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How Cw Become A Horrible Experience For Players

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#241 mekabuser


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 10:31 PM

well voip is otw, so that will help, but it would certainly ALSO help if there were some type of system whereby one earns rank or credit for being a good commander. That way, people will have a better understanding WHOM to listen to when voip does arive.
THO, with the recent numbers ive seen, it wouldnt take long to know who is who.

from my pov, things have gotten progressively worse facing the clans, THeir meta , so ecm heavy, so boat streak this, one shot that, c er er er large boat that.. its
distasteful , excessive , specially when team x has a d i st inct advantage.

perhaps its me,

#242 Karpundir


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 10:37 PM

The worst part of CW (IMO) are the solo players who end up hurting their teams' chances of winning by absolutely refusing to do any teamwork or get on a faction TS server to communicate AND THEN COMPLAIN THAT FIGHTING ORGANIZED TEAMS ARE UNFAIR!!! I love nothing more than solo players who actually perform as if they were in my unit and fighting by my side.

To improve your personal CW experience and win more often, follow these easy steps:

1. Join your main faction TS and bookmark the most relevant larger unit TS servers. They will welcome you in their TS if you happen to be a part of their drop. Larger units form premades and would much prefer the solo players to get on TS to increase the effectiveness of the premade group's efforts. Thankfully, PGI is implementing faction chat, a TS VOIP feature and an LFG feature, so this should get easier real soon.

2. Find a unit you like and JOIN said unit. Not sure about a unit? Then spend a week or 2 to feel out the units you think you can call home and learn about the unit's recruitment criteria and process.

3. If you insist on never joining a unit, then at least ask for directions and FOLLOW them when you get in a drop. Almost every CW drop will have someone who steps up and calls the shots. Listen to that person instead of blowing them off with assumptions that they don't know what they are doing. Chances are pretty good that this impromptu Drop Commander has a high degree of success working within their unit and is trying to relay successful tactics.

4. Play the RIGHT MECHS for CW (typically 1-2 long range, 1 fast light/med and 1 light killer or high DPS short-medium range brawler) and please avoid trial, non-elited Mechs. CW is not the place to level up new Mechs, as your underperforming Mechs will be a drag on team performance, as well as your own, thereby affecting many peoples' CW experience... not just your own. You should be prepared to change Mechs in your MechBay depending on whether or not you get an attack or defense. On defense, you will want a light killer, but on the attack you would be better off with something that can either kill gens quickly or win a ranged attrition battle. Pay attention to the map you get, as it should influence you to change at least 1 Mech.

5. If you insist on playing solo, then do not complain about fighting premade teams or teams who are clearly outfighting you due to comms use or better tactics. Zerg-rushing is a ******, but perfectly viable tactic.... bust out the light killer or med range brawler if you find you are against a team who is known for zerg-rushing.

6. Don't burn through your Mechs faster than the enemy. Once your team is down a Mech, it changes the psychology/confidence of both teams. On the last Mech? Stay out of danger, because you will be needed in the later game when there is a rush or final push made.

#243 Mystere


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 10:54 PM

View PostAx2Grind, on 02 February 2015 - 10:08 PM, said:

:rolleyes: Mystere, your my hero. I still want my legs back. And if that is abusive then by golly I just don't know any other way and I don't want to.

J. Paul Getty collected art. Elizabeth Taylor collected men. I collect legs.

You have a much better chance of getting something back from this guy:

Posted Image


#244 Deathlike


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 01:38 AM

The effort require to get better at the game requires you.

Suggesting anything else is contrary to reality.

#245 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 03:38 AM

View PostMystere, on 02 February 2015 - 10:54 PM, said:

J. Paul Getty collected art. Elizabeth Taylor collected men. I collect legs.

You have a much better chance of getting something back from this guy:

Posted Image


Strange. I did not see you in game Yesterday... Are you farming out your leg collecting to other players? Many a leg went missing. :huh:

:lol: :lol:

#246 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 03:43 AM

View Postoldradagast, on 02 February 2015 - 07:19 PM, said:

Actually, you quite possibly are luckier if you haven't seen little more than one-sided rolls.

