Soy, on 01 March 2015 - 05:51 PM, said:
Of course. That required like, ten seconds to type after skimming the OP for 10 secs.
I found it really amusing how you make a bunch of wild assumptions about how the Gladiator will be,
while completely ignoring the notion that PGI could, of course, at least attempt to balance things after the fact.
Which is what has been occuring in every online game, ever.
Not saying they could balance it, just sayin - your argument is horribly cynical and biased.
which is why you usually miss the actual point of the OPs. It's all good, maybe you just need to knock the rust off of your foruming, too!
Whats most amusing is that since PGI has made only half hearted attempts at fixing things like the Summoner, Badder, Gargoyle, etc, that you seem to believe that they will get around to making the Executioner good anytime soon...well, it's cute. Or the Highlander, which 3 quirk passe sin is still....useless?
Now note, maybe if you actually try reading the OP instead of skimming, I am in no way try to dissuade others from buying. I am simply stating, as someone who has been and still is, an ardent supporter of the game, why this pack does not appeal to me.
Horribly cynical and biased? Yup, letting 3 years og this game influence my view, along with the mechanics specifically added to deal with things like Jump jetting Assaults...makes me a truly cynical guy. Lol.
But go ahead and keep posting away.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 01 March 2015 - 05:56 PM.