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Marik Attack On Athenry

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#1101 Abivard


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 11:46 AM

View PostTesunie, on 24 February 2015 - 09:33 AM, said:

Thing is, we southern houses can still help in several ways.
- We can defend. Not as much fun nor as effective as attacking the clans as well in our own faction name, but...
- We can shift allegiances to other factions to temporarily help.
- We southern houses can even agree to just fight amongst ourselves and leave the northern houses to concentrate on the clans. (Which still wouldn't be a bad idea for the game.)
- We can also even try to gain attack lanes by doing things similar to the Island, and then let that respective house reclaim those worlds once contact with a clan is established. (Once we have a world touching a clan, we don't need any of the other worlds. Just a small buffer up there so we don't have to reset the whole thing if the clans take one world back or something.)

Kurita is in a strange position as far as that last option goes. The attack system seems to always aim at bringing factions to take over the other faction's capital. Kurita's capital is behind enemy lines right now, which would lead attackers towards the clans. Kurita also shares a boarder with the southern houses. (Unlike FRR.) They also had a worm hole that jumped one southern house almost right to the clans front doorstep.

Attacking Steiner to gain those same attack lanes would not be as effective. They haven't had the clans dig as deep into their territory. Their capital is also firmly still in their factions main body, and is not near the fighting. They also seem to be capable of at least holding the clans mostly in check.

FRR is in the most desperate place for help. However, they only share boarders with two other northern houses. I do wonder what they would say if something similar to the Wormhole happened near them. Would they have let us (any southern house that had the wormhole) try and reach the clans the same we we proposed? And then just take those worlds back behind us if we had progress? Or would they also have shut down/refused the project because of their low planet count?

No we would not have let them take anything. We would have turned tooth and nail to that southern house, ignored the clans and fought till we were gone, then joined what ever clan was attacking that southern house and continue until the very name of that house was forgotten.

That is what the FRR would have done. What you all do is up to you.

#1102 Lord DeicideRavenRose


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 11:48 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 24 February 2015 - 11:35 AM, said:

I agree, you should stop

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#1103 stratagos


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 11:50 AM

I also want an Urbanmech!

Oh, wait, sorry, wrong thread

#1104 Monkey Lover


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:02 PM

View Poststratagos, on 24 February 2015 - 11:50 AM, said:

I also want an Urbanmech!

Oh, wait, sorry, wrong thread

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#1105 Davers


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:09 PM

View PostProphetic, on 24 February 2015 - 10:00 AM, said:

Marik then took Dieron anyway.

Did you guys open your attack lane yet or are the puppet Davies actually taking too long to steamroll?

Thank you for the snarky response! I was starting to feel left with all the 'serious' posts yesterday. :)

As for the attack lane, who knows how long it will take? If the algorithim is on our side, it could be within the next 3 CW phases. If it shifts back down south...months?

#1106 Tesunie


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:26 PM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 24 February 2015 - 11:33 AM, said:

Who cares what those units thought? They were wrong and got beat and then doubled down on it and got beat again. "Oh but we didn't know! we were just so confused!" is a coward's defense. Get on TS and ask. or better yet, own up to the fact taht Marik attacked Kurita because Marik wanted to own more planets. All the craven, dishonest whining is really embarassing

So, are you telling me that we all have a TS that I can go and hear all the other units, high command, and everything all at once? Please? Share with me what this IP address is... because I certainly don't know what it is. (And I suspect I'm not the only one who doesn't.)

And doubled down? Oh? You mean trying to hold onto the last few planets in the Island, which (you seem to constantly forget) we had worked very hard to connect to Marik proper? If trying to defend worlds we could use to farther the defense of the entire IS is a sneak attack... well...

Yes. MS attacked worlds from the wormhole. Yes, a few Marik units seemed to be confused as to if they should be attacking there or not. However, I don't believe it would have made much difference if those Marik units aided MS or not. I suspect that those planets would have been taken by MS either way... (Plus, who's tag was on the planet anyway?)

