Gyrok, on 03 February 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:
1.) You conveniently did not screen cap the flying insults that spurred those remarks, there were an hour of fights, and the screen never stopped flashing red text from my side...
2.) CWI only helped with CGB when there was literally nothing to attack but CJF or CGB. This evening, before you cut us off again, they were stuck on running up a steiner planet that CWDG pushed to 86% before coming out to see 60+/36 in the queue and realizing there was no way the world would be lost.
3.) I do not hold personal grudges. YOUR unit began calling out how often they had killed me all evening...with UBC and several others announcing in the global chat every time I fell. If you think my response to you was petty, what do you think your entire group was to me? Are you going to try to hand wave justify it because...reasons? What do you think that made you look like to the entire group of players facing you? You think they look at you all as professionals? Upstanding guys, with class? Not one of them think anything positive of your unit after those fights. As a matter of fact, considering what some of them said, I was quite polite in translation.
Additionally, you have no idea how YOUR unit leader, Antonius Rex, has trolled me continually when I have tried to seek cessation of hostilities. I was asking your group, the ones who wrote the ceasefire to begin with, to honor their own words. Your unit leader then tried to deny that it ever happened, and then when reminded of the post, remarked..."Oh, well that ended long soon as we got bored". When I tried to discuss reasonable options, he gave me troll demands about letting them take 20 worlds from Wolf or whatever it took to allow them to pass through to CJF. This went on since 4 days after the ceasefire was declared in week 1 of the beta (6 weeks!!!!).
If you had nothing to do with the rest of your members conduct, then I salute you for being an actual human being.
However, to be associated with people who would openly insult other to incite the sorts of remarks you posted above, then come in here posting one side of a conversation and playing innocent is beneath anyone with a conscious. That might be *YOUR* side of it...however, I wish I had screen caps of all the mad trash talking from your side. Blatantly and openly insulting.
I suggest you find a new group of friends if you do not want to be associated with those sorts of people. Because frankly, the reputation that MS is wracking up in CW among other places is the following:
1.) They abide by agreements until inconvenient.
2.) They distort things to manipulate public opinion and try to seem like the good guys.
3.) You cannot trust them beyond the time frame their short term memory lasts.
As much respect as I had for Antonius Rex before all this started when I knew him from some interactions in MCW, I would have thought that a unit run by him would never stoop to such levels of hatred and insults in matches as what we saw. After all this, I honestly have zero respect for anyone wearing those tags. You are now guilty by association. Sorry...thank your comrades.
1) As I stated that was not the complete chat log. I posted the screen shots that I had. Did players on my team throw insults your way? Most likely, and yes if not before that specific reply that have done it before and since and I'm sure they're are some players who will probably do it again. Let's face it, some people like to get a rise out of other people and you're an easy target. This was also the first match that we had against you that night so it wasn't in a match before that.
Let me be clear though, you stated that you
never insulted the mercs. That's completely false. You made a specific claim and I refuted it with evidence from a specific, documented example.
2) CWI has done far more for Wolf than CWDG in game (and in my opinion out). Do numbers play a role in this? Absolutely, but it doesn't change the fact that they've tagged far more planets and that if you didn't have their support at times Wolf would have done nothing against GB.
3) Maybe you don't, but you certainly give that impression. Did people call you out when they killed you in those matches? Absolutely. Do you know why? Because you posted about showing us up on the battlefield and you couldn't back up your claims. I'm not trying to justify anything on my end. It happened, it was a petty thing to do (funny perhaps, but petty).
This doesn't change the fact that what you did was petty. I personally didn't insult you or call you out and I can't dictate what my teammates decide to do. You can however decide what you do and what you did was petty. "They called me names so it's okay for me to call them names" is a child's argument. You could hold yourself to a higher standard, but you choose not to. If you give it you can't complain about receiving it. (I'm not complaining about being called out, just using this to illustrate my point about you being petty.)
Also, what you said was not polite compared to what was said. I don't recall anything that was quite as straightforwardly insulting as what you said. You may have been trolled some, but you literally just said your response was quite polite because -MS- said such horrible things, yet again you have no proof to back up your role as victim.
I am not claiming you haven't been insulted or egged on (whether or not that was deserved is another matter entirely). What I am doing is refuting a claim that you made that was clearly false by using evidence. I would suggest that for the future you collect evidence to back up your claims, that would make your arguments much more believable.
You appear to have no problem blacklisting anyone in -MS-, a unit with >200 players, based on the actions of a few vocal members (Hybrid comes to mind among others). That is your choice and I understand that my association with -MS- will have its consequences.
Does it surprise you then that CWDG (and at one point most of Clan Wolf) have been blacklisted based on your actions?
If I'm guilt by association with -MS- so be it. I'm not mad, it doesn't bother me. You can be insulting, you can be petty if you want. Don't try to act as if you have the moral high ground though. Your conduct hasn't been better than those you accuse and you've been shown to be prone to making up stories that fit your purposes when it suits you.
I already stated that I wouldn't be commenting on the issue as a whole at this time so I won't address your other points.
My advice for you going forward:
1) Calm down, let cooler heads prevail.
2) Take a step back and look at how your actions and words might come across to someone on the other side.
3) Start documenting things so that you can back up future claims.
4) Keep a low profile for a while. At this point you've become a target that's easily rallied against. Do you really think that you're going to accomplish much by continuing to argue?
5) Keep hyperbole to a minimum. Making exaggerated statements doesn't help your credibility.
In closing, I don't harbor any animosity towards you Gyrok, but if you post things that are verifiable not true I will call you out on it.