Irish BoB, on 26 February 2015 - 07:28 AM, said:
The time for talk has passed.
Let us now duke it out until the bitter end (of beta) like the two honourable houses we say we are.
Let us go back to the times (early beta) where planets were hard fought and hard won. No more 12mans dropping against pugs and claiming it as legitimate progression.
More talk will only allow certain minorities from within both factions to shout each other down with needless and childish trolling.
Climb into your mechs once more gentlemen and prepare for glorious battle
Irish Bob, if we want honorable combat and everyone involved is pretty much ok with Kurita ignoring the clans I am up for this and would support it internally within HK. I think 12 v 12 would be great fun and I'd like to get it out of the way between Kurta and Marik while it is still Beta. To be honest unless something dramatically changes it isn't like CGB is going to be slowed down anytime soon anyway.
I think much of the issue is there is no lane for attack for Marik, Davion, Liao into the clans. So the only way to vent is for the normal rivalries. Since HK is loud on the forums and somewhat in game (depending on the night and unit) it is natural for rivalries to stress to a war or at least fights.
So if Marik High Command wants to organize something then lets talk. I'd prefer to fight against groups and not pugs all the time. While I enjoy the Cbills I don't "get off" on pug stomps. Plus this pointless PvP forum warrior is silly. I want funny NKVA memes again poking fun at our enemies. Not angry rants by our opponents / HK units.
Noaceik, on 26 February 2015 - 07:49 AM, said:
I am for cooler heads at this time. Kurita leadership has started to realize how bad such a war would be. Also with a reset to happen before to long, it would be foolish to increase the tensions between our factions. I know the value of forgiveness and burying the hatchet. I don't represent all Marik though, only the Silverhawks who are the smallest active unit of the Marik Loyalists.
Yet, if war does come we will fight with our fellow units. Our loyalty is to the FWLM. God speed Kurita, I only count for 1 vote.
I'd rather we get a fight out of our system now while it is closed beta. Maybe we might understand each other better if we get this out of the way. Maybe we fight for a week? Make some kind of formal arrangement. Once the fight is done (we agree on terms ahead of time) then we all focus on the clans where much of HK would like to be (not all).