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Devs You Want To Banish New Players?

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#61 Mystere


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 10:54 AM

View Postmogs01gt, on 04 February 2015 - 10:52 AM, said:

So you like stale brutal game play and poor no MM. Got it..


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Edited by Mystere, 04 February 2015 - 10:55 AM.

#62 Almond Brown


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 12:33 PM

View Post0bsidion, on 04 February 2015 - 07:59 AM, said:

I'm actually surprised the OP jumped in to CW right off the bat, but I agree, the UI for CW got injected right up front with nothing that tells someone who doesn't know any better what it is they're getting themselves into. It's not really surprising it would lead to an immensely frustrating introduction to the game.

So what do they say to these new players that Click the CW Tab?

STOP! Unless you have 150 games played in Pub, have 250t of Mastered Mechs with full Module load-out, DO NOT ENTER! We know you suck, just stay out for the next 6 months until the noted requirements are met.


The Try-Hards of MWO. Please consider PGI's not letting you into CW a favor from the Communities Try-Hard division to the Communities Try-Hards division on your behalf. Oh and be bloody grateful for our generosity in doing so too... The Communities Try-Hard Division didn't have to post this warning, but we do Try-hard? :)

Edited by Almond Brown, 04 February 2015 - 12:35 PM.

#63 Burktross


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 01:33 PM

View PostCocoaJin, on 04 February 2015 - 08:34 AM, said:

CW is supposed to be a no whine zone. Don't join in unless you have the stones to handle adversity, hardship and ass whoppin's.

Posted Image

CW is the suck it up, sack it up, shut **** up, stand up and blow it up zone. Don't get involved unless you got your big boy draws on.

Have fun with that.

#64 Yokaiko


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 01:35 PM

View PostAlmond Brown, on 04 February 2015 - 12:33 PM, said:

So what do they say to these new players that Click the CW Tab?

STOP! Unless you have 150 games played in Pub, have 250t of Mastered Mechs with full Module load-out, DO NOT ENTER! We know you suck, just stay out for the next 6 months until the noted requirements are met.


The Try-Hards of MWO. Please consider PGI's not letting you into CW a favor from the Communities Try-Hard division to the Communities Try-Hards division on your behalf. Oh and be bloody grateful for our generosity in doing so too... The Communities Try-Hard Division didn't have to post this warning, but we do Try-hard? :)

PSA I've topped damage in CW in pug games with half of my mech not elited and only consumables, more than once actually.

......do bring UAVs and arties they are life savers.

#65 Navid A1


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 01:37 PM

View PostInferno86, on 04 February 2015 - 08:36 AM, said:

I am a new player but I'm not stupid, I have more than 1.20KD with my mech mains, I played for two days before the "like a champion" event and I got 50 points in a single weekend and I've played 600 games

simply should not haver much difference between teams and no full game should match vs premade full random, in fact most avoid it, here is a constant

im from spain and im in friend clan, but are 4 members and few times coincide

for last in normal games (no cw) all time have a lot of teams destroyed 12-0 or 12-1, 12-3 and normal time is MY TEAM this (and with me with good scores)

You joined 22th jan and you have 600 games?... that's 50 games per day on average (about 6-7 hours)

You need some rest man.

Your stats show that you are above the average pug... you just need practice and experience.

Also... one does not simply try the CW before he can tell the color of a mech from the taste of dust in its footprints.

#66 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 01:44 PM

Its fun to be infamous here but sorry I have no alternates here and only one ingame I havent used for so long I forgot the password.

I have to assume this guy here has seen one or several of my own synch drops or has met amny of the several who don't hide it when challenged. It does happen and a lot but I am in retirement because voip is coming.

All I ever wanted was a fighting chance to level the feild and its almost here.

Anywho, I would rather wear that flag you of the Herd have put on me than join the likes of the Nerfwarriors you have no issues with. They annoy the f out of me.

#67 DIrty Crazy Harry


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:11 PM

Well Mr.OPness the bottom line is CW sucks for the solo:Casual player and now with all the reward nerfs to Cbills:XP;GXP Once again our bright minded DEVS are running off more new players and what's left of the casual and regular MWO players

#68 Mcgral18


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:15 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 04 February 2015 - 01:44 PM, said:

Its fun to be infamous here but sorry I have no alternates here and only one ingame I havent used for so long I forgot the password.

I have to assume this guy here has seen one or several of my own synch drops or has met amny of the several who don't hide it when challenged. It does happen and a lot but I am in retirement because voip is coming.

All I ever wanted was a fighting chance to level the feild and its almost here.

Anywho, I would rather wear that flag you of the Herd have put on me than join the likes of the Nerfwarriors you have no issues with. They annoy the f out of me.

Why would you sync when there's a 2-12 man group option? Not to mention the whole 12 man instant attack thing.

In CW, syncing seems silly. Even if you did to two 6 mans, it would be bad to sync, since if you're doing smaller groups you probably want different drops.

