Tukayyid's Defenders Fail Her People
Posted 04 February 2015 - 06:07 PM
Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:09 AM
Abivard, on 04 February 2015 - 05:46 PM, said:
And if either us or the Steiners manage to take it back after all this hoopla, then it would be a noteworthy deed.
I for one had no conscious thought that this planet was in the FRR nor it's RP significance as a whatever the clans called it 'battle for the fate of the galaxy' that BT canon had used.
As long as our two factions, FRR and Steiner, remain among the least populated faction and where as even the smallest clan alone outnumbers either of us, I doubt it will happen.
While the rolls of honored and valiant FRR Units has thinned, VRDG and select others are easily capable of smashing Clan efforts on FRR planets. Kudos to those gamers remaining loyal to clearly the most unfortunately located of ALL the Inner Sphere Powers.
However Steiner fielded in excess of 80-gamers at multiple points tonight, taken in aggregate this showing of strength constituted a serious threat to Clan possession of Tukayyid as 40% of the planet fell to Steiner forces before all but 4-sectors were reclaimed from HS in the a final flurry of Clan a Common Defensive activity. Steiner has definitively proven they along with remaining FRR Units are BOTH forces to be reckoned with.
Kudos to ALL who gamed on Tukayyid this day.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:39 AM
You can say 'Thank You, you out of the box thinkers!' now. Its just too bad we couldnt get to Jaime Wolf to prevent him from divulging his Information in the same way, as well as not being able to send a DB crew along with the Dragoons to plant the suggestion and reinforce it over time. Maybe we will beable to when the Universe Resets

Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:40 AM
Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:47 AM
Posted 05 February 2015 - 03:20 AM
Prussian Havoc, on 04 February 2015 - 06:39 AM, said:
We are not the Smoke Jaguars that Lore would have you believe... nor would be want to be.</p>
What say you my Wolf Trothkin? </p>
I would say you're not Clan Smoke Jaguar then... CSJ shoots mercs on sight... it's what they do. Why choose them? Why say 'Trothkin' and other BT lore stuff like that? Why care about the kind of mechs we have? Why not allow Gundams? Space Magic? Space Marines?
Simple answer is you don't pick and choose the teeny little bits you like and throw out the core tenants of a story-world when you recreate it... you may want to alter the attack order or make more of a fight between Wardens and Crusaders but what you're talking about is essentially making the characters and settings in the story-world that everyone shares and many love, bend to your own desires. No one was happy that Bambi's mum got shot... but it's a core element of the story... so too bad it's venison time.
My point here is to stop pretending this whole merc debarcle is anything more then a justification to use Clan Mechs in CW... without having to 'join' a clan. It's petty.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 03:31 AM
Anyway, GJ CSJ and Prussian Havoc. One question if I may, was it difficult to get rank 20? Did you have enough battle opportunities in CSJ or did you struggle with finding matches?
Posted 05 February 2015 - 05:44 AM
Sam Slade, on 05 February 2015 - 03:20 AM, said:
I would say you're not Clan Smoke Jaguar then... CSJ shoots mercs on sight...(snip)...
Thank you for presenting this argument in just such a forceful and clear manner. Your premise is flawed however. I game as I chose, and do NOT impact or limit your gaming choices. I expect the same courtesy from you in return. This is reasonable, quiaff?
To clarify just how much I attempt to influence MWO Forum viewers on the nature of modern day (vice late 1980's) Smoke Jaguar norms, customs, practices and culture, please review this excellent submission I crafted for the Trondheim Live, Daily Report: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4146085
As a Level 20 Smoke Jaguar (who enjoys ForumWarrior almost as much as he enjoys MWO:CW) I would say one can BOTH embrace the rich and vibrant 3050-era of BattleTech (identifying readily and deeply with a chosen Faction) AS WELL AS putting one's own stamp on one's MWO:CW gaming experience. In my case, ALL aspects of CSJ are (and should remain to be) enjoyed without the least measure of censure or castigation from fellow gamers for "having prevented CSJ from crashing and burning on both Wolcott (JGx, my Unit still TAGs Wolcott today) and Tukayyid (over a dozen successful combats here and counting...)
Is it wrong that CSJ of MWO reversed Lore? ...disproved Lore? ...improved on Lore? And embraced Its Mercenary Allies and was victorious at BOTH Wolcott and Tukayyid?
