noticed that as a bottle neck at all. Do I really need more?

2) Will the RAM I currently have work with the new mobo? Can I just use the RAM I already have?

3) Last question is which mobo to get. You guys have mentioned

This one:

And this one:

respectively, but the one I keep seeing mentioned on other forums, and paired with the 4790k on newegg, amazon, etc., is this one:

Can you explain to me the important differences between these mobos? Why shouldn't I just get the cheapest one (the first one linked)?


#6 Flapdrol


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 12:45 AM

Given the not so good scaling to lots of cores hyperthreading probably won't do much, I'd just get the i5-4690K and an aftermarket aircooler.

As for the motherboards any Z97 board will perform identical at stock and will also allow overclocking. If you're worried overclocking might break the board get something that's $30 more expensive than the absolute cheapest.

Your ram should work fine with the board and cpu, won't really hold back performance at stock cpu speed, and if you overclock the cpu you can overclock the ram as well.

#7 xWiredx


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 06:10 AM

With Intel, the RAM doesn't make too much of a difference speed-wise after DDR3-1600, and amount doesn't seem to have an impact after 8GB, but with PGI pushing out a 64-bit client, they might try to start taking advantage of more RAM (esp. when it comes to CW). This is the -only- reason I picked out 16GB of DDR3-1866. The other argument is that with new consoles having 8GB, new console ports might take advantage of more RAM in the near future (though I doubt it). At this juncture, DDR3 is starting to level off and even go up in price a tidbit (though it won't really start jumping at all until DDR4 demand starts going up in a couple years). My mentality is usually "why get half now and upgrade later when I can get all of it now".

OCing RAM and CPU on an Intel platform should always be independent. Using the gear ratios on Haswell is a second option, while using a multi-only OC should be your primary goal, and if you're getting DDR3-1600 or 1866, you shouldn't be pumping your RAM up any further. It only requires more voltage in most cases, and that doesn't do the RAM or the RAM slots on the mobo any good. It also introduces another thing to troubleshoot when you start seeing instability.

I would go with ASUS if you intend on trying your hand at OCing. They make it a little easier, their boards are known for being some of the most stable boards on the planet for extreme OCing, and they're usually better about their power delivery systems. ASRock has some good power delivery on their newer boards, but once you get into higher-end ASUS boards they're unmatched. If you really want to learn about OCing and set a good one for your system, I can't recommend anything other than ASUS. The Maximus is definitely one hell of a board, too. Go for it if it's still in the budget.

#8 Flapdrol


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 06:19 AM

View PostxWiredx, on 08 January 2015 - 06:10 AM, said:

OCing RAM and CPU on an Intel platform should always be independent. Using the gear ratios on Haswell is a second option, while using a multi-only OC should be your primary goal, and if you're getting DDR3-1600 or 1866, you shouldn't be pumping your RAM up any further. It only requires more voltage in most cases, and that doesn't do the RAM or the RAM slots on the mobo any good. It also introduces another thing to troubleshoot when you start seeing instability.

High ram voltage won't do much to the motherboard or ram, it can be dangerous for the memorycontroller in the cpu, need to up vtt voltage or something so the difference between it and the ram voltage doesn't become too great. I've never had to up the voltage for ram overclocks though, my kingston valueram 1333c9 will do 1600c9 without problems, unfortunately H81 only allows cpu overclocking, so now I'm stuck at 1333c7.

#9 Kuritaclan


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 06:49 AM

View PostTre ONeill, on 07 January 2015 - 09:18 PM, said:

Thanks so much for your guys quick help, perfect.

Based on your advice and my research, I'm definitely going to go with the i7-4790k CPU.

As to the cooling, I'll stick with what I got for now and see how it works. As I learn more about how to OC, and as I get some more cash, I'll look at upgrading cooling, but that will be a bit later.