But remember now, Marik sent over some Mercs to help you at that time, just so that they would be in a weakened state for expanding the Island. Because it makes sense to send some of your population before you attempt to expand. Oh, and don't forget that those mercs who went over to help against the clans (though miscommunications from the sounds of it) didn't really receive much support. Also recall that those very mercs got a heaping of trash thrown at us for trying to help, and was blamed for the attacks on the Island. We also got accused of not trying to work with Kurita and "demanding" you come help us...

View PostJoe Decker, on 09 February 2015 - 10:03 PM, said:

Just want to add that our Company (usually we are with Marik) was attacking CSJ tonight nonstop to help Kurita and it was somewhat discouraging to see Kuritan Forces not joining the Attack but fighting Mariks... whats going on ?

A request, asking what is going on. Trying to cut through the confusion of that time. Not a demand.

View PostKjudoon, on 10 February 2015 - 05:36 AM, said:


Well, know full well that people who have pledged to help you in your time of need because it was believed to be the right thing to do are watching this, and without proper rebuke of such sentiments by those who claim to represent you can have consequences. I'm just saying... you are what you type online and silence lends consent not dissent.

As for the early events of the Island "attack": http://mwomercs.com/...marik-invasion/

View PostMadC4t, on 09 February 2015 - 06:12 AM, said:

Sorry to say...
But yesterday evening me and my unit (36th Dieron) tried to get a Planet from Kurita (that was conquered from Marik) back.
We got defenders several times once -MS- and rest are PUGs with Unit-Tags...

View PostMolossian Dog, on 09 February 2015 - 07:11 AM, said:

One of them was one of our unit members. That was a mistake. We informed him and the rest of our guys that we should not defend. That is as soon as we found out. Other units should do the same.

Frankly speaking, the horsetrading with that island left everyone on both sides confused, not knowing if and when to attack or defend to mess with the algorithim and make it do what both sides would like.

And then there are people, like said MegaMercs, who do whatever they want.

But the term Marik Invasion is a bit too much. That would look different.

View PostRoadbeer, on 09 February 2015 - 03:23 PM, said:

The plan was for tonight, to attempt to trade worlds to see if we can kick the algorithm north, we were going to coordinate with DCMS and SRPH to achieve this in rapid order so we could all get back on the Clans.

Now with a false flag being run on Liao, I don't know how we can effectively do any manipulation of the island for the remainder of the week, given a rogue element at play.

View PostScoops Kerensky, on 09 February 2015 - 03:46 PM, said:

Like Roadbeer says, its mostly been the high commands of both factions trying to intermittently play with the attack pathing to bump it on a northward trajectory to attack the clans. Marik 'invasion' isn't really correct here, and there's been no damage to Marik-Kurita relations on either side.

Unfortunately our seperate high commands only speak for so many players, from what we understand -MS- and Marik high command aren't on the best of terms at the moment, which has led to the wormhole project being a casualty of it.

For now, all Kurita players should feel free to join in and help us close the wormhole experiment as we haven't been able to get it working, just be warned that there's a high likelihood of running into -MS- premades at the moment until they move on to their next contract.

View PostIlithi Dragon, on 09 February 2015 - 04:29 PM, said:

MS seems to be doing whatever MS wants to be doing, regardless of established NAPs, cease-fires, alliances, experiment collaborations, etc., and they're big enough to make a significant impact wherever they go, unfortunately.

View PostRoadbeer, on 09 February 2015 - 04:36 PM, said:

I'm curious as to what you mean by "shutting down the wormhole experiment"?

FWIW, now that that donut hole is closing up, there's only two directions it can go. Though, I think any attempts at trying to manipulate it in any direction, and expending time doing it for the rest of the week is moot. But once we're able to attempt to conduct its path on our terms, I believe we should revisit trying to get it to work.

View PostLord Ikka, on 09 February 2015 - 06:21 PM, said:

We understand mp00, our stance on this in no way reflects on Marik loyalists. We do have an issue with a lot of our planets, including some units' homeworlds, being assaulted or under the threat of a new attack front. We respect our Marik friends and continue to wish them well.

I believe that the running belief back then was that Kurita would be taking worlds with the MS tag, while leaving some worlds left behind for the experiment to continue. Hence the other quotes underneath.

