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Reforging The Star League

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#581 Klappspaten


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 05:22 AM

I really start to think that we really need a mod to come and look at this thread. This is supposed to be about the new Star League and not MS. Just ignore those guys folks.

DOnt you realize that they are actually attacking the Star League by this behavior? This is some grade A forum politics.

btw. Roadbeer, you are going to get a pm from me in a bit about some issues of which I think the Star League should take care of before the next conference. I already am trying to get a discussion about this going in the FRR Allthing, but I would like to know what you Marik folks think about it.

Edited by Klappspaten, 10 February 2015 - 05:24 AM.

#582 YCSLiesmith


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 05:28 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 10 February 2015 - 12:21 AM, said:

We should completely shift this entire thread to hating on Goons. I heard they are financed by child labor camps in SE Asia.

Guy getting hammered from all sides itt wants to shift the conversation to irrelevant alien bird roleplayers whose only real impact is being strong in a completely different game. Good luck with that.

View PostEstonniel, on 10 February 2015 - 02:17 AM, said:

However do be supportive with the main goal. side tracking is ok for a very short time. but stick to the plans layed out under the Star League.

here's a real question: why should anyone support the main goal? Why should anyone care about this star league AT ALL, especially when the only real result of everyone obeying it is that suddenly we can't stomp Davions anymore? From a roleplay perspective, this is a hard sell, because I'm a Kurita and we're the villains of this franchise. From a realtalk perspective, the star league will just mean i dont have as much fun because now there are planets we can't attack and we're suddenly subordinate to guys from other houses (?) and their grand plan to roll back the clans. which I dont care about because the dots on the map mean nothing, benefit no one, and have no real impact on this videogame except for some basic trash talking.

Also, who here has experienced a player government in any game that wasn't completely awful? Best case, the star league is a worthless fantasy that no one joins and everyone forgets soon. Slightly worse but still acceptable is that people join and refer to it in forum warfare posts i can be irritated by or laugh at but it doesn't impact the game in the slightest. My worst case scenario is that this takes off and PGI decides it's a cool thing their players have done and starts changing the game to reinforce it, rewarding the whiniest and most irritating part of the playerbase and in doing, punishing everyone else. thanks but no thanks.

#583 Gordon Gecko


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 05:51 AM

View PostIlithi Dragon, on 07 February 2015 - 09:48 PM, said:

We would be happy to accept Merc Star as a member of the Star League...

..... If you guys were actually willing to be a part of the Star League and abide by cease fire agreements and faction alliances, instead of blatantly refusing to do so, and openly declaring your intentions not to, and engaging in Clan Ghost Bear insurgent False Flag operations to stroke your epeen and get your tags on more planets.

If you want to be part of any group, you gotta play by the group's rules, otherwise you don't get let in.

This sounds so appealing...where do I sign!!! Pure winner material.

#584 Gordon Gecko


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 06:31 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 08 February 2015 - 09:50 PM, said:

They just dont make them like that anymore...LOL one of my all time favorite movies.

"Jason you dont lie to me...you lie to girls" :lol:

#585 Karl Marlow


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 06:31 AM

View PostLivewyr, on 10 February 2015 - 05:10 AM, said:

Is this the part where I join an IS faction and start violating any agreements?

Only if the result is more purple.

#586 Gordon Gecko


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 06:46 AM

View PostAx2Grind, on 09 February 2015 - 04:15 PM, said:

I speak for the trees. But seriously, I am part of a council of folks that represent MS. Hbizzle, Hann Solo, Antonius Rex, DeathlyEyes, Gordon Gecko, Saace, Jon Stormbringer, SilentWolff, Xavier....these are the folks who represent the units of MS. Antonius Rex is our Diplomat hostest with the mostest and contacting him usually clears up any confusion, but the other leaders listed are equally as helpful.

Like any team MS exists because most of us enjoy playing the game together.