Is it so very wrong that an honorable and demonstrably COMPETENT Clan Smoke Jaguar has taken to the (MWO-gaming) field?
Is it so very wrong or is it something more than that...
Clan Smoke Jaguar has already been of value in aiding CWDG in Clan Common Defense of Wolf worlds imperiled by Inner Sphere forces... just ask CWDG leadership. Tonight 8 CWDG returned the favor and assisted me in defending a sector on the CSJ-held-trust-world of Tukayyid. It was a remarkably tough but highly enjoyable battle.
Would Smoke Jaguars and Wolves have worked so very seamlessly in your remembered version of Lore...???
They do indeed work well together: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4146085
I much prefer the Jaguars of my story (http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4146085) over those typecast as prideful fools in ANY of the novels.
I would hope you too choose to break the Chains of Lore and see Clan Wolf do more than simply play SPOILER to Clan Ghost Bears efforts to reach Terra...
...I hesitate to type this, but...
...Clan Wolf of MWO is MORE like the CSJ of Lore than the honorable, righteous and true Warriors, Lore would have us believe Clan Wolf typified.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 05 February 2015 - 05:53 AM.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 06:03 AM
Prussian Havoc, on 03 February 2015 - 08:16 AM, said:
I am fully in favor of (upon Launch) once Tukayyid is reached that there be some form of all-inclusive Clan and Inner Sphere Weekend Challenge involved so as to "as a Community" decide the fates of NOT JUST Tukayyid but also Luthien and Rasalhaugue.
That right there would make for some very exciting Gaming!
And if not taken by the Clans (and blockade not breeched by the Inner Sphere) perhaps at each month's anniversary, a subsequent Challenge could be run until the planet in question is either liberated by the Clans or Relieved by Inner Sphere reinforcements.
I will say that a "Com Guards Package" of the Mauler, Black Knight, as well as a Light and Medium would really have helped balance forces prior to the battle as well as allowing for Com Guard Patterns to be present in-game and on Tukayyid ground.
I agree, I posted a suggestion for an event back in December, for a capital planet assault event.http://mwomercs.com/...t/#entry4041112
Edited by NAZGUULL, 05 February 2015 - 06:04 AM.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 06:13 AM
Mordin Ashe, on 05 February 2015 - 03:31 AM, said:
Yes, prior to the PGI's genius-of-an-idea to split the 24-hour cycle into three 8-hour cycles, there were long stretches of time where there could be very few opportunities during weekdays. But initially CSJ was a very compact Community of Gamers and what few opportunities existed stretched a long way in deed.
And as I indicated before - effectively leading and slowly gaining some trust within the increasingly proficient and tight-knit CSJ Community, my BEST days of gaming involved averages of 1500-loyalty points (Permanent Contract Bonus as well as Premium Time LP Bonus) in wins and 1000 to 1100-loyalty points in losses. 1500 to 2200 damage per match along with an extremely heavy emphasis on Active Reconnaissance (UAV detections, Scouting bonuses, etc) can really be effective regardless of victory or not.
And now that Clan Smoke Jaguar has opened up a second FRR Front, has Steiner attacking it at Tukayyid and soon will breach either or both House Marik or House Davion Space the present and near-future opportunities for ALL THE GAMING ONE COULD EVER WANT are very high indeed.
If you find yourself wanting similar opportunities in a tight knit Community of professional, mature and good natured gamers... then you should tryout gaming with one of CSJ's many and diverse Units: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4030452
Good luck and good gaming,
Meet you on the (New Avalon) high ground,
May your Gaming-Opponent's resolve fail him, long before your last auto-cannon shell slams home in the breech!
Posted 05 February 2015 - 06:53 AM
Prussian Havoc, on 05 February 2015 - 05:44 AM, said:
...I hesitate to type this, but...
...Clan Wolf of MWO is MORE like the CSJ of Lore than the honorable, righteous and true Warriors, Lore would have us believe Clan Wolf typified.
Some pretty ignorant opinions. Wolf, dispite its flaws was fighting on all fronts vs the best Mercs in MWO. CSJ has not had Comp Units gang up on them or else you would have become like the Lore.
Wolf not only pushed back those Mercs but has taken back every planet lost and then some. Remove the Merc tagged planets from CGB &CSJ and you are probably behind Wolf still.
I dont dislike Mercs, hell I wished they would come to Wolf.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 07:06 AM
not 3050 since PGI reset the timeline.
