Let's examine what would happen to other things in life if we applied this 'belief.'
I once worked in a data entry room providing assistance to people using computers. These people would complain of problems with the devices or program used for the data entry. What if anytime thy had a complaint, I just told them to, 'Man Up!' and deal with their broken thing?
I worked in US Army Signal and later civilian telecommunications. At times things broke and I was one of the people who had to fix them. What if I was to tell someone with a problem they need to stop whining and, 'Man Up!'
I have lived through two terrorist attacks, working in the Trade Center during the 1993 bombing and not far away for 9-11. What if we told terror attack victims to, 'Man Up!' and help themselves out of what happened.
Best example yet, what if the MWO server has a problem and a portion of the community cannot get on maybe even all of us. PGI can tell us to, 'Man Up! Adapt and overcome, the problem is YOU and you need to stop whining! Now buy our new stuff.'
Those trying to pull ITGA (Internet Tough Guy Act) clearly must never have had a job to have the attitude they post with. Providing services to fix broken things and provide balance is a part of gaming, been that way since before Internet gaming existed and it is a part of many a business and service. The 'Man Up!' complainers also clearly spent too much time in extremist politics. Please take your own advice, Man Up! and leave your politics in the political arena where you have messed things up already. If I wanted to play a game of politics, I would have joined one or ran for office.
Edited by Wildstreak, 08 January 2015 - 09:23 AM.