Well said Ax

#587 Klappspaten


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 06:51 AM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 10 February 2015 - 05:28 AM, said:

Guy getting hammered from all sides itt wants to shift the conversation to irrelevant alien bird roleplayers whose only real impact is being strong in a completely different game. Good luck with that.

here's a real question: why should anyone support the main goal? Why should anyone care about this star league AT ALL, especially when the only real result of everyone obeying it is that suddenly we can't stomp Davions anymore? From a roleplay perspective, this is a hard sell, because I'm a Kurita and we're the villains of this franchise. From a realtalk perspective, the star league will just mean i dont have as much fun because now there are planets we can't attack and we're suddenly subordinate to guys from other houses (?) and their grand plan to roll back the clans. which I dont care about because the dots on the map mean nothing, benefit no one, and have no real impact on this videogame except for some basic trash talking.

Also, who here has experienced a player government in any game that wasn't completely awful? Best case, the star league is a worthless fantasy that no one joins and everyone forgets soon. Slightly worse but still acceptable is that people join and refer to it in forum warfare posts i can be irritated by or laugh at but it doesn't impact the game in the slightest. My worst case scenario is that this takes off and PGI decides it's a cool thing their players have done and starts changing the game to reinforce it, rewarding the whiniest and most irritating part of the playerbase and in doing, punishing everyone else. thanks but no thanks.

Thats the good thing about the new Star League, you do not have to join.
We can not stop you from attacking Davion, we will not stop you from attacking Davion and we don´t even want to stop you. If your attacks would become threatening to our alliance though, we could take steps to level the playing field a bit. For example, if Kurita attacks Davion so fierce that it becomes impossible for Davion to further support the goals of the new Star League, we could ask some Merc units to go to Davion and help them. Or even some loyalist units could take a contract with Davion to defend their fellow Star League members.
Of course the same would apply if it was the other way around.
Its not even prohibited for Star League members to attack other Star League members, all we ask is some restraint until the Clan threat is in check.

The nSL does not want to tell you how to play this game, but we won´t let you tell us how to play the game. Participate or not, thats your choice.
But I can tell you two things:
First, the Star League is here to stay.
Second, I do not want PGI to "enforce" the Star League as well. Because what makes this thing great, is that it is completely from our own initiative. For me, player driven politics are an essential part of the game. This right here, is how I want to play it.

Edited by Klappspaten, 10 February 2015 - 06:53 AM.

#588 Gordon Gecko


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:00 AM

Now I remember why I do not come to the forums.

For those of you that kept your comments professional, avoided arguments and kept to the point I salute you.

To the others, please re-evaluate how you spend your time, a lot of wasted breath and mud slinging.

In regards to the posts concerning MS, please take some of the comments you read on this forum w/ a grain of salt. Any member of a unit is always welcome to stop by our TS and chat w/ us.

You stay classy mechwarriors.

Edited by Gordon Gecko, 10 February 2015 - 07:02 AM.

#589 Necromantion


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:46 AM

View PostIcebergdx, on 09 February 2015 - 08:53 PM, said:

Nice home movie of you when you were young. Or was that you last week?

I googled MischeifSC and it came up.

View PostMischiefSC, on 09 February 2015 - 09:06 PM, said:

When they should be saying 'a merc unit turning people against each other'?

So the idea that the IS calls you Clanners and the Clanners calls you IS doesn't just prove the original point? Everyone says the same thing and it's not particularly flattering?

Hence back to my prior post. Majority of people seem to have developed a negative opinion of your group based on a variety of factors. The extreme behavior of a few people tolerated or encouraged by the rest, an attitude of 'we just do whatever we want' in a shared social environment, that the majority of what you do is pretty much just inconvenience everyone else, etc.

Which isn't saying winning matches or the like is an inconvenience. Davion has been getting its ass handed to it by a few Kurita 12mans while it's functionally rolling nothing but pugs. They've been punching us back worlds daily. That's not an inconvenience. Losing to Kurita means something, Kurita is a good opponent and their strategies in CW are relevant in the long term.