I freely admit that's basically all my CW experiences were - I won a hair more than I lost, but very few of the games were remotely worth playing. The vast majority had an obvious victory decided at the match pairing screen, which is why I walked away from it - why waste my time with a game mode like that?

Maybe other folks - such as yourself - have gotten luckier, and that's cool. But based on the general feelings around this forum from folks who posted in anger and who know doubt left after seeing that nobody cared two wits about what they had to say, I suspect a good chunk of the population has shared my CW experience.

I think all the "tryhards" you are looking for are in teh solo Que Rad. At least it felt that way yesterday. All I wanted was one Kill. So I could hear my new Star League Horn, Just one! 7 Games later 2 Wins 5 losses 0 kills Heck 499 High damage. Every loss a roll both wins hard fought. This is with a Match Maker. Rolls don't just happen in teh CW Que dude. MM doesn't make them go away either.

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 03 February 2015 - 03:44 AM.

#247 oldradagast


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 04:18 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 03 February 2015 - 03:43 AM, said:

I think all the "tryhards" you are looking for are in teh solo Que Rad. At least it felt that way yesterday. All I wanted was one Kill. So I could hear my new Star League Horn, Just one! 7 Games later 2 Wins 5 losses 0 kills Heck 499 High damage. Every loss a roll both wins hard fought. This is with a Match Maker. Rolls don't just happen in teh CW Que dude. MM doesn't make them go away either.

I never said a matchmaker prevented rolls, but it does reduce them. Keep the following in mind:

1) A system that at least tries to match people by skill by definition has fewer rolls than systems that ignore skill and just toss people together at random. For example, in the Public queue it is literally impossible for 12 PUG's to be rolled by a 12-man team. Why? Because PUG's don't get dropped into the team Public queue.

2) Even if a roll does happen in the Public queue, it's over in 5 minutes. It doesn't drag out to 15 or longer as it does in the CW game mode. Rolls are bad. Rolls that take forever to play out their inevitable conclusion are worse.

You may remember the worst of your Public matches more than I do, and that's fine, but the math and facts support my above statements.

Edited by oldradagast, 03 February 2015 - 04:20 AM.

#248 oldradagast


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 04:22 AM

View PostDeathlike, on 03 February 2015 - 01:38 AM, said:

The effort require to get better at the game requires you.

Suggesting anything else is contrary to reality.

And suggesting that newer players should be given no tools to get better at CW except "join a team and get on coms" is contrary to reality. If that's all it took to "get good," new MWO players could go from "bads" to "leet" in 5 minutes.

Again, I have yet to see a single valid argument against giving newer and casual players a way to be eased into CW. All I see is "get good or get rekted!" followed by obstinate refusal to give those same players the tools needed to "get good."

Edited by oldradagast, 03 February 2015 - 04:22 AM.

#249 Yokaiko


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 04:36 AM

View Postoldradagast, on 03 February 2015 - 04:22 AM, said:

And suggesting that newer players should be given no tools to get better at CW except "join a team and get on coms" is contrary to reality. If that's all it took to "get good," new MWO players could go from "bads" to "leet" in 5 minutes.

They damn near can.

#250 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 04:44 AM

View Postoldradagast, on 03 February 2015 - 04:18 AM, said:

I never said a matchmaker prevented rolls, but it does reduce them. Keep the following in mind:

1) A system that at least tries to match people by skill by definition has fewer rolls than systems that ignore skill and just toss people together at random. For example, in the Public queue it is literally impossible for 12 PUG's to be rolled by a 12-man team. Why? Because PUG's don't get dropped into the team Public queue.

2) Even if a roll does happen in the Public queue, it's over in 5 minutes. It doesn't drag out to 15 or longer as it does in the CW game mode. Rolls are bad. Rolls that take forever to play out their inevitable conclusion are worse.