Nice try, but if this is the best comprehension you vatborns have, then you won't have that planet long
Posted 05 February 2015 - 07:50 AM
Prussian Havoc, on 05 February 2015 - 12:09 AM, said:
However Steiner fielded in excess of 80-gamers at multiple points tonight, taken in aggregate this showing of strength constituted a serious threat to Clan possession of Tukayyid as 40% of the planet fell to Steiner forces before all but 4-sectors were reclaimed from HS in the a final flurry of Clan a Common Defensive activity. Steiner has definitively proven they along with remaining FRR Units are BOTH forces to be reckoned with.
Kudos to ALL who gamed on Tukayyid this day.
Makes me happy to see this. I was occupied with RL concerns last night...but I was getting emails from the boys about having really good games on Tukayyid.

Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:03 AM
Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:22 AM
Not in this game. In this game Kurita, FRR, and the Clans all hire mercs without a problem. Despite "Lore" Issues. This game is not follow the Lore. Deal with it.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:23 AM
Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:33 AM

Posted 05 February 2015 - 07:45 PM
Alexander Steel, on 05 February 2015 - 08:22 AM, said:
My issue is primarily with the implementation of the Mercenary system... I'm not a passionate lore follower, I am however disappointed with PGIs woeful implementation of the Mercenary system and feel that it has a massively detrimental impact on Community Warfare.
To put it simply, mercs have too much freedom. The are free to zoom around whenever and wherever they like with no real direction(the inane campaigns of Troll-warrior that various groups(all sides, don't care about faction) have engaged in based on forum pants-twisting is evidence of how poor this design is)).
CW needs Outreach and a very selective contract system. This may be seen as someone 'telling me how to play' or whatever other self-righteous hubris people rightly associate with self-described 'pro-gamers' but if the Developers choose to implement a more effective community warfare population management system then the great gamer adage 'adapt or gtfo noob' would apply. Quaiff?
Right now the biggest problem in CW is poor population management,
Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:09 PM
Posted 07 February 2015 - 05:03 AM
Sam Slade, on 05 February 2015 - 07:45 PM, said:
To put it simply, mercs have too much freedom. The are free to zoom around whenever and wherever they like with no real direction(the inane campaigns of Troll-warrior that various groups(all sides, don't care about faction) have engaged in based on forum pants-twisting is evidence of how poor this design is)).
CW needs Outreach and a very selective contract system. This may be seen as someone 'telling me how to play' or whatever other self-righteous hubris people rightly associate with self-described 'pro-gamers' but if the Developers choose to implement a more effective community warfare population management system then the great gamer adage 'adapt or gtfo noob' would apply. Quaiff?
Right now the biggest problem in CW is poor population management,
Nice points!
There has been a lot of discussion over the implementation of "Front-specific contracts." And I heartily appove of this option.
What currently affords a Mercenary Corps Unit the ability to travel the length and breadth of ANY faction and combat their EMPLOYER'S foes AND friends alike? Mercenary Corps Unit operations would be limited to one, possibly two fronts and NOT every potential Faction with a contiguous border to its Employer, THAT should be the providence of LOYALIST UNITs exclusively.
Seriously, what gives a Mercenary Corps Unit the CAPABILITY to attack ANYONE?
As a rule, Mercenary Corrps Units do NOT have Jumpships and indeed lucky to even have Dropships. (And NO, there are ZERO exceptions within MWO player Units, No one's Unit is Wolf's Dragoons here.)
This it is a simple expedient to have an EMPLOYER (funny how some Mercenaries forget that they are EMPLOYEES) withhold the use of the House's or Clan's own Jumpships from transporting WOULD-BE-MERCENARY-PEACE-BREAKERS to the home systems of its allies. No transportation effectively means Clan Mercs could ONLY attack Inner Sphere foes, while Inner Sphere Merc's could ONLY attack... well, everyone I suppose...
...a better Idea is the above mentioned "Front-specific" Contracts.
Allow Faction LOYALISTS to vote (simple subtab under the Faction Tab) on which factions to "let" Mercenary Contracts against. Then once established, ANY Mercenary Coros Unit could pick one (if you have 50 or less members) or two (if your Unit has 51 or more members) Attackable Enemies of your EMPLOYING Faction. This ENEMY(S) of your EMPLOYER would be the only Faction your Mercenary Corps Unit could attack, though a Mercenary Corp Unit could defend its EMPLOYER from ANY attack by external Factions.
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