-MS- showing up, doing their thing and wanting to collect tags isn't. It's an irritation, a disruption that is cleaned up and moved past. Which is sad and unfortunate. -MS- represents a lot of players and it would be cool if their playing actually meant something to the overall CW game. Perhaps that's why people try to think of you as CGB; at least then there would be some purpose, value or overall game-impacting relevance to such a big group of players rolling around playing.

Instead you come across as just playing group queue with respawns and new maps, moving around wherever there seems to be the best odds of getting tags.

So I've got to ask, based on someone elses comment prior....

For people who want CW to be more than group queue with respawns and new maps, why would they want to 'earn the respect' of a group that plays CW in that way? Two different games, two different interests.

You do realize those Kurita units are our allies in CI and ACES right? And that those units are doing the EXACT same thing MS is doing, right?

This boils down to the same thing I said at the outset of this thread, the problem with CW lies with all the RP/Lore whoring geeks who cant wrap their head around that the game doesn't and WILL NEVER function like the TT game/books etc.

From what you have said over and over basically you dont like how merc units function, and thus youre on here complaining about MS being the sole perpetrator when the majority of other merc units are doing the same thing but the smaller units fall through the cracks because they dont have enough players to heavily influence faction success.

PGI's incentives to jump around to collect various faction rep based rewards like mechbays and hanging items as well as increased Cbill rewards for various factions when PGI decides to throw them a bone is one of many factors that influenced us moving to marik rather than back to steiner where we were before. Also in regards to "well if you wanted matches why not go FRR" as I addressed previously FRR gains would be lost immediately once we left the faction, and this has nothing to do with tags on planets I has to do with the fact that we swap back and forth every week from IS to Clan to let people play both factions and use all of their mechs. Why bother putting a ton of effort into a faction to help expand their ground to know that its going to just disappear the next week?

Im tired of dumb assumptions, yes there are people in MS who enjoy stirring the pot, but the people who make decisions and speak for units are not like that at all. We follow their lead and ultimately Tony's word is gold when it comes to all matters, it is he who we follow and if you wish to have a clear stance on what and why MS does what it does then ask him if you dont believe me in these matters.

#590 ApolloKaras


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:47 AM

View PostNecromantion, on 10 February 2015 - 07:46 AM, said:

I googled MischeifSC and it came up.

You do realize those Kurita units are our allies in CI and ACES right? And that those units are doing the EXACT same thing MS is doing, right?

This boils down to the same thing I said at the outset of this thread, the problem with CW lies with all the RP/Lore whoring geeks who cant wrap their head around that the game doesn't and WILL NEVER function like the TT game/books etc.

From what you have said over and over basically you dont like how merc units function, and thus youre on here complaining about MS being the sole perpetrator when the majority of other merc units are doing the same thing but the smaller units fall through the cracks because they dont have enough players to heavily influence faction success.

PGI's incentives to jump around to collect various faction rep based rewards like mechbays and hanging items as well as increased Cbill rewards for various factions when PGI decides to throw them a bone is one of many factors that influenced us moving to marik rather than back to steiner where we were before. Also in regards to "well if you wanted matches why not go FRR" as I addressed previously FRR gains would be lost immediately once we left the faction, and this has nothing to do with tags on planets I has to do with the fact that we swap back and forth every week from IS to Clan to let people play both factions and use all of their mechs. Why bother putting a ton of effort into a faction to help expand their ground to know that its going to just disappear the next week?

Im tired of dumb assumptions, yes there are people in MS who enjoy stirring the pot, but the people who make decisions and speak for units are not like that at all. We follow their lead and ultimately Tony's word is gold when it comes to all matters, it is he who we follow and if you wish to have a clear stance on what and why MS does what it does then ask him if you dont believe me in these matters.

Necro, bobF stopped, follow his example.

#591 CyclonerM

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:51 AM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 10 February 2015 - 05:28 AM, said:

Also, who here has experienced a player government in any game that wasn't completely awful?

Posted Image
There is not much written there, but i am referring to the "Nation leaders" point.

Edited by CyclonerM, 10 February 2015 - 07:56 AM.