#69 Yokaiko


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:16 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 04 February 2015 - 01:44 PM, said:

All I ever wanted was a fighting chance to level the feild and its almost here.

Says Mr "Thousands of sync drops"

#70 Triordinant


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:20 PM

View PostInferno86, on 04 February 2015 - 07:24 AM, said:

I can explain where is the fun of this game where 90% of a team with crushing victories opponents exploited in normal games, ever lose 20 games in a row being the first in damage With teams retardeds

CW game and is ... EVEN WORSE !! game alone IS mechs and all time in my team 0 premade, and enemy team full premade and Have lost game in min 1,

took two weeks in the game and although I like the game are removing me wanting to play

really difficult match premade vs premade not there to be useless to create the pairings so, in my last game in mixed premades enemy team, in my team 0 premade .... GG UNFAIR GAMES ALL TIME, AND LOST-LOST-LOST -LOST. in games where my team is crushed easily, not to mention the superiority of CLAN vs IS

When they rolled CW out, PGI plainly stated that it was a "hardcore" mode without Elo matchmaking that favored premade teams and that it would be hard on PUGs. In the weeks since CW rolled out, a lot of PUGs have tried it and decided it wasn't fun while a handful of PUGs enjoyed it and still do. Based on how CW was designed and what PGI said it was, this was to be expected.

Many have asked why PGI would design a game mode and separate queue for such a small slice of the MWO playerbase. I'm guessing that they were hoping that there would be a huge influx of players joining established Units and forming new ones. The problem with that assumption is the many reasons why most MWO players won't or can't join Units didn't miraculously disappear with the appearance of CW, so while there was an initial surge in Unit recruitment when CW showed up, the vast majority of MWO players are still unaffiliated and will continue to be so.

Since this fact was established, several ideas on how to get PUGs to play CW have come up and some are being implemented. One of these is in-game VOIP. While it would certainly help, it can't make up for the fact that the competitive Units have trained together for months so they know each others moves; or that they've memorized the main features of all the maps and have code names for them so they don't need to use Battle Grid coordinates; or that their 'mechs are not only fully mastered and moduled but their 'mechs and loadouts are preselected to work together as a coordinated team and compliment each others' strengths while making up for the weaknesses. On the PUG side, VOIP doesn't help at all if some of your teammates don't speak the same language or have VOIP muted.

Another suggestion has been a solo-only queue for CW. Unfortunately, this won't help much either. The reason the solo-only queue that currently exists works is because the big competitive premade groups can't reliably sync-drop into it. If there was a CW solo-only queue, the big competitive premades CAN reliably sync-drop into it because each team in a match is all of the same Faction so there's no chance their Unit's players will end up on opposing sides. The Natural Law of online gaming states that if something can be exploited, it will be. Not all premade teams aim for easy wins against random PUGs, but many do.

As each of these (and possibly other) bandaids are rolled out, I'm sure there will be a surge of PUGs who'll want to try the "new, improved" CW out despite the writing on the wall. Just as before, most will be disappointed but a few will stay.

I generally like to see a glass as half full rather than half empty, and there are some good things about CW. For one, it pulled a lot of top tier competitive premade teams out of the public group queue. Before CW, players would try to introduce their friends, partners, siblings or offspring to MWO by "sheparding" them in the group queue only to get curbstomped over and over again by well-trained competitive teams using maxed out coordinated 'mechs. When the comp Units are playing CW, this doesn't happen as much. Hint: if you're a small casual group, drop into the public group queue in the hours just before the CW ceasefires.

As for me, I just enjoy the current solo-only queue for what it is: the perfect "filler" game for when you have 30 to 90 minutes to spare because, unlike other online games, a match is guaranteed to never last more than 15 minutes and most of the time they last only half that. My piloting and gunnery skills have greatly improved and when I feel up to it, I try to herd my PUG teammates to victory -and it works slightly more than half of the time.



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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:23 PM

If you say his name in sync three times he appears.

#72 0bsidion


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:26 PM

View PostAlmond Brown, on 04 February 2015 - 12:33 PM, said:

So what do they say to these new players that Click the CW Tab?

STOP! Unless you have 150 games played in Pub, have 250t of Mastered Mechs with full Module load-out, DO NOT ENTER! We know you suck, just stay out for the next 6 months until the noted requirements are met.


The Try-Hards of MWO. Please consider PGI's not letting you into CW a favor from the Communities Try-Hard division to the Communities Try-Hards division on your behalf. Oh and be bloody grateful for our generosity in doing so too... The Communities Try-Hard Division didn't have to post this warning, but we do Try-hard? :)

I think that's a bit extreme, but at least a warning there's no attempt made to balance the battles in CW other than ensuring both teams have 12 warm bodies to fill slots, and if they're looking for more balanced matches the public queues are a better place to go.

#73 Davers


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:26 PM

View PostHARDKOR, on 04 February 2015 - 02:23 PM, said:

If you say his name in sync three times he appears.

