Kuritaclan, on 14 April 2015 - 03:00 PM, said:
I do not rambling about rng. I add up your concept with rng, to simulate a hit distribution. You also can define the postions for like 4 weapons at the circle on lets say 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, if you don't wanna add in rng. And if you do not adjust the radius you have the maximum range between all 4 hitpoints for those 4 weapons. However with rng the 4 weapons of the exampe do the same, what the lbx does to its shrapnel.
I'm agianst it because there are weapons wich do spread damage like a lbx or a srm - and there are weapons like ppc, who "should" hit what i aimed for (and because of velocity of it and relative movement of you and the enemy it does not hit 100% the part you aimed for) If i fire to much of them i get a heat penality.
Look at the pictures if you make the radius of this circle to short it does not matter for lets say 4 lasers, since the beam duration add in a natural displacment, however if you mage the radius to big it is a shotgun effect you have with the usage of more weapons. You add in modifiers, and they can be used to adjust. But to be honest i don't see how this will help. Alpha would be over in this case yes, but if you can not alpha your lets say 5+ lasers why bring them if you have a better alpha with natural spread weapons what do more damage with less penality like heat.
This is 200m! Now we are also talking of ppc and weapons named Extreme Range Large Laser. Now say me what is the correct degree of spread you would acept at 1000m that alpha is no longer available, but you may at least hit with one weapon? - you know how small the cone becomes, when you this little circle use on the low range, the spread is nearly not existent.
I appreciate what you have done, but i don't think it is a good solution. Another point is you have a linear scaling of weapons in your formula - if you wanna do something like that you may need a "ghost" if/then query, so that 2 weapons of the same kind are not hit with penality of this spread, but 4 get kicked hard for example - maybe an expotenital increase would help too.
You use your illustration as an example of "too much spread." I agree, for a battery of lasers. Now, for multiple gauss, fired on the run at high heat? Maybe, maybe not (anyone know how heat impacts the mag coils, and what deviation is allowed for the EMF in the gun at the various stages?). The point is that those spread values can be adjusted. You keep trying to argue with hyperbole, and it's nonsense. Not all numbers are less than 2 just because 1 is less than 2.
Edited by Dino Might, 14 April 2015 - 03:26 PM.