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The Bear-Wolf Conflict

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#41 Duvanor


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 04:26 AM

I do not mind fighting on CGB territory for a change but I object attacks on the Falcons and would prefer an IS lane. Ah well, we can still defend for other Clans.

#42 Pat Kell


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 05:33 AM

Areyse, what I think is meant by cutting off is that if CJF and CGB collide south of your border, you will be effectively cut off in the sense that you're only attack lane would almost certainly have to go through one of us. I have argued that CJF needs to stay away from FRR in order to prevent doing this to you but I was outvoted it seems and now we have a border with CGB. You guys aren't cut off completely yet but if you don't get an attack lane into Steiner soon, it may happen. Wish you the best of luck and my unit plans to stay focused on Steiner whenever possible.

#43 Carrion Hound


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 05:57 AM

Just give me an enemy to fight, that's all I care about.

#44 Czarr


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 06:33 AM

JF has a large number of oceanic and russian players, they have attacks going on non stop. They just flipped a planet on the morning ceasefire

they will break the wolf if they even tried to make an attack into JF territory, but hey if that's the only place they have to attack then so be it

#45 Azerius Mezinar


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 06:58 AM

Antonius, I have several problems with your claims, and while I may be CWDG at the moment, I am going to refrain from stooping to the level of disrespect that you have shown Gyrok in this post (and that your people have shown us in prior games).

#1 - You say that all you ever wanted was to attack Jade Falcon - That's a load of bunk on so many levels because while you were with Steiner, you had EVERY opportunity to attack Jade Falcon. Instead, you and Comstar decided to wreck havoc on our lanes, and nearly pushing us back to the Rock. Furthermore, Ghost bear actually came out ahead, as before, we were neck-and-neck in our push toward Terra.

#2 - With your more recent attacks, resulting in retaliation against Ghost Bear for their continued treachery (seeing as, at this point, they've made it abundantly clear they were waging a shadow war against Clan Wolf by using the mercs to take our worlds, and then declare us invaders when we tried to retake them), you've effectively allowed CJF to cut into our attack lane; we actually almost had their island surrounded until your continued aggression forced us to peel off to defend our worlds [and prevent us from being cut off, thereby ending our ability to press southward].

#3 - As has been said before by Gyrok, and even myself, if you had wanted to just fight Falcon so badly, you could have also joined up with Clan Wolf, but word on the street at the time had it that you would not join Clan Wolf simply because of Gyrok - guilt by association. All factions would have been able to advanced to Terra just fine had it not been for Mercstar/Comstar (and a brief stint by ACES just to say they've joined the club in attacking Wolf lol) sabotaging Clan Wolf in favor of Ghost Bear advancing toward Terra. And now, Ghost bear has completely sandwiched the Jade Falcon Island in the south, forcing us to attack Ghost bear in the South even if we had decided to go against CJF to get an attack lane open that would get us as southward as possible.

What I believe is really happening is you've campaigned to open up as many attack lanes as humanly possible to get in as many fights as humanly possible. And while it is claimed that you want to fight for Wolf, let's be brutally honest here, every time you've switched to a different faction, your actions have always benefited Ghost Bear first and foremost, and any "contributions" you bring to Clan wolf would solely entail taking Jade Falcon worlds (if that opens up a lane into Steiner, then I wouldn't be opposed to taking a Falcon world, but it seems fairly unanimous that we've no desire to hold worlds taken from Jade Falcon).

However, I will admit that fighting Mercstar repeatedly has made me a better Mech Pilot, and it beats fighting uncoordinated pugs any day, in spite of the vulgarity of some of your members.

As for the Marik claims of there being no mercs in Liao - actually, Murder, and one other unit (headed by some of the folks that were with Clan Coyote, and then left before the Clan Coyote under Mezlo Steele was absorbed into Clan Wolf Omega Galaxy, and then Clan Wolf International/Alpha Galaxy.) are fighting under the banner of Liao if I recall correctly.

In any event, good luck and have fun. :)

View PostAntonius Rex, on 31 January 2015 - 05:44 PM, said:


I am writing this to inform those who are interested, that the -MS- led war of aggression against Clan Wolf is now over.

