Yeonne Greene, on 13 April 2015 - 08:57 PM, said:
To close, I don't do ignore lists as a rule because I think everybody has potential for providing interesting and new perspectives and that getting bent out of shape over the internet is ridiculous, but I want you to know that your statements are such an eye-sore in terms of rational, logical progression that they might as well not exist.
Well i'm ok with the point: in terms of rational, logical progression that might as well not exist - Yes it is a fictional future and the problem talking about it is that this future is in parts unwritten/not specified. Also it has many attempts to clarify how things could work. There are diffrent approach where to set the tech base - However this techbase time claim is irrelevant, because it has to be consistent with one point that Battletech try to achive or the 1st rule of this fictional universe is: "everything needs to be possible in real world - There is no magic and there is no different physics." -
We are talking about so called "LosTech" - many do think everything is LosTech and assosiate the "bombing back into stone age" with said tech standards of our past for example this ww II alike claim. The LosTech characteristic describe by BattleTech is advanced Technology invented in the timeframe of the Star League (founded 2571) was not longer produced (for example Star-ships and BattleMechs) because factories and shipyards got destroyed/scientist got killed, scientific instutions and libraries got destroyed. However for a periode of nearly
500 years there was tech progress before the Star League -
this progress is not part of LosTech - and this part needs to be adressed, when it comes down to the second characteristic of LosTech difficulty to maintain the advanced tech of the Star League era. The timeframe between 1st sucession war around ~2780 and a next timepoint around ~3000 is over
200 years without bigger technological progress.
Sure mechanical parts could be maintained with a knowledge of the first half of the 20th century, but not the electronical part. You do not need a CNC-Tool to make parts with low tolerances, but 200 years of kludge, do not maintain electronic equipment of battlemechs, star-ships, infrastructure on the house planets with "replacing broken parts by parts out of salvage". Yes there are planets mentioned what set appart from the universe and degenerate into middle age, but they did not maintaine battlmechs and so on.
I think after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd sucessor war not to mention the border fights in between or in other words 250 years of battle, it is impossible to maintaine battlmech with star league advanced techlvl with only access to early 20th century based manufacturing technology. This is absurde and i think this mindset would be inconsistent! Subsystems like weapons, internal structur parts, armor, myomer and electronics need to be produced during the whole time to R&R the existing BattleMechs, Star-Ships and other techs which where available in the end of the 30th century of this future. Not at the same lvl alike of the Star League but at the Level achived in the 500 years before!
Also speaking about tech in MWO time ~3050 it seems you and others do not take into account the revival of tech in the first half of 31th century by rediscorvered data storage and the new universitys of NAIW and so on. Not to mention the Clan tech is advanced tech out of StarLeague time!
Yeonne Greene, on 13 April 2015 - 08:57 PM, said:
All I've been doing in here is clarifying that WWII-like fixed convergence makes sense given the back-story and enumerated capabilities of 'Mechs in BattleTech, that real life still does it, and that anything else is impractical in both contexts.
WWII-like tech base just makes no sense given the back-story and enumerated capabilities. Because i think examples like "computers to be an assistant in combat" of 500 years progress is far more advanced at what we had/have in first and second half of 20th century.
Yeonne Greene, on 13 April 2015 - 08:57 PM, said:
Sarcasm aside, I am quite sure that whatever is in Sarna is gospel for BattleTech or whatever. Neat. A few problems:
- You don't fully understand what you've been reading on Sarna or Wikipedia
- You are plugging your ears and singing a song when there is no lore to support an active convergence system
- You are telling yourself your own story about what a standard targeting computer can and cannot do
- You haven't comprehended about half of anything I have said
The real problem is:
- You and others don't understand how BattleTech-universe try to be a possible future out of or own past. You then deny a described 500 years tech progress - and come up with the "bombing into stoneage" missunderstanding, as a fully wipe out of any tech and introduce your WWII-story, while Battle Tech clearly say LosTech is all Tech invented during the time of StarLeague.
- You are plugging your ears, when nowaddays targeting computers and even targeting systems back in the 80s were capable to achive high accuracy fullfilling their task.
- You earase the lore of BattleTech and the assumed 500 year progress in tech, which was not wiped out, and need to be existent in this BattleTechUniverse to make the story of maintaining even further advanced technology invented during Star League era consistent!
Speaking of what is possible and what not. The problem that exists: Does MWO do it right with targeting systems. For me and for others it boil down to - autoconverge and targeting assistant to overcome deviation is a plausible thing for MWO taken the techbase of BattleTech into account.
Edited by Kuritaclan, 14 April 2015 - 07:34 AM.