Cooling is a question of what you wanna get. If you cooler has support for socket 1150 just use it and check the temps - maybee you need new Thermal paste like: http://geizhals.at/d...me-a559948.html

View PostTre ONeill, on 07 January 2015 - 09:18 PM, said:

This one:

And this one:

respectively, but the one I keep seeing mentioned on other forums, and paired with the 4790k on newegg, amazon, etc., is this one:

Can you explain to me the important differences between these mobos? Why shouldn't I just get the cheapest one (the first one linked)?


non of those (to name things: The Z97-E from Asus has a bad VRM, it would provide the power a i7 4790k need, but the current isn't that good and the Sound while uped by audio improvment is still a ALC892 - state of the art is an ALC1150 or better; The ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 Professional is a good board with a good VRM and some nice cool stuff - the problem with this board is it has Soundproblems with the Creative Sound Core3D (the soundchip is better than a ALC1150) it is a software problem - so no to this, unless you are up to the idea to buy an extra audiocard - if you wanna get a Asrock go for a Asrock Z97 Extreme 6 - good VRM, good layout, nice features hddpowersaving, ultra M.2 just in case you ever will need it. The ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO is a very good board, but you do not will need all the oc features where it's price come from since i don't think you will do LN2 cooling or a heavy customized water loop, so this board is price/feature compared a overkill. The problem i have with asus board is cheaper boards are worse than the products within same price range, better Asus boards are very good but also expensive. The boards do well, but if you get a problem and need to send it back for repair, the support is bad as ****.

Go for a http://geizhals.at/d...5-a1107860.html - this board as an ecxcellent VRM a good layout, good components (lan, sound) and good support for the price and is good to use with a i7 4790k and overclock it a bit. Or the Asrock Z97 Extreme 6 i supposed you before.

If you wann have savings and the a cheap board what is nice featuewise, to use with a i7 4790k go for a http://geizhals.at/d...r-a1112138.html - the features are a bit tuned down, but it is still a good board to go for the price.

If you get new RAM - while 1600 MHZ CL 9 is fully ok, the next step would be 2400 CL10 like:
(but the additional MHz do not provide much of a performance gain in most games - better RAM only helps with CPU heavy used games like Star Craft II and programms like videoediting and kompression tools) Uprading your RAM is okay since you have 1333er, but doesn't have to be done asap.

Edited by Kuritaclan, 08 January 2015 - 07:11 AM.

#10 Smokeyjedi


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 08:13 AM

well i just spent 1/2 hour typing your complete fix untill you purchase your new rig, But this crap forum has turned my wall of text into a goddamn cryptic nightmare. so Now im pissed and and leaving this crappy forum before i snap,. They just cant get anything right can they?

I have a custon cfg file for you and a slew of information but MWO stuffed it back in my face.
If i could throat punch this web page itd be choking on the floor already. GRRRRRRRR :angry:

config file. + in game settings.
one more time ill try...................feel the hatred flowing through me.

Take this config file below and copy+ paste it to a new txt file on your desktop. save it and rename it user.cfg-Move into C:/programfiles(X86)/Piranhagames/MWO and now go forth and enjoy some smoothness

gp_option_ShowCockpitGlass=0 (off/on)
r_DepthOfField=0 (off/on)
r_HDRGrainAmount=0.0 (film grain amount)
r_motionBlur = 0

r_MultiThreaded = 1

cl_fov = 70 (Default is 75)

sys_MaxFPS = 144

d3d10_TripleBuffering = 1
d3d11_TripleBuffering = 1
d3d9_TripleBuffering = 1

e_GsmCache = 1
r_FogShadows = 0

q_ShaderWater = 0

r_silhouettePOM = 0
r_UsePOM = 0

*open command console as admin from start menu- type "winsat mem" and press enter. add values to this chart below.....but multiply your value X1024 for systembudgetthroughput*

sys_budget_streamingthroughput = 26320912 (25604X1024)
sys_LocalMemoryGeometryStreamingSpeedLimit = 25604- my values will be diffrent ie.CL10 2133DDR3
sys_LocalMemoryTextureStreamingSpeedLimit = 25604
sys_streaming_max_bandwidth = 25604

sys_budget_videomem = 2096 (your GPU VRAM value)

sys_main_CPU = 0
sys_streaming_CPU = 1
sys_physics_CPU = 2

sys_budget_soundCPU = 5
r_WaterUpdateThread = 5

ca_thread0Affinity = 0
ca_thread1Affinity = 3

sys_TaskThread0_CPU = 0
sys_TaskThread1_CPU = 4
sys_TaskThread2_CPU = 3
sys_TaskThread3_CPU = 2
sys_TaskThread4_CPU = 4
sys_TaskThread5_CPU = 1
sys_TaskThread6_CPU = 5
Posted ImageThis will have you in a better place in MWO ........No questions about it....
Now if you are interested in OCing to get even more outta your system before you upgrade......... I will 2nd attempt to right the wall of text regarding your asrock extreme 4 (huge VRMs) and get you to 4.5+ghz.....