Our objectives, known for over 6 weeks at this point, have been achieved. Bear finally has their attack lane into Falcon, and within a few days, will have another into Steiner.

As mentioned both in person and in forum posts, our goal has always been to open up another attack lane for Ghost Bear. When ever we engage Wolf in battle, it is always after we have taken the FRR and Kurita lane to 100%, and we have nothing else to do. It isn't anything personal, and in fact, we have gained quite a bit of respect for a number of wolf units in this conflict. Specifically, CWI, SWoL and GK.

As mentioned before, our goal has always been to open up another attack lane, either into falcon or steiner, that the bears can work towards, rather than being forced to attack our frenemies in wolf, due to lack of anything else to do.

I envision a glorious day where Wolf and Bear can work together for the common cause of pushing to Terra. We have also been in the beginnings of Contract negotiations to possibly secure MS and possibly some of her other allies, for a stint or two fighting for Wolf.

I have been involved in numerous conversations with CWI leadership, on a nearly daily basis at this point, and the discussions are very encouraging. Let me just say that I look forward to the coming day that MS will get to work with our Wolf brothers in glory.

With regards to the recent wolf attacks, and the wolf planets currently under Bear control:

We will defend all planets under our control. Not just MS, but all of Ghost Bear. We welcome the fights, and frankly, do not take any of it personally. But we will defend the territory we have bled for.

That being said, Ghost Bear, and MS specifically, know well the sadness of limited attack lanes. And the reality is, Wolf is taking a heavy turn getting screwed by PGI's CW planet algorithm. GB knows what its like :)
You guys should have had a Steiner lane for quite a while now.

Here is what I would like to propose. And for the record, this is more than any faction has offered to us, Wolf included (Though there were a few Wolf Leaders who were willing to work with us, but sadly not enough to make anything happen).

If/When a GB planet opens up to wolf for attack, and it is in a position that would advance Wolf's goals of reopening their FRR/Steiner lanes, MS, and I suspect all of Ghost Bear, would be willing to let Wolf take the planet uncontested. Or at the very least, lightly contested.

MS truly does understand the ****** map algorithm. And I believe we are willing to work with Wolf to open up lanes that will allow us to work together the way we were meant to be.

So, if a GB planet opens up that would be strategically advantageous to wolf, in order to reopen their IS attack lanes, MS, and likely all of Ghost Bear, would be willing to give you that planet in the interest of peace and building a Wolf/Bear future together. Possibly even multiple planets.

I would only request that Wolf contacts GB and MS and lets us know that you are coming to take said valued planets. You can always find us on the mercenarystar ts.

pass: metagame

Letting us know your intentions will go a long way to avoid any "unnecessary" bloodshed. Not to mention Wolf can only take GB planets by ghost dropping us to victory. Lets be honest, MS has a 90+% win rate. Wolf only wins when they can outnumber Bear 2:1 and take the planet by default.

So, let us know when there is a useful planet that will get you closer to taking back your IS lanes. We are willing to work with Wolf to get you guys to where you want to be.

Lastly, I just wanted to mention again, and for the record, that Gyrok sucks.

The most recent Wolf-Bear conflict is directly the result of Gyrok, and CWDG's actions in the sacking of New Caladonia. If that planet had been left alone, we were only 1 jump from competing our objectives, and with said completion, the most recent war with Wolf would have been avoided. Completely.

But alas, poop heads will be poop heads.

We do not hold all of Clan Wolf responsible for said ******'s actions, but we would like to not be ever associated with one of his repute. We are very open to working with Wolf, but not them. They are outcasts to us, forever to be hated, until the time that Gyrok steps down from his position of leadership.

But on a brighter note, MS is done attacking Wolf. We have achieved our goals. And we are also willing to let Wolf take a few of our planets in order to get back the IS lanes they need to feed their people. (Salmon for everyone?)

We look forward to our future with Wolf, and look forward to any Wolf responses from anyone other than the most despised fool.

Antonius Rex,
of The Swords of Kentares,
and The MercStar Alliance

Posted Image

Edited by Azerius Mezinar, 01 February 2015 - 07:01 AM.

