Gyrok, on 20 March 2015 - 05:49 AM, said:
I am not spewing tears at all...I am trying to erect a dam to hold back the IS tears about to flood the place over, and all those tears are for no good reason.
The problem, drunk, is you are drowning in the tears where you are standing...
Nah, not really. I haven't been complaining about the strength of Clans to the extent that others have, and considering how much you moaned about the TDR 9S, you really aren't in any position to be accusing me of whining.
I have already made my point as to how Clans could be nerfed in this thread (you should go back a couple of pages), and it's not through an IS power creep like you suggested, and it isn't through a speed nerf from losing a side torso. Someone suggested removing speed tweak from Clans, which I am on the fence about as it seems to be that it would impact more Mech's negatively then it would the problem trinity.
Making Clan UAC's better might be a start, I haven't since day one, liked the design of Clan UAC's, it's pretty much useless for any Mech that isn't a DWF B because the multi shot cannons pretty much make their direct damage inferior and the DWF is only successful in dealing damage because it can carry a lot of them. I also proposed nerfing the ER ML damage a bit, since a 1 ton weapon that is nearly equivalent to an IS Large Laser is a bit much, and increasing the stock cool down on the Clan Large Pulse Laser would help to mitigate the effectiveness of Clan laser vomit, but really if Clan UAC's aren't viable on any chassis other than a DWF, of course people aren't going to use them and that is ultimately where the problem comes from.
Power creep has been the problem, nerfing Clans should be done through power reduction to be honest, it makes way more sense to reduce damage then essentially make most chassis complete garbage by doing a sweeping nerf. Taking Speed Tweak away from the Stormcrow would be a reasonable nerf as well.
Edited by Drunk Canuck, 20 March 2015 - 12:48 PM.