After all, this should have you foaming @ the mouth..........25% increase is completed, now just to get that 25% from your CPU.............LOL and you will be laughing.......

Before user cfg.

2014-12-25 00:33:24 - MWOClient
Frames: 24293 - Time: 389128ms - Avg: 62.429 - Min: 36 - Max: 131

2014-12-26 20:57:29 - MWOClient
Frames: 15062 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 41.839 - Min: 0 - Max: 120

2014-12-26 21:21:53 - MWOClient
Frames: 19178 - Time: 298664ms - Avg: 64.213 - Min: 33 - Max: 137

2014-12-27 01:43:18 - MWOClient
Frames: 20893 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 58.036 - Min: 33 - Max: 133

2014-12-27 01:56:30 - MWOClient
Frames: 16591 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 46.086 - Min: 28 - Max: 86

2014-12-27 23:55:42 - MWOClient
Frames: 19198 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 53.328 - Min: 37 - Max: 105

2014-12-28 00:26:42 - MWOClient
Frames: 14015 - Time: 262363ms - Avg: 53.418 - Min: 30 - Max: 113

2014-12-28 00:41:58 - MWOClient
Frames: 21241 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 59.003 - Min: 32 - Max: 83

new in game settings....MSAA on 4X(-forced VIA NVIDIA CNTRLPANEL) mostly medium low part. low shaders,low postprocessing.

2014-12-28 11:35:54 - MWOClient
Frames: 24271 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.419 - Min: 36 - Max: 77

2014-12-28 21:01:53 - MWOClient
Frames: 17539 - Time: 264624ms - Avg: 66.279 - Min: 39 - Max: 118-veridian bog

2014-12-28 22:23:10 - MWOClient
Frames: 25070 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 69.639 - Min: 38 - Max: 138-----testures set to med..increasing Vram load from 680 to 1680MB.....

2014-12-29 21:47:15 - MWOClient
Frames: 30008 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 83.356 - Min: 35 - Max: 125-----second benchmark match was promising.....smooth and pretty....Look @ that AVG!!!!


2014-12-31 10:53:34 - MWOClient
Frames: 25233 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 70.092 - Min: 37 - Max: 111-------255(+1)X19.5=4989mhz 8core

2014-12-31 11:47:17 - MWOClient
Frames: 18843 - Time: 261177ms - Avg: 72.146 - Min: 13 - Max: 118------assuming low is from watching (spectacting) a bottleneck'd system that suffers from dips into the 'teens'*shudder

2014-12-31 17:06:25 - MWOClient
Frames: 24431 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.864 - Min: 37 - Max: 131

2015-01-01 01:24:13 - MWOClient
Frames: 27972 - Time: 349349ms - Avg: 80.069 - Min: 0 - Max: 136------left bench running untill spectate

2015-01-01 01:54:21 - MWOClient
Frames: 23752 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 65.978 - Min: 29 - Max: 129-----------250(+1)X20=5117 med textures moved VRAM to 1680 max....from 680mb

2015-01-01 17:35:40 - MWOClient
Frames: 21494 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 59.706 - Min: 28 - Max: 122 Invasion drop*

2015-01-01 22:12:07 - MWOClient
Frames: 24393 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.758 - Min: 0 - Max: 115-------left bench run to results till spectate-invasion drop

2015-01-01 22:45:53 - MWOClient
Frames: 18556 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 51.544 - Min: 28 - Max: 138-invasion drop*

2015-01-01 22:55:31 - MWOClient
Frames: 19550 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 54.306 - Min: 25 - Max: 126-invasion drop*

