Heffay, on 21 January 2015 - 02:31 PM, said:
Can't do that. This is a self-selecting survey, and only people interested in changing the heat scale will be interested enough in replying. Most people who are satisfied with the current system will just move on to the next post without bothering to reply.
I'm fairly certain I can do whatever I want with this thread. If I want to count everyone from House Liao as a No-vote, I'll do that. If I want to count the votes of anyone whose name rhymes with Elephant as ten votes, I'll do that.
It's obviously not scientific. Even if I could do a poll, which PGI has declared is the work of the devil, I still would have a very poor sample group of MWO players. So I'll just do a quick and dirty yes / no count. Even if you assume I am under some obligation to do this in a scientific fashion, I don't have the means to do it anyway.
And one other thing - if you want to be scientific about it, let's put your hypothesis to the test. I suggest you start a handful of threads where you propose a change to a number of game elements that are likely well-liked by most players. For example, you could suggest that Clan mechs should be able to carry Inner Sphere weapons, or you could suggest removing engine caps from all mechs in the game, or you could suggest that torso-twisting should be done manually with keyboard buttons as in MW2. Now, I think you'll find that those threads will get an overwhelmingly negative feedback from the other players. It's simply not true that people who are satisfied with the status quo will ignore new suggestions. There are plenty of people on this forum who regularly defend the status quo. So while it is true that this is a self-selecting survey, it's not a given that the results completely misrepresent the players.
Edited by Alistair Winter, 21 January 2015 - 03:38 PM.