#46 Czarr


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 07:03 AM

To answer #1, MS and CI were both house steiner but left cause Jade Falcon was kicking the living snot out of them. Their stratgey of constant no skill tbolt PPC spam didn't work. Thats why their are zero Steiner planets with MS tags on it, cause JF steamrolled them. So they ran to clan ghost bear to attack easier targets, just goes to show they don't want competition. They want easy planets, keep fighting them CWDG. Their entire purpose is to use clan wolf as pawns for their greater schemes

Edited by Czarr, 01 February 2015 - 07:05 AM.

#47 hybrid black


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 09:46 AM

View PostCzarr, on 01 February 2015 - 07:03 AM, said:

To answer #1, MS and CI were both house steiner but left cause Jade Falcon was kicking the living snot out of them. Their stratgey of constant no skill tbolt PPC spam didn't work. Thats why their are zero Steiner planets with MS tags on it, cause JF steamrolled them. So they ran to clan ghost bear to attack easier targets, just goes to show they don't want competition. They want easy planets, keep fighting them CWDG. Their entire purpose is to use clan wolf as pawns for their greater schemes

Oh my friend you are so misinformed and on your high horse it’s not even funny

1) MercStar took 18 planets in 1 week being Steiner fighting flacon back and wolf, they were all lost after we left but that’s fine planets don’t mean anything

2) We have been one week on one week off with ghost bear since day one of CW ( we have clan Kodiak in MS and there ghost bear and the only unit in MS to have clan ties so why not)

3) You want to talk about easy targets? Turret dropping Steiner and Kurita is hard I bet and Davion is so spread out they can’t have more then 20-30 people on a planet, and next to no comp teams fight you. Want to prove you are so bad ass? Let’s scrim if not lets end this hear since you are no longer worth anyone time.


here is a quote from you
"It's like this every night and of course you win your playing the game on easy mode being a CSJ cause House Kurita has no player population. Exactly like i said, CW is dead and no one is playing anymore"

maybe down there its dead with no one to play but up here with all the big boys, 228th, remnant, lords,EMP, CWI, QQ, -SA-, NS, and a long list of 12 man coming up to fight us from other IS houses, there's is no shortage of good fights all the time

i very much enjoy the power hours up here back to back 12 mans no waits for games.

Edited by hybrid black, 01 February 2015 - 10:01 AM.

#48 Carrion Hound


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 11:02 AM

Unlike some, I have respect for those who decide they wish to fight against Clan Wolf, and it's warriors. It also takes alot more stones and backbone to admit that you have respect for your opponent than to slam them and then scurry away under a rock. I'm tired of this political Maneuvering, and I'm frankly tired of wanton disrespect directed at both sides when it does fly. I may just be one single warrior who speaks his mind, and has oft stated that his opinion and statements should not be reflected upon Clan Wolf's greater population, but as I said: It takes more stones and backbone to respect your opponent, than it does to insult them.

To any of you that have a issue with my words, take it up with me personally. We'll settle the differences without causing unneccesary bullshit and stupidity.

Edited by Carrion Hound, 01 February 2015 - 11:03 AM.

#49 Aresye


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 11:46 AM

View PostAzerius Mezinar, on 01 February 2015 - 06:58 AM, said:

quoted text below

So much misinformation. Granted, some of this stuff will always be subjective based off how much trust is placed on someone's word, but others are literally right in front of your face and cannot be argued, especially...

View PostAzerius Mezinar, on 01 February 2015 - 06:58 AM, said:

#1 - You say that all you ever wanted was to attack Jade Falcon - That's a load of bunk on so many levels because while you were with Steiner, you had EVERY opportunity to attack Jade Falcon. Instead, you and Comstar decided to wreck havoc on our lanes, and nearly pushing us back to the Rock. Furthermore, Ghost bear actually came out ahead, as before, we were neck-and-neck in our push toward Terra.

This is a completely false, bs statement. Perhaps you missed the part the Falcons were losing about a planet a day to MS and CI when they were Steiner? MS and CI were also not the main ones pushing us back. They took our southwest planets near the Steiner and CJF border, but the main brunt of us getting pushed back came from the comp teams in FRR.

