Ohh the post dissection game! It's been a while. Let's see if we can bore others to death:
Escef, on 01 March 2015 - 07:13 PM, said:
Not really. You get better performance with an AC20. 36 missiles spread randomly over 7 locations equals 10 to 12 damage per location on average. It would take 2 salvos of that, on average, to take down a Locust (though one Alpha from behind has a decent chance of killing an XL Locust, which is the vast majority of them). 2 Salvos... 72 missiles, more than 2/3rds of a ton of ammo, almost 3/4s... An AC20 would not take 4 shots to do that.
Oh yes, on paper the AC20 is much better option. 20 damage instantly delivered to a single component. Easy. The thing is AC20 is harder to aim. Much much harder to aim at lights. Slowest projectile with the lowest range so you can't apply full damage at 400 meters unlike the Streaks. Its effective range against lights is pretty much 100-150m due to bullet travel time. A good light pilot also has a decent chance at evading the bullet while still fighting at brawling ranges. That's not an option with SSRMs. It's either flee or die.
Actually, it takes MORE aiming, you have to hold reticule over target areas for as much time as it takes to achieve lock. It does, however, not require PRECISE aiming. You trade the ability to do pinpoint damage like you would with a direct fire weapon for higher accuracy.
With target decay, you have 3.5 seconds to do whatever you want between shots. That's not constant, but more like "touch the crosshair to the red box once in a while" aiming. As Artemis still affects streaks for some reason, acquiring locks is also pretty much instant with a 50% reduction. Unlike LRMs they are also truly fire and forget. You can just peek (or poptart), dump 60 alpha and get into cover without worrying if they'll keep tracking or not.
At SSRM30 levels I find the "spread damage" argument irrelevant as you're taking down 1/2 or 1/3rd of the light armor with a high chance of one-shotting damaged ones or straight out blowing limbs off. The Streaks are especially effective against limbs because of their chance based distribution:
They tend to target limbs over torsos, which makes them excellent against lights. Those are also just chances. By bringing 30 missiles, you're also increasing the chance of more missiles heading for a single component that outright kills the light or cripples it.
Yeah, you only have to devote more tonnage to it than to run 2xUAC5. It also runs a LOT hotter than 2xUAC5. Do you know how much ammo you get with 6xSSRM6, CAP, and 4xERML? 3.5 tons. That's it. If you want more ammo than you need to make serious sacrifices in armor, cut your lasers down to smalls (not even medium range firepower, woo!), or downscale your launchers (which is, quite honestly, far more practical).
2xUAC5's also suck at killing lights and doesn't farm as much damage as the streak builds do. What's the argument here? If you're bringing additional 4xERML with 6xStreaks, you're voluntarily gimping yourself. You don't need anything else. A decent
6xSSRM6 MDD can be made with 900 ammo, a
5xSSRM6 SCR with 1000 and an
SSRM28 SMN with 600 ammo (with the added benefit of 5JJs). I also wouldn't classify having 60 firepower as "medium levels of firepower".
And you conveniently dismiss the fact that he had armor damage all over the place BEFORE the salvo landed. A fresh 35-tonner can tank that like a boss.
I don't get it. Are you complaining that you couldn't one-shot him with your magical missiles? As I said, that Jenner is dead after that salvo no matter if you got it or not.
Please, at best it is a soft counter to lights. Try it yourself. A competent light jock will either kite you or use his speed and size to prevent you from resolving target lock. Low and middling skill light jocks will simply be intimidated and give you a wide berth, unless they get sloppy (which low and middling skill pilots often do) and give you an easy kill.
SSRM20+ is as hard counter as you can get for lights. That's why every competent clan deck has at least one Streakcrow/MDD in CW. Yes, a light (if he's aware of the danger) will actively avoid the Streakboat and will pray that it gets taken down by friendlies or just gets distracted somehow. Still, the area where the Streakboat is present(might as well be the crucial brawl that happens) is effectively off limits for that light. How is that a soft counter?
I do try them occassionally when I'm feeling trollish (the Panther release was an excellent day for it) and as someone who is both on the receiving and giving end of them I think they're ridiculous. My Streak Summoner is my most consistent Summoner (for a chassis otherwise underpowered) with 700+ damage and 2-3 kills per match in the group queue, but those are just anectodes. We can keep posting scoreboards without proving anything.
Know what I see over and over again in this thread? The BoomJager. People cried the EXACT same tears over the BoomJager when it was new. No skill, too much firepower, newb weapon, yadda-yadda-yadda. Of course, the BoomJager has no lateral motion in the arms, and the only way to carry that kind of firepower with any kind of speed, ammo, or backup guns is to mount an Inner Sphere XL engine on a mech with huge side torsos. People cry over what kills them, regardless of how impractical the build is or how glaring the deficiencies of the build. (As a side note, I find it interesting that almost no one seems to be whining over the KGC's ability to bring twin AC20 to the party.)
AC40 Jagers were ridiculous because they were outdamaging traditional brawlers in close combat. There's a point where gank is more useful than tank, and AC40 Jagers were over that point. TTK with that thing was ridiculous and was adjusted accordingly with ghost heat.
Coincidentally, everybody arguing how OK they were simply switched to dual Gauss for some magical reason. I guess having to stagger their AC20s messed up with their sweet insta-TTK and they went for greener pastures?
Nobody complains about AC40 KGCs because slow projectile with little range + a slow 'Mech is a horrible combination and is easy to avoid. Not to mention the horrible convergence with those arms. Dual Gauss makes more sense with that and that is indeed the prefferred loadout in the solo/group queue.
Edited by Tahribator, 02 March 2015 - 06:41 AM.