2015-01-01 23:21:37 - MWOClient
Frames: 24621 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 68.392 - Min: 0 - Max: 145--------left bench run till spectate

2015-01-02 22:46:11 - MWOClient
Frames: 23802 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 66.117 - Min: 43 - Max: 118

2015-01-03 00:05:41 - MWOClient
Frames: 24451 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.919 - Min: 41 - Max: 141

2015-01-04 01:18:22 - MWOClient
Frames: 29318 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 81.439 - Min: 0 - Max: 133-i died again :( (spectate mode)

2015-01-04 01:26:35 - MWOClient
Frames: 24145 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.069 - Min: 37 - Max: 138

2015-01-04 15:38:36 - MWOClient
Frames: 21736 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 60.378 - Min: 0 - Max: 103
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 module 5.0ghz 2088DDR3 1.476CoreV
2015-01-06 16:52:27 - MWOClient
Frames: 10511 - Time: 163427ms - Avg: 64.316 - Min: 39 - Max: 119

2015-01-06 17:00:24 - MWOClient
Frames: 17590 - Time: 253705ms - Avg: 69.332 - Min: 45 - Max: 157

2015-01-06 17:09:33 - MWOClient
Frames: 22315 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 61.986 - Min: 0 - Max: 109 -spectating because I found 6 enemies.......and died.

Edited by Smokeyjedi, 08 January 2015 - 08:40 AM.

#11 Chiron


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 08:27 AM

Jedi has it right, before you spend a dime, do a couple things for free that may give you what you need.

Create a user.cfg file, place it in MWO's folder.

While smokeyjedi's response is INTENSE, you can do the following in under a minute and see noticeable results:

Create a user.cfg file, place it in MWO's folder.

add this in

r_motionBlur = 0

r_MultiThreaded = 1

then just run the game...I gained ~10fps on average from these alone, running a lesser rig than yours.

I'm not saying don't go upgrading your rig, I'm saying MWO does NOT have their coding done well, and a few free changes go a long way. After doing this and giving your FX 6200 a modest OC (which your mobo can handle) will make a big difference.

#12 Lord Letto


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:01 AM

I changed up my recommended upgrade after:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($318.75 @ OutletPC)
Thermal Compound: Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver 12g Thermal Paste ($13.45 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 MPOWER ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($163.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($75.98 @ Newegg)
Sound Card: Asus Xonar DGX 24-bit 96 KHz Sound Card ($27.49 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $599.66
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-08 11:59 EST-0500

that Mobo should be nice for OCing and sound card (SPU?) should be good if onboard audio is crap like on the ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 Professional

Edited by Lord Letto, 08 January 2015 - 09:02 AM.

#13 MechWarrior4172571


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:17 AM

View PostTre ONeill, on 07 January 2015 - 05:12 PM, said:


Is this your memory?



AMD AP38G1608U2K

BrandAMDSeriesPerformance EditionModelAP38G1608U2KType240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM

Tech Spec
Capacity8GB (2 x 4GB)SpeedDDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)Cas Latency8Timing8-9-8Voltage1.65VMulti-channel KitDual Channel KitHeat SpreaderYesFeaturesEquipped with an extruded aluminum shield to provide improved cooling

100% Tested and Verified

RoHS Compliant

Compatible with Intel and AMD platforms

Looks like it's a decent 1600MHz memory that would last you well into DDR4 or DDR5 time.

#14 Kuritaclan


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:32 AM

The MSI Z97 MPower Mobo is good - but the Asrock Z97 Extreme 6 (151$) is 10 bugs cheaper giving you for most the same features. Looking @ the VRM it is in the same class wiht slightly better ones on the asrock board (http://cdn.overclock.../071b2d45_1.png / http://www.sinhardware.com/images/vrmlist.png) if you have needs regarding oc. And as i said before check out the http://pcpartpicker....d-gaz97xgaming5 it comes for 138 bugs and has everything you need for a great pc with a normal customer oc! Every Boards above this are for people with special needs like Ultra M.2 or Double Lan or LN2 Cooling or some special things.

