Kristov Kerensky, on 17 March 2015 - 02:07 PM, said:
Yes, they can, because OmniMechs don't get to do that, it's the 'Balance' that FASA put into BTech with the introduction of the Clans. OmniMechs can change weapons literally before you start engagement in PnP, IS Mechs can't, it's a HUGE advantage. As I said, it's not as huge in MWO, but if PGI would allow ALL Omnimechs to have pods that carry ALL weapon types, it would be a bigger advantage over what it currently is, which is still better than any IS Mech can hope to attain.
Except this isn't FASA IS mechs are infinitely more customizable. OMNI pods are just a c-bill sink, if you change pods you don't even keep what is in them. it gets tossed into your inventory.
Factor in the quirks and there is already NO reason to drive the clan mechs, I can out laser a Stormcrow over about the same range....with an enforcer, out Dakka a Direwolf with a DRAGON of all things.....that by they way doesn't over heat, and doesn't ever jam. Even the "Timbergod" is literally three shot by a MPL Thunderbolt.
....and the rest of the mechs are effectively trash.
MLX LOOK MA NO ARMS....It overheats with its JUMPJETS
Cutefox? Only usefull as a Assualt ECM/Missile shield, neither of which you get paid for I may add.
IceFart? Fast, no space
Nova geometry makes it so that you succeed despite the mech instead of because of it.
Crow is solid
Hellbringer is solid
Mad Dog is basically made of paper, I mastered mine and put them away. Amusing in short bursts not good
Summorer, 21.5 tons of pod space in a 70 tonner....yeah
Gargoyle.....nothing PGI can do will save this thing.
Warhawk dies to the thrown of locks heatsinks (14 of them) and or terrible heat modling, there is no way to make x4 ER-PPCs work.
Kristov Kerensky, on 17 March 2015 - 02:07 PM, said:
Doesn't mean as much in MWO, but I like CyclonerM's idea about letting Clans swap out PODs which they can pre-configure, after they know which maps they are dropping on for CW, damn good idea really, you should put that in the Suggestions section.
Which does nothing, you still need three variant, just change mechs, many already do, I certainly do on the IS side, but clan basically only has laser vommit and streak/light killer, so why bother.
Kristov Kerensky, on 17 March 2015 - 02:07 PM, said:
Other little thing about OmniPods, if I want to get ballistics on my Stalker, I have to literally spend real world money to buy the Misery, there's literally no other way to get that variant. Or how about I want the ballistic on my Atlas to be in the arm instead of the side torso, nothing I can do about that, just doesn't exist. My Dire, I want ballistics on my arm, no worries, side torso, no worries, I don't have to buy anything but an OmniPod, which costs a hell of a lot less than buying another entire MECH variant because I want a different weapon type or placement option. Clan players never mention that little bit at all, notice that?
Yeah ever Drive a whale? It turns like a truck and is locked into that 53kph speed with tweek, no one uses them in CW because they are too slow FOR DEFENSE
Kristov Kerensky, on 17 March 2015 - 02:07 PM, said:
And, last but not least, for now...all of you WHINING about not being able to swap that engine in your Mist Lynx or Adder or Dire Wolf, you got no one to blame but YOURSELF. PGI told us before the release of the Wave 1 pack, engines are NOT open to change on OmniMechs. I know people who got their money refunded for that alone, so it's not like this was a secret that was suddenly popped on us the day of release or got changed sometime after release. And I see some of the people complaining about THIS facet of the OmniMechs are not wearing the IS tags they had a week or two ago, suddenly they are wearing Clan tags here. Huh...go figure...we've known for months now about the no changing the engines bit, you were IS, now you are Clan, and NOW it's an issue for you? That is pure bs. Clan faction who've BEEN Clan all along, you had your time to raise hell about the engines, but it seemed most were ok with it, after all, Clan toys ARE more powerful than IS toys,, who cares about being able to swap the engines... Until something comes along about balance, then suddenly it's 'we can't swap our engines, you don't know how bad that REALLY is, YOU try it!'. I've tried it, it ain't that bad, especially not when that engine I can't swap is an XL that does NOT kill my Mech when a torso side gets blown off. It'll drop my speed by 20% and decrease my cooling by 20% if it gets blown off soon? That's cool, it STILL beats the hell out of being dead for the same thing in an IS Mech. I've still got my Executioner pack coming, don't see any reason to get a refund, but you Clan players, hey, I seriously suggest you ALL cancel your Wave 3 packages NOW!
That'll show PGI that you are serious!
Not a joke kids, cancel your Wave 3 purchases now or kindly shut up.
Drama queen much.