His favourite band is N'Sync.

#74 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:49 PM

View PostMcgral18, on 04 February 2015 - 02:15 PM, said:

Why would you sync when there's a 2-12 man group option? Not to mention the whole 12 man instant attack thing.

In CW, syncing seems silly. Even if you did to two 6 mans, it would be bad to sync, since if you're doing smaller groups you probably want different drops.

I synch dropped in solo to inform. Too many of the usual mouth breathers deamding proof yet no proof over two years was good enough or the goalposts for proof got moved. My decision along with a few other was instead to just do an occupy movement in solo and let the masses see how easy it was done. A few thousand witnessed it which only makes the "It doesnt happen crowd" look like the imbecilles they really are. Now many can see the differnce between truth and propaganda.

Stopped a while back after Voip was annouced. It was the end goal anyways and unlike farmers and the large group of perpetual liars here we had no need or desire to take advantage of others on the feild.

To the OP I ask he hangs on. When voip comes in things will get better.

#75 Tony Benoit


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:54 PM

View PostInferno86, on 04 February 2015 - 07:24 AM, said:

I can explain where is the fun of this game where 90% of a team with crushing victories opponents exploited in normal games, ever lose 20 games in a row being the first in damage With teams retardeds

CW game and is ... EVEN WORSE !! game alone IS mechs and all time in my team 0 premade, and enemy team full premade and Have lost game in min 1,

took two weeks in the game and although I like the game are removing me wanting to play

really difficult match premade vs premade not there to be useless to create the pairings so, in my last game in mixed premades enemy team, in my team 0 premade .... GG UNFAIR GAMES ALL TIME, AND LOST-LOST-LOST -LOST. in games where my team is crushed easily, not to mention the superiority of CLAN vs IS

It would help if the CW maps weren't death funnels. Such map design. Wow. 11/10. 3fun5me. Amaze gameplay. So dynamic

Edited by NotMwHighlander, 04 February 2015 - 02:54 PM.

#76 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:56 PM

View PostYokaiko, on 04 February 2015 - 02:16 PM, said:

Says Mr "Thousands of sync drops"

The buthurt will remain so it seems. Just to point out if it was nothing then why is it still such a big deal to so many.

Here comes the excuse short bus now.....

Posted Image

#77 Triordinant


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 03:05 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 04 February 2015 - 02:49 PM, said:

To the OP I ask he hangs on. When voip comes in things will get better.

Not by much. See paragraph 3 here.

#78 Mad Strike


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 03:09 PM

First question: Do you have a unit/clan to play with?

If the answer is NO then..... second question:

wtf are you doing in Community Warfare?!

You don't drop solo on CW dude , its like 90% of players there drop on comms even if they're not from the same unit or faction.

Get into a unit , meet people , play with them , make some friends and practice....A LOT....that's the only way you can progres on.....well....ANY game.

Edited by strikebrch, 04 February 2015 - 03:32 PM.

#79 Djinnhammer


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 03:57 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 04 February 2015 - 01:44 PM, said:

IAll I ever wanted was a fighting chance to level the feild and its almost here.

You got level plating field the second we go the "solo" queue. 24 individuals all playing for their own benefit. You whined and raged and cried and got your way.
Job done.Looking at it, you have achieved a rare and special thing-you got a solo queue in a massively multiplayer team based game instigated. You should feel proud.

Shouldn't you?

#80 Taemien


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 04:06 PM

View PostInferno86, on 04 February 2015 - 07:24 AM, said:

I can explain where is the fun of this game where 90% of a team with crushing victories opponents exploited in normal games, ever lose 20 games in a row being the first in damage With teams retardeds

CW game and is ... EVEN WORSE !! game alone IS mechs and all time in my team 0 premade, and enemy team full premade and Have lost game in min 1,

took two weeks in the game and although I like the game are removing me wanting to play

really difficult match premade vs premade not there to be useless to create the pairings so, in my last game in mixed premades enemy team, in my team 0 premade .... GG UNFAIR GAMES ALL TIME, AND LOST-LOST-LOST -LOST. in games where my team is crushed easily, not to mention the superiority of CLAN vs IS

So where's your team?

Team games have been like this for... since forever. If you go down to the local park and play basketball, you're going to get trounced by a team of friends looking to play together. The answer is get your own friends, suck it up, or don't play.

I don't understand this reaction to team based competitive games these days. I really don't. It used to be that PUGs just dealt with getting creamed until they were skillful enough to try and join a unit. And they had to go through a test match of some sort to show they were decent enough to join.

Now its coddle the newbies as much as possible. Instead of changing the game around the newbie, why don't the newbies just get better and become vets? If you coddle them they won't become vets. And then what are we all supposed to do?

I didn't download this game to coddle newbies. I came here to play competitively. I understand that a unit can train its members to be better. But they are expected to meet halfway at least. The OP is not such an individual. He's blaming everyone but himself.

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