Odins Fist, on 29 January 2015 - 05:34 PM, said:
Overall intel CPUs are better, that's a widely accepted fact across the board.
The only people that do NOT accept that fact are in denial or they have an agenda.
Boot up almost ANY RTS title with tons of units on a map and watch intel literally slap AMD around.
I watched an FX-8350 @4.8ghz go into chug-Lag mode 100% usage, while a 4770k @4.1ghz still had 20% CPU usage left to go and was not chug-lagged out on RTS like Forged Alliance modded, then SOASE modded in the same day at my place.
I don't care about converting video, neither do 99.9999% of the people I know that still argue about AMD CPUs versus intel CPUs..
It amazes me when people actually see an Intel chip NOT OC'd as high as an AMD chip out perform the AMD chip, and they STILL make excuses.
I skipped the ENTIRE FX series, I even still have 2 top end 990-FX Asus Mobos, got them before reviews were out for FX-series CPUs.. As soon as I saw the reviews I waited to see if the update of Bulldozer to Piledriver would make them worth the money to upgrade... IT DIDN'T. I kept my Phenom II thubans clocked them a little higher on water and forgot about FX-series CPUs.
Even AMD admitted that the FX-series CPUs were a flop... What more do you need to know..??
EDIT: I was an AMD guy for a decade, now i'm not.
That should say it all right there.
ALSO edited: 8350 was at 4.8 not 4.9 typo.
Lol.... I am neither that you have claimed me to be. Funny you should bring up a fan boy when replying to me.

From first hand experience, the only time I have ever seen my FX-8350 at 4.7-5ghz go to 100% use and throttle like you have claimed....is ummm like NEVER, LOL. I have even provided a fraps bench in above post with me compressing a 51gb fraps recording of a CW match to upload to Youtube and still didn't max my CPU out, close, but not what you have just claimed. Who's the fan boy? What more is there to say to you regarding this topic?

2015-01-14 22:15:41 - MWOClient
Frames: 5148 - Time: 180000ms - Avg: 28.600 - Min: 17 - Max: 54 River city with Windows movie encoding and compressing 51gb fraps Video in back ground
BTW... game play was fairly smooth still, and I believe I kicked some ass in that match. Fraps shows a different story to most of the die hard gotta have min 60 fps crowd, and that is fine. To each their own, but even under these extreme set of conditions, my FX-3850 at 5ghz hasn't held me back.
xWiredx, on 29 January 2015 - 05:36 PM, said:
We've tested what you've stated above to death and you are wrong. Factually wrong. We have lots and lots of numbers to prove it. There are threads with pages and pages of numbers. In fact, the Bill Lumbar you see slightly above your post, the guy posting about possibly building an Intel rig and getting a new monitor, contributed quite a few batches of numbers with his AMD system. He even started out saying the same things you just said.
The fact of the matter is that AMD CPUs lack the brute force to deal with the various things sitting under the hood of the more CPU-intensive settings (shadows, particles). At 4.2GhZ, Haswell showed something like 20-33% better performance than Piledriver at like 4.9 or 5.0GhZ.
Wired, I really don't think I sounded just like this, and I think I explained my stance on Amd, and Intel from the start. Maybe you and others misunderstood me? As I have stated before, Once a year or every other year I look to build a new gaming rig, or update/upgrade what I have. This year I really don't have a option to upgrade for Amd past what I already have. So, given that I play MWO as much as I do, (or as much as I once did in the last year) and from the claims that some of you are making, maybe its time to try out a newer Intel build. I remember back when I first got my Phenom II 940 BE and could of gone Intel right away and decided not to. Every body on Tomshardware, (mostly fan boys talking all kinds of crap) claimed how much better the C2quads were then the Phenom II's for gaming/everything.
After around a year I picked up a Q9550 for $149 at Microcenter and built a Intel rig, and my first Intel quad at that time. I really wasn't that impressed with it over my Phenom II 940 B.E. for gaming, granted when over clocked to 3.8-4ghz things got interesting and I did see a nice increase over the Phenom II with around the same OC. I understand that Intel pulled away from Amd further with the I5's and I7's, my only point is and was that if Amd processors handle my needs, meets my expectations,(I am not a easy sale and kinda picky) what does it matter?
If I upgrade with what I am looking at right now with the parts I listed and the monitor, I am dropping right at $1500, lucky for me I have plenty of good PSU's and other parts around that I don't have to pick up more then Ram, Motherboard, and CPU. Lucky for me I can sell off some lower spec systems now when I do build the new monster Intel rig. Should be interesting to see if I really can notice and feel the difference in MWO from my current main rig. Maybe I will be so impressed with the new 32" IPS monitor that I too will become a avid Intel fanboy.

Edited by Bill Lumbar, 29 January 2015 - 06:18 PM.