#592 YCSLiesmith


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:54 AM

View PostCyclonerM, on 10 February 2015 - 07:51 AM, said:

this link doesn't go anywhere

#593 CyclonerM

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:56 AM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 10 February 2015 - 07:54 AM, said:

this link doesn't go anywhere

Ouch. Fixed.

#594 Klappspaten


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:58 AM

View PostNecromantion, on 10 February 2015 - 07:46 AM, said:

This boils down to the same thing I said at the outset of this thread, the problem with CW lies with all the RP/Lore whoring geeks who cant wrap their head around that the game doesn't and WILL NEVER function like the TT game/books etc.

Dude, I kind of take offence to that.
It just boils down to what has been said over and over again in this thread. You guys, Im not talking about MS as a whole but about you and your pals here in this thread, cant stand that we want to play this game in a different way than you do.
Either you participate in it, or you don´t, I don´t care.
But do not come here and insult me for not expecting the same of the game as you do.

Next time you might consider to think before you talk.

Edited by Klappspaten, 10 February 2015 - 08:00 AM.

#595 Necromantion


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 08:14 AM

View PostSaxie, on 10 February 2015 - 07:47 AM, said:

Necro, bobF stopped, follow his example.

Saxie I am not attacking people.

View PostKlappspaten, on 10 February 2015 - 07:58 AM, said:

Dude, I kind of take offence to that.
It just boils down to what has been said over and over again in this thread. You guys, Im not talking about MS as a whole but about you and your pals here in this thread, cant stand that we want to play this game in a different way than you do.
Either you participate in it, or you don´t, I don´t care.
But do not come here and insult me for not expecting the same of the game as you do.

Next time you might consider to think before you talk.

What are you talking about? I have nothing against people playing a game how they want to, I have never and wont ever have desire to have control over how someone enjoys their time on this game or any other game. I play the game and have fun with my friends and follow the direction in which the unit leader points, thats it thats all I do.

All I did was say that the game does not function like the TT or books, that is a true point no? I dont care if RP happens, I dont care if someone wants to play with stock builds or whatnot, to each their own.

What bothers me is when people get upset at MS for playing within the games rules and structure even seeking to work with units in our faction then having people say things in various forms to the effect of "you guys arent mercs because youre not acting how mercs do in the books" or "youre not mercs because i dont like what you do".
I do think before I post, you should perhaps have read the post rather than taking offence to my blunt observation of what i believe to be one of the significant things that the toxic parts of CW stems from. People who expect the map and success of various factions and their interactions with others to follow the lore are going to be significantly disappointed. Even if there was an RP focused community that would only be able to play other like-minded RP players people would still have their bias for their favorite faction and nothing would play out as it did in the books or whatnot.

Once again Merc units are functioning as merc units can right now within the structure PGI has laid out. There are no strict rules governing merc play yet and the incentives of swapping between various groups to reap the unlock rewards are tantalizing.

So Klapp, before you make assumptions you could take a bit of time to read over my other posts that are all for the SL and its form and function and where my only qualms were the stupid stigma surrounding MS because its the Elephant in the room that is easy to be intimidated by due to its potential effects on other units/factions due to its size and the fact that it has a cohesive alliance with other large Merc units like CI and ACES.

Is any of what I said unreasonable or full of Ill logic? No.

#596 Klappspaten


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 08:37 AM

View PostNecromantion, on 10 February 2015 - 08:14 AM, said:

Saxie I am not attacking people.

Yes, quite obviously you do. Probably you should read again what you wrote, not that I am terribly angry about it, but its getting anoying.

View PostNecromantion, on 10 February 2015 - 08:14 AM, said:

What are you talking about? I have nothing against people playing a game how they want to, I have never and wont ever have desire to have control over how someone enjoys their time on this game or any other game. I play the game and have fun with my friends and follow the direction in which the unit leader points, thats it thats all I do.

All I did was say that the game does not function like the TT or books, that is a true point no? I dont care if RP happens, I dont care if someone wants to play with stock builds or whatnot, to each their own.