View PostAzerius Mezinar, on 01 February 2015 - 06:58 AM, said:

#2 - With your more recent attacks, resulting in retaliation against Ghost Bear for their continued treachery (seeing as, at this point, they've made it abundantly clear they were waging a shadow war against Clan Wolf by using the mercs to take our worlds, and then declare us invaders when we tried to retake them), you've effectively allowed CJF to cut into our attack lane; we actually almost had their island surrounded until your continued aggression forced us to peel off to defend our worlds [and prevent us from being cut off, thereby ending our ability to press southward].

We could not surround CJF's island because the map stopped giving us a Steiner attack vector. Furthermore, the Falcons were attacking FRR worlds that were available for THEM to attack. Those worlds weren't open to us, so we couldn't have taken them even if we wanted too.

View PostAzerius Mezinar, on 01 February 2015 - 06:58 AM, said:

#3 - As has been said before by Gyrok, and even myself, if you had wanted to just fight Falcon so badly, you could have also joined up with Clan Wolf, but word on the street at the time had it that you would not join Clan Wolf simply because of Gyrok - guilt by association. All factions would have been able to advanced to Terra just fine had it not been for Mercstar/Comstar (and a brief stint by ACES just to say they've joined the club in attacking Wolf lol) sabotaging Clan Wolf in favor of Ghost Bear advancing toward Terra. And now, Ghost bear has completely sandwiched the Jade Falcon Island in the south, forcing us to attack Ghost bear in the South even if we had decided to go against CJF to get an attack lane open that would get us as southward as possible.

The main reason MS won't join Wolf is because they're a collection of multiple units, and one of their units is CK, who are die hard CGB fanboys that would never follow MS into a contract with Wolf.

As for the latter part, Antonius specifically said in his original post:
"If/When a GB planet opens up to wolf for attack, and it is in a position that would advance Wolf's goals of reopening their FRR/Steiner lanes, MS, and I suspect all of Ghost Bear, would be willing to let Wolf take the planet uncontested. Or at the very least, lightly contested."

CGB knows they've sandwiched us, but it's very clearly stated that if we have the option to open our FRR and/or Steiner attack lane through CGB, they'll let us.

View PostAzerius Mezinar, on 01 February 2015 - 06:58 AM, said:

What I believe is really happening is you've campaigned to open up as many attack lanes as humanly possible to get in as many fights as humanly possible. And while it is claimed that you want to fight for Wolf, let's be brutally honest here, every time you've switched to a different faction, your actions have always benefited Ghost Bear first and foremost, and any "contributions" you bring to Clan wolf would solely entail taking Jade Falcon worlds (if that opens up a lane into Steiner, then I wouldn't be opposed to taking a Falcon world, but it seems fairly unanimous that we've no desire to hold worlds taken from Jade Falcon).

Ummm...yeah? They're been pretty open and transparent about this the whole time. They even said if they went Wolf they would "definitely" attack CJF.

In other words, "What you believe is really happening," is exactly what they've been saying is happening, for over a month now.

Edited by Aresye, 01 February 2015 - 11:47 AM.

#50 CyclonerM

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 12:22 PM

View PostAresye, on 01 February 2015 - 11:46 AM, said:

The main reason MS won't join Wolf is because they're a collection of multiple units, and one of their units is CK, who are die hard CGB fanboys that would never follow MS into a contract with Wolf.

This is true, but i have never understood why the a majority has to be so bound by the opinion of a single unit among the others, which has the very same same power of the others. MS could simply switch to Wolf and leave CK in CGB for a while, than have them join again when they go back to CGB. When they joined the alliance, they must have known that they would should have been bound by the decisions of the majoirty of the units if they wanted to stay part of the alliance.