This looks like the whole thing ended up being the result of poor communications from each side. But with Kurita not willing to admit it may have been so and keep saying "we were clear on our statement, and we informed them with plenty of notice" isn't helping.

Each side should just admit that a break down of communications happened, and hasty decisions were made on each side of the event. Can we at least agree that each party is at fault? Each party failed to properly communicate their intentions? And that each party made some hasty and rash decisions? (Any justifications placed aside for the moment.)

PS: Why is Lord Ikka not part of Kuritain Command? He seems to have a demeanor that would reflect well within a command position. He is respectful, and very thoughtful from my observations.

#1107 Tesunie


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:30 PM

View PostAbivard, on 24 February 2015 - 11:46 AM, said:

No we would not have let them take anything. We would have turned tooth and nail to that southern house, ignored the clans and fought till we were gone, then joined what ever clan was attacking that southern house and continue until the very name of that house was forgotten.

That is what the FRR would have done. What you all do is up to you.

In the case of a wormhole? And if both commands had talked about it? And it was agreed to open it up as a possible attack path to a clan to help you? And then a merc group (MS in this case) expanded it? Would you have closed it down right then and there, or would you have taken some/most of it back and left a world or two in reserve?

I'm saying, in similar events, I do wonder what the FRR would have done as their reaction. (Of course, speculation, as we will never be able to know.)

#1108 Chaosbarbarian


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:44 PM

They are just taking you for granted Kuritan warriors :)

#1109 YCSLiesmith


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:54 PM

View PostTesunie, on 24 February 2015 - 12:26 PM, said:

So, are you telling me that we all have a TS that I can go and hear all the other units, high command, and everything all at once? Please? Share with me what this IP address is... because I certainly don't know what it is. (And I suspect I'm not the only one who doesn't.)

It's the kurita teamspeak, dude. there's only one

#1110 Tesunie


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:01 PM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 24 February 2015 - 12:54 PM, said:

It's the kurita teamspeak, dude. there's only one

So... where is it? I'm not familiar with TS to be honest, and I only have two bookmarks on it. One for my Stock Mech Monday group, and one for my Seraphim unit. And I only have those because the people I play with there gave it to me. (I don't even have one for the Marik faction.)

Also, my commanders are the ones who contact outside members. Seen as I tend to play with just Seraphim members for the most part, and with in game VOIP in now... I take the orders I'm told to do from the Seraphim (where we are aiming our unit's attacks on, etc) and drop there. If I need to talk to anyone else in match, either I will VOIP it, or I will type it into team chat.

Didn't know I needed to have TS addresses for every faction in the game whom I may end up playing with at any given time... :ph34r: (Especially seen as I'm just a low ranking member of my unit, and I do still tend to PUG a lot...)

#1111 YCSLiesmith


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:03 PM

View PostTesunie, on 24 February 2015 - 01:01 PM, said:

So... where is it? I'm not familiar with TS to be honest, and I only have two bookmarks on it. One for my Stock Mech Monday group, and one for my Seraphim unit. And I only have those because the people I play with there gave it to me. (I don't even have one for the Marik faction.)

Also, my commanders are the ones who contact outside members. Seen as I tend to play with just Seraphim members for the most part, and with in game VOIP in now... I take the orders I'm told to do from the Seraphim (where we are aiming our unit's attacks on, etc) and drop there. If I need to talk to anyone else in match, either I will VOIP it, or I will type it into team chat.

Didn't know I needed to have TS addresses for every faction in the game whom I may end up playing with at any given time... :ph34r: (Especially seen as I'm just a low ranking member of my unit, and I do still tend to PUG a lot...)

maybe you should stop your shrill accusations about what was and was not agreed if you don't even know where the kurita teamspeak is, dude. you don't know anything but what you've been told and guys like Scoops who are actually in kurita high command say different.

Edited by YCSLiesmith, 24 February 2015 - 01:06 PM.

#1112 Vlad Ward


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:08 PM

View PostTesunie, on 24 February 2015 - 01:01 PM, said:

So... where is it? I'm not familiar with TS to be honest, and I only have two bookmarks on it. One for my Stock Mech Monday group, and one for my Seraphim unit. And I only have those because the people I play with there gave it to me. (I don't even have one for the Marik faction.)