You may remember the worst of your Public matches more than I do, and that's fine, but the math and facts support my above statements.

Do you read the MM broke threads? Rolls happen in abundance using teh MM.
1) Though it is not common 12 man Sync drops can still happen in PUGs.

2) A roll will still take 15 minutes in CW due to 3 Respawns and time to trudge back to the fight.

The math does not support your statement. PUGs refuse to acknowledge that Attrition is the leading cause of stomps. No MM can calculate for that. At least not yet.

I had 5 out of 7 Rough rolls yesterday. Yes the my memory of it quite fresh. And in every game Yesterday The better team won.

View Postoldradagast, on 03 February 2015 - 04:22 AM, said:

And suggesting that newer players should be given no tools to get better at CW except "join a team and get on coms" is contrary to reality. If that's all it took to "get good," new MWO players could go from "bads" to "leet" in 5 minutes.

Again, I have yet to see a single valid argument against giving newer and casual players a way to be eased into CW. All I see is "get good or get rekted!" followed by obstinate refusal to give those same players the tools needed to "get good."
The best way to ease them in is to play a few matches in CW and figure out how to play different there than in Open. Practice in Open then try again in CW. rinse wash repeat. You will eventually gain teh experience needed to compete in CW.

#251 Mystere


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 05:57 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 03 February 2015 - 03:38 AM, said:

Strange. I did not see you in game Yesterday... Are you farming out your leg collecting to other players? Many a leg went missing. :huh:

:lol: :lol:

I currently have an injured left wrist, which I rely on for my collection activities. :(

But, I am so glad to hear I have set an example. :lol:



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Posted 03 February 2015 - 06:03 AM

If a few more people would block old radagast maybe he would go away. I have a feeling you are all posting from work and he is your main entertainment though,so carry on ;)

#253 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 06:10 AM

My secret is out.

#254 Deathlike


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 09:43 AM

View Postoldradagast, on 03 February 2015 - 04:22 AM, said:

And suggesting that newer players should be given no tools to get better at CW except "join a team and get on coms" is contrary to reality. If that's all it took to "get good," new MWO players could go from "bads" to "leet" in 5 minutes.

I've never said we shouldn't have those tools... in fact we need them ASAP. The problem lies upon PGI to provide them. That is not a playerbase requirement..

The players however need to invest in finding good teams or good players or using VOIP (it does not have to be built in to be used) and do some level of research and effort to get better. Failing that however guarantees nothing.

Things cannot be given to players on a silver platter... they have to work for it and find out by asking questions and realizing there is lots to learn before they even be remotely competent. Still, PGI on its end has to do everything like create more built-in tutorials that should ease the learning curve... which should be a hill-climb instead of a mountain climb.


Again, I have yet to see a single valid argument against giving newer and casual players a way to be eased into CW. All I see is "get good or get rekted!" followed by obstinate refusal to give those same players the tools needed to "get good."

There's nothing wrong with finding ways to ease into CW. The question ultimately comes to how PGI is supposed to go about it. Making an "optional" skill based MM does not solve that... it would only serve to screw existing problems with the current state of CW. There's making life easier for players... and then there's lowering the quality of the players involved in any match. Skill in the game is vast, but the gulf between the "above average player" and the "semi-average player" is just too much... and something has to give OUTSIDE of "leveling the playing field" making the less experienced player "feel better" through artificial means. You have to play the best to be best... and not be stuck in some sort of self-proclaimed status.

All the things you need to "get better" in CW is SHOULD technically be assisted by the non-CW MM which IS skill-based. Even that is not a perfect solution, but understand what needs to be done AND winning consistently are important indicators that one is ready for CW. Trying to fit in a CW-MM modification does not really "resolve this" outside of "lowering the bar" and making CW matches a lot more like the public non-CW queues with a significant wait time. That's just not a healthy solution considering the state of the game.