#51 hybrid black


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 12:41 PM

View PostCyclonerM, on 01 February 2015 - 12:22 PM, said:

This is true, but i have never understood why the a majority has to be so bound by the opinion of a single unit among the others, which has the very same same power of the others. MS could simply switch to Wolf and leave CK in CGB for a while, than have them join again when they go back to CGB. When they joined the alliance, they must have known that they would should have been bound by the decisions of the majoirty of the units if they wanted to stay part of the alliance.

the problem comes from letting little things like that go and working about the big picture of the unit and that is to get fights,

Would of it been more simple to go wolf? yes

Would of it created some problems in the units of MS? maybe, maybe not

Did we not get fights not going to wolf? no we got instant ques and fights when were we wanted

running MercStar is a double edge sword, first and foremost we have to keep our players happy, everything else is second

#52 JadeTimberwolf


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 12:41 PM

At the time that MS and CI went Steiner and both CJF and CW were losing a planet a day, and two relatively Merc units that had been housed in CJF went FRR and were pushing against CW and CGB so there were loses across the Clan border all around and at that time two things did happen in more than one clan from what I saw, the first is a number of players stopped playing community warfare and decided to stick to standard drops, the second is that those units and players that have kept with community warfare had to push themselves to get better.

Now there is an abundance of misinformation in this thread regarding the talk of other faction one example being the post saying that MS and CI were steamrolled by CJF, I will be honest with what I saw during that particular timeframe here, MS and CI put a lot of defensive pressure on CJF and it was during the battles with those two units that drops I made were either close battles or steamroll loses, close battles were when I synced with units like JFP and KCOM who had dedicated coms and I could join and coordinate with some were wins some were loses, the steamrolls were in complete pug drops.

Another point of misinformation that I have seen has to do with the current defense on steiner planets, granted I have not seen a solid steiner defense line since they implemented the 3 cease fires but neither have I seen a ghost drop, got close a few times but a defense formed in time for an actual drop. I can't say for the Kurita border because I am not dropping over there but from what I have gathered from the forums, ghost drops are still a common occurrence there but again this is just what I have gathered from the forums.

MS as much as I would rather not face you while you bare the CGB banner I look forward to meeting you in battle.

Clan Wolf, it is true that CJF as a whole in terms of our offense have chosen not to attack your planets and it would be nice for the same in return however if you do decide to drop on one of our planets in an attempt to gain a new attack lane, I will drop in defense for 2 reasons, 1 I don't want to see CJF borders shrink and 2 no group of warriors should have the dishonor of a ghost drop as there is no chance to sharpen your skills that way.

Edited by JadeTimberwolf, 01 February 2015 - 12:43 PM.

#53 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 12:42 PM

View PostAzerius Mezinar, on 01 February 2015 - 06:58 AM, said:

#2 - With your more recent attacks, resulting in retaliation against Ghost Bear for their continued treachery (seeing as, at this point, they've made it abundantly clear they were waging a shadow war against Clan Wolf by using the mercs to take our worlds, and then declare us invaders when we tried to retake them), you've effectively allowed CJF to cut into our attack lane; we actually almost had their island surrounded until your continued aggression forced us to peel off to defend our worlds [and prevent us from being cut off, thereby ending our ability to press southward].

We use mercs? Wagng a shadow war?

We never knew we could have mercs to begin with. I am a member of the ruling body of CGBI & we never declared any war on Clan Wolf, shadow or otherwise. The only actual GB unit that has had an issue with you guys is GCGB & they made their intentions quite clear after one of the Wolf units attacked a world they were on.

As a member of CGBI I can tell you we did not have a meeting with merc units & give them specific instructions as to who to attack. As you KNOW, the merc system in MWO is not handled as it is in the Battletech lore. They choose who they want to fight for. Also mentioned is the **** Gyrok put all of you in as a leader of an official Wolf unit, with his words & behavior.

Let me be quite clear, we understand this is Beta & things will be reworked but as far as my unit was concerned, we were focused on going southward when we got interrupted with the drama Gyrok started with the merc units who ironically as stated, wanted to actually go Wolf. Do I agree with all of the Wolf units suffering for the mistake of one unit leader? No. But do not try to paint a different picture than the one we ALL see. A Wolf caused your problems. The Clans have ways of dealing with problems. I suggest you all get to it.

I bid you good day sir.

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 01 February 2015 - 12:44 PM.

#54 hybrid black


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 12:54 PM

View PostJaroth Corbett, on 01 February 2015 - 12:42 PM, said:

We use mercs? Wagng a shadow war?