Also, my commanders are the ones who contact outside members. Seen as I tend to play with just Seraphim members for the most part, and with in game VOIP in now... I take the orders I'm told to do from the Seraphim (where we are aiming our unit's attacks on, etc) and drop there. If I need to talk to anyone else in match, either I will VOIP it, or I will type it into team chat.

Didn't know I needed to have TS addresses for every faction in the game whom I may end up playing with at any given time... :ph34r: (Especially seen as I'm just a low ranking member of my unit, and I do still tend to PUG a lot...)

I don't see how it matters what you did or didn't know since you've explicitly stated on multiple occasions that you're not in any position to influence anything anywhere, even in your own unit.

No one's going to go around ensuring that every member of every unit is up to date on faction politics. It's your leader's job to make sure you guys know what you're doing. If they failed to provide you with the proper information on attack routes and/or keep in contact with relevant faction units, they're the ones who screwed up.

Edited by Vlad Ward, 24 February 2015 - 01:08 PM.

#1113 Musashi Alexander


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:18 PM

View PostTesunie, on 24 February 2015 - 12:26 PM, said:

PS: Why is Lord Ikka not part of Kuritain Command? He seems to have a demeanor that would reflect well within a command position. He is respectful, and very thoughtful from my observations.

Lord Ikka is an official ambassador of the DCMS High Council.

#1114 Vlad Ward


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:30 PM

View PostMusashi Alexander, on 24 February 2015 - 01:18 PM, said:

Lord Ikka is an official ambassador of the DCMS High Council.

Well, he was. He stepped down a couple days ago according to the High Council thread.

#1115 pwnface


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:30 PM

View PostMusashi Alexander, on 24 February 2015 - 01:18 PM, said:

Lord Ikka is an official ambassador of the DCMS High Council.

Actually, he's resigned the position but remains a valuable ally to the DCMS.

#1116 pwnface


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:45 PM

MS showed that the wormhole experiment was a liability and potential weakness for House Kurita. We elected to close the wormhole down. Marik was interested in having a discussion/negotiation about retaining wormhole planets. Kurita wanted to shut things down. If Marik was able to connect their island to their main body we might have been able to share borders as happy allies, instead of trying to connect the island to their mainland they opted to resist Kurita attempts to close the wormhole.

Marik leaders then decided that they didn't need our permission to operate in our territory, because they deserved to be the defenders of Terra. Marik then launches a full scale surprise attack on Kurita instead of just resisting our attempts to close the wormhole. Kurita responds by committing all of our forces to both shut down the attack and shut down the wormhole in a 24 hour period.

Maybe better communication might have reduced the friction between our factions. It still doesn't change the fact that Marik was arrogant enough to believe that they could control our territory. Maybe not having any conflict zones will allow both sides to cool down, maybe not. If the Star League was truly formed to fight against the clans, going to war with Kurita is in direct conflict with those goals. I guess we'll see what happens though if/when a Marik/Kurita border is opened.

#1117 Brew E


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:53 PM

Congrats on New Earth House Marik. Got to drop with the 313 this afternoon really great bunch of guys.

#1118 YCSLiesmith


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:57 PM

View Postpwnface, on 24 February 2015 - 01:45 PM, said:

Maybe better communication might have reduced the friction between our factions. It still doesn't change the fact that Marik was arrogant enough to believe that they could control our territory.

forget being arrogant enough to control our territory, they were arrogant enough to think they could beat us in this videogame. they still are, somehow, even after getting wrecked when they tried before.

#1119 Roadbeer


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 02:09 PM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 24 February 2015 - 01:57 PM, said:

Die Clanner

Edited by Roadbeer, 24 February 2015 - 02:10 PM.

#1120 Musashi Alexander


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 02:21 PM

View Postpwnface, on 24 February 2015 - 01:30 PM, said:

Actually, he's resigned the position but remains a valuable ally to the DCMS.

I just noticed this. I humbly apologise for spreading lies and misinformation. :(

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