Memory: Don't waste your money on 1866MHz. Intel prefrence 1600MHZ CL9 for all Haswell CPUs. Ervery Memory above is ok but do not add up much performance. If you go above this get 2400MHz Cl10. Steps within like 1866/2133 are a waste of money because they nearly cost the same like 2400Mhz and do not perform much better than the 1600Mhz. Yes they will be a bit better as your 1333, but not that much. http://pcpartpicker....-f32400c10d8gtx Those are ~10$ more price (you save it with the mobo) and you have more performance with those. But as mentioned before you don't need to upgrade your RAM. Just use it on the new Mobo, maybee oc it with some voltage adjustment to 1600Mhz CL9. - If you will Make SLI/CF or have some special Programms, Games than RAM gets attention otherwise it is nearly wayne for FPS.

Thermal paste isn't so different - there are 1 to 2°K diffrence on high oc rigs (in normal oc under air/warter you have nerly no difference). You will not not need 12g! 3 to 4g are ok. Or do you wanna renew your thermal every month fo about 3 years? xD

Sound card - Alc 1150 bring a good mobo sound. Not that great compared to Audio cards, but you need those only if you are audiophile and have the Equipment like 200$ Headsets. - Anyhow the Asus Xonar is a good starter Audio Card.

Edited by Kuritaclan, 08 January 2015 - 09:41 AM.

#15 Lord Letto


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:39 AM

View PostJesus DIED for me, on 08 January 2015 - 09:17 AM, said:

Is this your memory?


Looks like it's a decent 1600MHz memory that would last you well into DDR4 or DDR5 time.

1333MHz, not 1600MHz

#16 Flapdrol


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:41 AM

His current memory is fine, it doesn't need to be upgraded.

#17 Kuritaclan


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:47 AM

I think even before he stick much money into building it with a mobo/cpu etc update. The TE should try out an e-bay FX 8320 and get a good air cooler - oc this FX to 4,8GHz. Well the Amds FX cpus do not perform as good as a Intels Haswell, but on the other side it is much cheaper to get a used CPU and do it on the board instead of buying all new stuff for a couple more FPS. At least it would be the cheapest option. His 990 FX Asrock Extreme 4 Board has not the best VRM for oc, but anyhow the Mobo is somewhat ok to oc a FX 8320/8350 to that degree. You do not wanna go above 5k GHz i think. Maybee the Mobo doesn't even get the 4,8. but it could be near.

The only thing, sticking to this plan and only updating the cpu/cooler, what is a trap on it is the ram, since AMD Processors scale instead of the intels with faster ram. So 2133Mhz (i think it is the max oc for ram on the amd fx mobos - support for 2400+Mhz is a bit tricky) could do a performance gain.

Edited by Kuritaclan, 08 January 2015 - 09:52 AM.

#18 Lord Letto


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:56 AM

I'll give and remove a PCIE-x16 slot, odds are he won't Quad SLI/XFire anyway to BE COMPETITIVE CAUSE HE'S A COMPETITIVE GAMER AND PERFORMANCE IS EVERYTHING! also, Thermal paste is not just for CPU but to change Paste on GPU and anything else also to help keep Temps down and improve OC Headroom, I think 12G should be good, and how long do unused Paste last before going bad to have extra if he were to build another computer in 2-3 years or so or build a computer for a Family Member/Friend? 1600MHz instead of 1866MHz, if you say so, hope it don't limit Max OC any:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($318.75 @ OutletPC)
Thermal Compound: Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver 12g Thermal Paste ($13.45 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock Z97 EXTREME6 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($151.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Sound Card: Asus Xonar DGX 24-bit 96 KHz Sound Card ($27.49 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $581.66
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-08 12:55 EST-0500

#19 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 11:01 AM

View PostSmokeyjedi, on 08 January 2015 - 08:13 AM, said:

well i just spent 1/2 hour typing your complete fix untill you purchase your new rig, But this crap forum has turned my wall of text into a goddamn cryptic nightmare. so Now im pissed and and leaving this crappy forum before i snap,. They just cant get anything right can they?

I have a custon cfg file for you and a slew of information but MWO stuffed it back in my face.
If i could throat punch this web page itd be choking on the floor already. GRRRRRRRR :angry:

config file. + in game settings.
one more time ill try...................feel the hatred flowing through me.