We never knew we could have mercs to begin with. I am a member of the ruling body of CGBI & we never declared any war on Clan Wolf, shadow or otherwise. The only actual GB unit that has had an issue with you guys is GCGB & they made their intentions quite clear after one of the Wolf units attacked a world they were on.

As a member of CGBI I can tell you we did not have a meeting with merc units & give them specific instructions as to who to attack. As you KNOW, the merc system in MWO is not handled as it is in the Battletech lore. They choose who they want to fight for. Also mentioned is the **** Gyrok put all of you in as a leader of an official Wolf unit, with his words & behavior.

Let me be quite clear, we understand this is Beta & things will be reworked but as far as my unit was concerned, we were focused on going southward when we got interrupted with the drama Gyrok started with the merc units who ironically as stated, wanted to actually go Wolf. Do I agree with all of the Wolf units suffering for the mistake of one unit leader? No. But do not try to paint a different picture than the one we ALL see. A Wolf caused your problems. The Clans have ways of dealing with problems. I suggest you all get to it.

I bid you good day sir.

But i was told two days ago delta would not scrim MercStar to settle things since we have no "honor"

#55 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 01:12 PM

I meant Delta sorting things out internally.

#56 Kain Demos


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 02:08 PM

View PostJaroth Corbett, on 01 February 2015 - 01:12 PM, said:

I meant Delta sorting things out internally.

I love rumor posts like this. It shows how much misinformation is floating around now.

#57 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 02:15 PM

Posted Image

I keep telling people to think before they type. I was suggesting a course of action. Do I have to spell it out for you? There is no rumors or misinformation. Reread the post for Kerensky's sake.


A Wolf caused your problems. The Clans have ways of dealing with problems. I suggest you all get to it.

Should I get a pencil & connect the dots for you?

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 01 February 2015 - 02:16 PM.

#58 Antonius Rex


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 02:22 PM


Cummon PGI, fix your god dam ned algorithm already.

Wolf - no Steiner or FRR lane
Bear - no Kurita or FRR lane

Its ok though, cuz Steiner, Kurita and FRR can all attack Bear/Wolf without retaliation.

Let us all pray to the great mechajesus that Tuesday's patch has some semblance of a fix to this crap.

Also, let us pray that the entirety of Tuesday's Euro time zone progress is not wiped out, like it has been the last two patches.

Lastly, with the realization that bear cannot friggin attack 2/3 of the IS factions they are touching, I would expect further conflict on the Bear/Wolf border. As per my agreement with Wolf, I am writing to inform that we will likely be attack, for lack of other things to kill.

On that note, I would remind Wolf leadership that they also agreed to inform of any Wolf attacks into Bear Territory each phase. Not really a big deal, its not like you have much else to do. But MS has been very good about always informing the other side when we cross the border. Wolf had agreed to do the same.

#59 Chocowolf Sradac


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 02:23 PM

View PostKain Thul, on 01 February 2015 - 02:08 PM, said:

I love rumor posts like this. It shows how much misinformation is floating around now.

There's been so much mis-information floating all over these forums ever since CW started it certainly doesn't help things at all

Personally I'm glad that we have opponents such as -MS- and CI to go against over the past while going against them I have noticed quite a bit of improvement on our team in how we fight them and I'm glad we've been able to give them someone to fight. The Keyboard warriors and rpers on these forums will always be a problem.

I certainly do hope that the attack lanes do get fixed soon as it's certainly getting old now only having two options of attack and neither being innersphere

Edited by Chocowolf, 01 February 2015 - 02:28 PM.

#60 hybrid black


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 02:32 PM

View PostChocowolf, on 01 February 2015 - 02:23 PM, said:

There's been so much mis-information floating all over these forums ever since CW started it certainly doesn't help things at all

Personally I'm glad that we have opponents such as -MS- and CI to go against over the past while going against them I have noticed quite a bit of improvement on our team in how we fight them and I'm glad we've been able to give them someone to fight. The Keyboard warriors and rpers on these forums will always be a problem.

I certainly do hope that the attack lanes do get fixed soon as it's certainly getting old now only having two options of attack and neither being innersphere

Can't i do both?

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