What bothers me is when people get upset at MS for playing within the games rules and structure even seeking to work with units in our faction then having people say things in various forms to the effect of "you guys arent mercs because youre not acting how mercs do in the books" or "youre not mercs because i dont like what you do".
I do think before I post, you should perhaps have read the post rather than taking offence to my blunt observation of what i believe to be one of the significant things that the toxic parts of CW stems from. People who expect the map and success of various factions and their interactions with others to follow the lore are going to be significantly disappointed. Even if there was an RP focused community that would only be able to play other like-minded RP players people would still have their bias for their favorite faction and nothing would play out as it did in the books or whatnot.

Once again Merc units are functioning as merc units can right now within the structure PGI has laid out. There are no strict rules governing merc play yet and the incentives of swapping between various groups to reap the unlock rewards are tantalizing.

So Klapp, before you make assumptions you could take a bit of time to read over my other posts that are all for the SL and its form and function and where my only qualms were the stupid stigma surrounding MS because its the Elephant in the room that is easy to be intimidated by due to its potential effects on other units/factions due to its size and the fact that it has a cohesive alliance with other large Merc units like CI and ACES.

Is any of what I said unreasonable or full of Ill logic? No.

Funny thing, until now it kind of DID work out as in the lore.
And in fact I do not care how you want to play the game, go ahead have fun. You wont see me going to any of your threads and completely derail it, since I do not care.
But you guys have successfully derailed our thread, so I guess you kind of do care, don´t you?

I know and understand what your issues with the nSL are, and thats okay. You don´t have to participate, its your choice. Just as much as it is my choice. But that also means that maybe you shouldn´t come here and call us, what was it?

View PostNecromantion, on 10 February 2015 - 07:46 AM, said:

RP/Lore whoring geeks

Okay, thats nothing too bad, I say way worse things to my friends. But you are not my friend, I do not now you and I expect you to back of some. I will not come to your threads and disrupt or derail your discussions and I expect the same courtesy from you, thats all.

#597 YCSLiesmith


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 08:42 AM

View PostNecromantion, on 10 February 2015 - 07:46 AM, said:

I googled MischeifSC and it came up.

You do realize those Kurita units are our allies in CI and ACES right? And that those units are doing the EXACT same thing MS is doing, right?

What? Kurita's been smoking Davion for like three weeks, during which time ACES, at least, was with Ghost Bear. Can't really credit them for anything yet. Pretty much all the most recently captured Davion (AND Steiner) planets have NS on them, with the occasional NKVA. Not that having planets matters at all, but it does help track who is attacking who.

#598 HBizzle


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 08:45 AM

View PostNecromantion, on 10 February 2015 - 08:14 AM, said:

Saxie I am not attacking people.

Doesn't matter. You are causing the Alliance problems. It is in your best interest to stop posting in any regards to MS, as you don't even represent your unit, much less MS command staff. If I were you I would just stop posting at this point.

#599 Harathan


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 08:50 AM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 10 February 2015 - 05:08 AM, said:

Here's your info on the star league: it's a roleplay thing that means nothing and the people who hope it means something are the ones who were stomping all over the place two months ago, lost all their mercs, and in the last month have started getting brutally owned to the point where they cling to some fantasy ceasefire where we all fight the clans instead of them (they have no borders with the clans). Sorry fedcom dogs, the only path to a star league will come when the Coordinator seizes all planets and unites all humanity under the aegis of his enlightened combine.

The new Star League was a Marik initiative, not a Davion one. Go throw your weight around someplace else. The Kurita subforum, perhaps.

View PostNecromantion, on 10 February 2015 - 07:46 AM, said:

I googled MischeifSC and it came up.

You do realize those Kurita units are our allies in CI and ACES right? And that those units are doing the EXACT same thing MS is doing, right?

This boils down to the same thing I said at the outset of this thread, the problem with CW lies with all the RP/Lore whoring geeks who cant wrap their head around that the game doesn't and WILL NEVER function like the TT game/books etc.