Take this config file below and copy+ paste it to a new txt file on your desktop. save it and rename it user.cfg-Move into C:/programfiles(X86)/Piranhagames/MWO and now go forth and enjoy some smoothness

gp_option_ShowCockpitGlass=0 (off/on)
r_DepthOfField=0 (off/on)
r_HDRGrainAmount=0.0 (film grain amount)
r_motionBlur = 0

r_MultiThreaded = 1

cl_fov = 70 (Default is 75)

sys_MaxFPS = 144

d3d10_TripleBuffering = 1
d3d11_TripleBuffering = 1
d3d9_TripleBuffering = 1

e_GsmCache = 1
r_FogShadows = 0

q_ShaderWater = 0

r_silhouettePOM = 0
r_UsePOM = 0

*open command console as admin from start menu- type "winsat mem" and press enter. add values to this chart below.....but multiply your value X1024 for systembudgetthroughput*

sys_budget_streamingthroughput = 26320912 (25604X1024)
sys_LocalMemoryGeometryStreamingSpeedLimit = 25604- my values will be diffrent ie.CL10 2133DDR3
sys_LocalMemoryTextureStreamingSpeedLimit = 25604
sys_streaming_max_bandwidth = 25604

sys_budget_videomem = 2096 (your GPU VRAM value)

sys_main_CPU = 0
sys_streaming_CPU = 1
sys_physics_CPU = 2

sys_budget_soundCPU = 5
r_WaterUpdateThread = 5

ca_thread0Affinity = 0
ca_thread1Affinity = 3

sys_TaskThread0_CPU = 0
sys_TaskThread1_CPU = 4
sys_TaskThread2_CPU = 3
sys_TaskThread3_CPU = 2
sys_TaskThread4_CPU = 4
sys_TaskThread5_CPU = 1
sys_TaskThread6_CPU = 5
Posted ImageThis will have you in a better place in MWO ........No questions about it....
Now if you are interested in OCing to get even more outta your system before you upgrade......... I will 2nd attempt to right the wall of text regarding your asrock extreme 4 (huge VRMs) and get you to 4.5+ghz.....

After all, this should have you foaming @ the mouth..........25% increase is completed, now just to get that 25% from your CPU.............LOL and you will be laughing.......

Before user cfg.

2014-12-25 00:33:24 - MWOClient
Frames: 24293 - Time: 389128ms - Avg: 62.429 - Min: 36 - Max: 131

2014-12-26 20:57:29 - MWOClient
Frames: 15062 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 41.839 - Min: 0 - Max: 120

2014-12-26 21:21:53 - MWOClient
Frames: 19178 - Time: 298664ms - Avg: 64.213 - Min: 33 - Max: 137

2014-12-27 01:43:18 - MWOClient
Frames: 20893 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 58.036 - Min: 33 - Max: 133

2014-12-27 01:56:30 - MWOClient
Frames: 16591 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 46.086 - Min: 28 - Max: 86

2014-12-27 23:55:42 - MWOClient
Frames: 19198 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 53.328 - Min: 37 - Max: 105

2014-12-28 00:26:42 - MWOClient
Frames: 14015 - Time: 262363ms - Avg: 53.418 - Min: 30 - Max: 113

2014-12-28 00:41:58 - MWOClient
Frames: 21241 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 59.003 - Min: 32 - Max: 83

new in game settings....MSAA on 4X(-forced VIA NVIDIA CNTRLPANEL) mostly medium low part. low shaders,low postprocessing.

2014-12-28 11:35:54 - MWOClient
Frames: 24271 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.419 - Min: 36 - Max: 77

2014-12-28 21:01:53 - MWOClient
Frames: 17539 - Time: 264624ms - Avg: 66.279 - Min: 39 - Max: 118-veridian bog

2014-12-28 22:23:10 - MWOClient
Frames: 25070 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 69.639 - Min: 38 - Max: 138-----testures set to med..increasing Vram load from 680 to 1680MB.....

2014-12-29 21:47:15 - MWOClient
Frames: 30008 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 83.356 - Min: 35 - Max: 125-----second benchmark match was promising.....smooth and pretty....Look @ that AVG!!!!


