Fly Together.
Fight Together.
Share the Kill.
RCL is a new startup unit catering to skilled but casual players. We will be geared more towards having a fun atmosphere with flexibility to a player's availability. Players new to the game are most welcome to join! At the same time, however, we will also be looking for skilled players that won't fool around. I would like to keep this post uncluttered from as many applications as possible, so applicants are encouraged to personal message me directly. I'm also more likely to respond to PM's quickly.
You can also reach me in-game when I'm online, just send Repasy a friend invite! ^^
Criteria for applicants is as follows:
- you have a mature personality
- you are willing to work as a team
Applicants need not worry about how active they are. I accept both players that are online every day, just weekends, or only once a week. VOIP is not a requirement for this group. RP is encouraged, but not a requirement for this group.
If your active playtime does not fit the criteria listed above, special consideration may be given for groups of applicants. If you and three or more buddies want to join at the same time, feel free to PM me with list of all players that want to join, and your general playtime activity.
/*/ ABOUT US /*/
We are a CLAN SNOW RAVEN unit. Specifically, a contractor of services primarily to the clans (though this can change based on majority group decisions). In CW, we take contracts with a new clan each week, to whoever needs the extra support. If majority of members are satisfied with a contract to a particular clan, this can be extended to a 30 day contract. In light of the absence of Snow Raven holdings in the Inner Sphere, I deemed this would be the most appropriate approach. If you hold a personal allegiance to any one clan, know that this unit's allegiance may shift frequently at times, but your personal input on who we should contract to next is appreciated and encouraged.
Regardless of how committed you are to MWO, we prefer strong coordination over personal glory. Be prepared to take an order or two once in a while, even if you don't personally agree with the action (I can't stress this enough). If you like taking/giving orders and being part of a coordinated effort like I do, this won't be an issue.
If you are more of the commanding type, there will be opportunities to apply for higher commander ranks.
I am implementing a ranked lance system for this unit to support the social aspect. RCL will be divided into individual lances, each with one leading commander and three points. Each lance's commander will be able to make decisions on how casual/competitive/RP their lance will be, and will have a say in the members of their lance. The idea here is that every pilot of our unit can find at least three other like-minded players to drop with. If you're of the 'play to win' school, or just in it for the sake of play, there will be other like-minded comrades. I'm hoping that this organization will help players find other players that they like to play with, and overall lead to a tight-knit, supportive unit.
I would like to encourage mentorship throughout this unit, both at the lance and unit level. New players will be expected to report to superiors, but that is not to say that your superiors will "own" you in any shape or form. Rather, pilots at the command level will be expected to help new players along, whether through mechbay advice or one-on-one training.
Command Keshik:
|!| Star Colonel Repasy
|:| Star Commander Spirit of Chaos
. <empty>
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Alpha Lance:
|:| Star Commander AlphaKale
|.| Warrior GabrielSun
|.| Warrior LordBacon
. <empty>
At this time there is no teamspeak server for the unit. Instead, we use an app called Discord. It's a new free, secure voip app that allows you to make as many servers as you want, absolutely free. It even works through a web browser, and I find the sound to be excellent. Free voip server is a big plus, so for now I plan to stick with this as primary communications. Members of the unit will receive invitations to primary comms upon joining.
/*/ CAMO SPECS /*/
Raven Contractors Ltd. uses Beta Galaxy as a default mech decal. Members of RCL are not required to use this decal. If you're like me and have no problem spending a little MC to fuel your vanity, you're encouraged to don these colors.
There are also other acceptable Clan Snow Raven decals that look absolutely stunning! Refer to the following link for visuals: http://imgur.com/a/G1pNr#0
Camo Descriptions:
Corvus Keshik (Command Triad) Courtesy of Kiera RAVEN McKenna
Primary: Hematite (muted purple)
Secondary: Polygon Black (muted black)
Tertiary*: Invasion Grey (navy / grey)
Camo Pattern: Polygon (any night camo works)
Alpha Galaxy (Swift Wing Galaxy)
Primary: Polygon Grey (any medium grey)
Secondary: Polygon Black (white for lighter camo)
Tertiary: Polygon White (navy / grey for darker camo)
Camo Pattern: Polygon (any arctic camo works)
Beta Galaxy (Storm Crow Galaxy)
Primary: Zircon (bright teal / turquoise)
Secondary: K'an (golden yellow trim)
Tertiary*: Invasion Grey (any medium / dark grey)
Camo Pattern: Default(i) (crusader works, switch secondary and tertiary)
Gamma Galaxy (The Hawkshead Galaxy)
Primary: Polygon White (any pure white)
Secondary: Rust (standard red trim works)
Tertiary: Polygon White (same pure white)
Camo Pattern: Raider (applejack works, switch secondary and tertiary)
Delta Garrison Galaxy (Lum Garrison Galaxy)
Primary: Camo Tan (any tan)
Secondary: Basalt (standard blue trim works)
Tertiary: Camo Light Tan (any tan)
Camo Pattern: Raider (sherman works, switch secondary and tertiary)
Epsilon Garrison Galaxy (Hellgate Garrison Galaxy)
Primary: Goluboy (blue / teal)
Secondary: Modro (black / dark navy)
Tertiary*: Invasion Grey (silver / blue trim works)
Camo Pattern: Crusader (something else symmetrical might work, like phranken)
I will post more about this unit in the future if necessary. If people have questions about the unit, feel free to post here. Applications can be sent directly to me through personal messaging. Applicants are encouraged to list previous unit experience if they'd like, but don't feel obligated.
Thank you for your time,
|!| Star Colonel Repasy Cooper
Edited by Repasy Cooper, 21 March 2016 - 02:10 AM.