From what you have said over and over basically you dont like how merc units function, and thus youre on here complaining about MS being the sole perpetrator when the majority of other merc units are doing the same thing but the smaller units fall through the cracks because they dont have enough players to heavily influence faction success.

PGI's incentives to jump around to collect various faction rep based rewards like mechbays and hanging items as well as increased Cbill rewards for various factions when PGI decides to throw them a bone is one of many factors that influenced us moving to marik rather than back to steiner where we were before. Also in regards to "well if you wanted matches why not go FRR" as I addressed previously FRR gains would be lost immediately once we left the faction, and this has nothing to do with tags on planets I has to do with the fact that we swap back and forth every week from IS to Clan to let people play both factions and use all of their mechs. Why bother putting a ton of effort into a faction to help expand their ground to know that its going to just disappear the next week?

Im tired of dumb assumptions, yes there are people in MS who enjoy stirring the pot, but the people who make decisions and speak for units are not like that at all. We follow their lead and ultimately Tony's word is gold when it comes to all matters, it is he who we follow and if you wish to have a clear stance on what and why MS does what it does then ask him if you dont believe me in these matters.

Oh good, MS trolls are back. That didn't take long did it? Stay classy, MercStar.

Edited by Harathan, 10 February 2015 - 08:53 AM.

#600 Necromantion


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 08:57 AM

View PostKlappspaten, on 10 February 2015 - 08:37 AM, said:

Yes, quite obviously you do. Probably you should read again what you wrote, not that I am terribly angry about it, but its getting anoying.

Funny thing, until now it kind of DID work out as in the lore.
And in fact I do not care how you want to play the game, go ahead have fun. You wont see me going to any of your threads and completely derail it, since I do not care.
But you guys have successfully derailed our thread, so I guess you kind of do care, don´t you?

I know and understand what your issues with the nSL are, and thats okay. You don´t have to participate, its your choice. Just as much as it is my choice. But that also means that maybe you shouldn´t come here and call us, what was it?

Okay, thats nothing too bad, I say way worse things to my friends. But you are not my friend, I do not now you and I expect you to back of some. I will not come to your threads and disrupt or derail your discussions and I expect the same courtesy from you, thats all.

Ill get back to your first comment here at the end with your last.

Now on to what I said before, once again the game does not function like TT or the books does it?

I never insinuated that you care how I play the game but other people do seem to dislike how merc units have been functioning thus far and MS defending our stance on things has apparently lead to people taking tantrums. We are doing nothing different than CI or ACES or even the small merc units moving where we see fit. And ultimately unless we play by everyone elses little rules whether they are RP or just based in bias people are going to moan and complain. Until PGI sets up a more structured merc context this will probably continue.

Regarding the "derailing", the derailing happened after various finger pointing at MS as a problem when someone said "why are we not considered part of the "7th house" mentioned in the document yet other merc units are. Then a huge flame war was born.

From the things I have heard on TS is that people would indeed like to participate in the nSL and contribute. Thats that, pretty simple.

Now regarding my "RP/Lore whoring geeks" comment. First of all, were all geeks playing a very much nearly cult video game. If me using the word "whoring" is offensive to you I apologize however like I said a lot of people trying to force lore based contexts on things in the game in regards to unit interaction as a result of how PGI currently has things structured in regards to community warfare is like trying to shove the cube in the circle hole unfortunately.

Also something for everyone to remember is that this is still beta and things could change in regards to how mercs function depending on what PGI does though thinking about that also sets an interesting stage should the actual full on non-beta community warfare start with the IS working under the nSL and the Clans working together as well. Should be quite interesting.

I have no personal interest in any disjoint between any groups or individuals in this game, the sole thing I have attempted to do is correct people on their incorrect assumptions about MS's aims in light of things I have heard our leadership discuss or say along with sharing my thoughts on where some of the issues are stemming from. That is all.


Edited by Necromantion, 10 February 2015 - 08:57 AM.

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