#255 Yokaiko


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 10:57 AM

View Postoldradagast, on 03 February 2015 - 04:18 AM, said:

I never said a matchmaker prevented rolls, but it does reduce them. Keep the following in mind:

1) A system that at least tries to match people by skill by definition has fewer rolls than systems that ignore skill and just toss people together at random. For example, in the Public queue it is literally impossible for 12 PUG's to be rolled by a 12-man team. Why? Because PUG's don't get dropped into the team Public queue.

2) Even if a roll does happen in the Public queue, it's over in 5 minutes. It doesn't drag out to 15 or longer as it does in the CW game mode. Rolls are bad. Rolls that take forever to play out their inevitable conclusion are worse.

You may remember the worst of your Public matches more than I do, and that's fine, but the math and facts support my above statements.

12-2 12-3 is a VERY common outcome with the matchmaker.

I don't know what game you are playing, but its not MWO.

#256 Davers


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 11:12 AM

Great games don't just 'happen'. Great games are created by both teams using intelligent tactics and fighting tooth and nail for victory using every trick they know. If people play poorly, such as attacking enemy forces entrenched in superior positions, then you will not have an epic battle- you will have one team rolling another. All too often people just 'walk to the red triangles' or just follow the blob and end up in terrible fighting positions.

Edited by Davers, 03 February 2015 - 11:12 AM.

#257 Bigbacon


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 11:23 AM

The real fix for CW is also the problem facing CW.

I'm going to define "Casual" players as solo folks, unorganized units, and small groups

1. Needs to be fun for the casual players (solos and groups) (well make CW more fun in general which is coming throughout the year)
2. It needs more casuals to play it.

the more casuals that play CW, the less chance you have to end up in a round against a competitive team (of any size and number of units)

This may be greatly helped when the faction grouping and VOIP comes into play.

it only 1 out 10 rounds is a comprolfstomp I think people would stick around more. Right now it just seems that happens more often than not, lets say 6 out 10 rounds and that is because more comp players are sticking to CW and the casuals just sort of fill in the blanks.

Rolfstomping can never be fixed so obviously you'll always get some of those.

so....needs to be fun...needs more casuals.

Edited by Bigbacon, 03 February 2015 - 11:25 AM.

#258 King Kuranes


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 11:50 AM

View PostDuszanovsky, on 26 January 2015 - 10:23 AM, said:

Thing is, CW has become nightmarish. It is now dominated by IS 12-man stompers, focused on overusing PPC TDR-9 builds. It's simply ridiculous. Every game the scenario for 12 mans against randoms makes it unplayable. On the "cold" map any random team attacking is just sniped from a distance and killed by organized push, up to the point of spawn killing. Really? Is this the way you want to almost every match to be played out in 12-man against random scenario? This was to be intended CW experience for casual CW players? You're on a best way to even more shrink the player base for CW.

How can someone not notice that TDR-9 is completely OP when used in 12 man scenario? It's just a long range damage spamming mode that almost cannot be countered by casuals.

I really wish Clan players who complain constantly about the TDR-9S would try to counter the Timber Wolf/Stormcrow push with IS Mechs

#259 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 11:52 AM

View PostMatviTank, on 03 February 2015 - 11:50 AM, said:

I really wish Clan players who complain constantly about the TDR-9S would try to counter the Timber Wolf/Stormcrow push with IS Mechs

Gauss and AC20 crabs?

#260 Yokaiko


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 11:53 AM

View PostMatviTank, on 03 February 2015 - 11:50 AM, said:

I really wish Clan players who complain constantly about the TDR-9S would try to counter the Timber Wolf/Stormcrow push with IS Mechs

I have actually, I'm not a loyalist, I play both sides.

....of course I don't have a real issue with the -9S The -5SS is MUCH scarier as a defensive mech.

The -9S is a head scratcher, the quirk makes no sense, if you put those quirks on a AWS-9M it would be bad ass, faster, cooler, more armor it would ALMOST make up for being a barn door.
.....but the thud that had a single arm PPC? Da fuq? Either way its solid, but FAR from game breaking.

Edited by Yokaiko, 03 February 2015 - 11:56 AM.

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