2014-12-31 10:53:34 - MWOClient
Frames: 25233 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 70.092 - Min: 37 - Max: 111-------255(+1)X19.5=4989mhz 8core

2014-12-31 11:47:17 - MWOClient
Frames: 18843 - Time: 261177ms - Avg: 72.146 - Min: 13 - Max: 118------assuming low is from watching (spectacting) a bottleneck'd system that suffers from dips into the 'teens'*shudder

2014-12-31 17:06:25 - MWOClient
Frames: 24431 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.864 - Min: 37 - Max: 131

2015-01-01 01:24:13 - MWOClient
Frames: 27972 - Time: 349349ms - Avg: 80.069 - Min: 0 - Max: 136------left bench running untill spectate

2015-01-01 01:54:21 - MWOClient
Frames: 23752 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 65.978 - Min: 29 - Max: 129-----------250(+1)X20=5117 med textures moved VRAM to 1680 max....from 680mb

2015-01-01 17:35:40 - MWOClient
Frames: 21494 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 59.706 - Min: 28 - Max: 122 Invasion drop*

2015-01-01 22:12:07 - MWOClient
Frames: 24393 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.758 - Min: 0 - Max: 115-------left bench run to results till spectate-invasion drop

2015-01-01 22:45:53 - MWOClient
Frames: 18556 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 51.544 - Min: 28 - Max: 138-invasion drop*

2015-01-01 22:55:31 - MWOClient
Frames: 19550 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 54.306 - Min: 25 - Max: 126-invasion drop*

2015-01-01 23:21:37 - MWOClient
Frames: 24621 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 68.392 - Min: 0 - Max: 145--------left bench run till spectate

2015-01-02 22:46:11 - MWOClient
Frames: 23802 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 66.117 - Min: 43 - Max: 118

2015-01-03 00:05:41 - MWOClient
Frames: 24451 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.919 - Min: 41 - Max: 141

2015-01-04 01:18:22 - MWOClient
Frames: 29318 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 81.439 - Min: 0 - Max: 133-i died again :( (spectate mode)

2015-01-04 01:26:35 - MWOClient
Frames: 24145 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 67.069 - Min: 37 - Max: 138

2015-01-04 15:38:36 - MWOClient
Frames: 21736 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 60.378 - Min: 0 - Max: 103
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 module 5.0ghz 2088DDR3 1.476CoreV
2015-01-06 16:52:27 - MWOClient
Frames: 10511 - Time: 163427ms - Avg: 64.316 - Min: 39 - Max: 119

2015-01-06 17:00:24 - MWOClient
Frames: 17590 - Time: 253705ms - Avg: 69.332 - Min: 45 - Max: 157

2015-01-06 17:09:33 - MWOClient
Frames: 22315 - Time: 360000ms - Avg: 61.986 - Min: 0 - Max: 109 -spectating because I found 6 enemies.......and died.

Do you think k this would work on an old 8120?

I still have mine tempted to test it.

#20 xWiredx


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 11:28 AM

Okay, we need to stem the misinformation for a second on the RAM. The difference between DDR3 1333 and 1600 -is- noticeable with gaming, even on an Intel platform with a far superior memory controller to AMD's. It is definitely worth an upgrade. The difference between 1600 and 1866 is measurable in many game benchmarks in a verifiable and repeatable fashion, meaning that even if it isn't human-noticeable (aka its like .5-2fps depending on the game) it is still worth the upgrade. between 1600 and 1866 is considered the beginning of diminishing returns as far as gaming is concerned. Beyond 1866, 2133 and 2400 offer about the same performance benefit in gaming, it is still measurable in a verifiable and repeatable fashion but not horribly noticeable in most games. Since the price difference between 1600 and 1866 is practically nil, there's no real reason to recommend buying 1600 now unless every single dollar counts. That isn't the case this time around.

Also, no reason to talk OP out of a better board if the budget allows for it. He isn't an overclocker now, but generally people that buy K-series chips end up getting the itch. A better board that is easier to tune on would be of better benefit than a board a few dollars cheaper that isn't as nice to deal with.

A couple of links showing the affect of RAM speed on gaming.

Edited by xWiredx, 08 January 2015 - 11:50 AM.

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