Holdfast, on 04 March 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
I did a much smaller analysis of my win / loss record (
http://mwomercs.com/...44#entry4190544) where it leveled out at after something like 350 matches:
My first 30 matches, which includes mastering the mech (not really relevant): Win ratio: 1.73
The next 341 matches: Win ratio: 1.38
The latest 187 matches: Win ratio: .99
I'm no where near being elite, so the pool of people I end up pugging with is still fairly large. I rarely recognize the names, one way or another. But yah, I agree with the conclusion that ELO works, for whatever that's worth.
Nice, always interesting to read data like this! I couldn't read out from your post how many games you had in mediums before you started recording so in your case it could definitely be an Elo climb. In my case I now have 5500 recorded drops on the stats page, so I would have had 5000+ drops before my first match in this dataset. With such a long baseline before measuring, the stats I recorded manually should not be related to my Elo going up I think, unless I made a skill quantum leap lol.
What I wanted to catch was the streakyness of solo games, and that started out rather well with one or two win/loss streaks, then I just started winning, and then suddenly on the 26. or 27. January (27. was a tuesday, was there a patch?) the graph became (unnaturally) flat. My archived stats say w/l ratio 1.121 over 5500 games, but after that date it's deadlocked on 1.000 for 300 games. Not the biggest sample, but the impression is that there is less I can do to affect the outcome of each match now. Perhaps I am just a late arriver to the infamous Elo hell.