VoodooLou Kerensky, on 18 February 2015 - 02:02 AM, said:
http://en.wikipedia....on#Electrolaser More PPC like
The video with the laser popping balloons isnt a weaponized laser its a pointer, which isnt even used by military's to 'paint' a target, those lasers are visible in the infrared bands. Lasers are given colors in movies etc so that the audience can see that ship A is firing at ship B instead of ship B just taking mysterious invisible damage. And if you notice there is no colored light coming out of the cutting lasers aperture. In 500 years who knows maybe military grade lasers will have colors but I doubt it since the color would be a great way to trace back to its source
Except the real military already uses tracer rounds when shooting targets sometimes including in combat even though tracers can be traced back to the source.
Since they do that, they may well use colored lasers in actual combat.