Mcgral18, on 18 March 2015 - 11:55 AM, said:
Mist Lynx is terribad, sorry.
It didn't need to be, if it were an IS mech, it could be a better Death's Kneel, but because it's a Clam mech, it's terribad. Simple as that. Underengined, poor hardpoints, hardwired equipment that hurt it more than benefit it.
Fridge is in a similar place, with a ducking huge engine, which is completely unnecessary. It's a worse Jenner, at best. The coming of the D arm will make it less terrible, to only be Bad instead of Terribad.
Mr Gargles is also going to be improved after the paywall is up, to be a worse Nova instead of....well, just plain Bad.
Just as the IS has terrible mechs, so do the Clams. More than 4 viable robots would be nice. Viable doesn't mean easy mode, it means it's not hard mode.
But, sorry, I forgot.
I've seen a number of players who enjoy those Mechs, some of them even do amazingly well in them, so your opinion on them is just that, YOUR OPINION, not a factual statement of reality. I know people that can't use a Dire to get a single kill no matter WHAT they use on it, but they jump in a Nova and they can't be stopped. By YOUR logic, the Dire is a terribad Mech and the Nova is a god tier.
I'm not advocating to nerf the Clans just BECAUSE! The side torso destruction with the loss of the XL crits in a Clan Mech SHOULD have a penalty, why is that so hard to understand? This WILL impact the IS you realize, and it may well prelude the addition of actual engine criticals across the board, which I for one would love to see, and I'm far from alone in that. We asked for it before this game was in alpha testing, we were told it would be added in the future during closed beta, and guess what? It's the future... You only see this as a nerf, totally without any reason for happening other than no skilled whiners from the Underhive complaining about how OP the Clans are, you cannot possibly fathom this having some other reason because you don't actually want balance, you want to keep your advantage.
Balance means give and take for both sides, not just 1 side. I fully expect there to be changes to quirks if this ST XL loss change is actually implemented, they will need to seriously dequirk a lot of the IS Mechs, and that's a good thing in my opinion, and I play as IS in CW.
Personally, as I've stated before, I EXPECT the Clan toys to be OP, I'm perfectly fine with that as a player who'll be FACING that OP faction, I've done it before in previous MW titles where it was possible. I enjoy the challenge of facing and defeating a superior opponent, so does the rest of SRM, we're always IS, we much prefer the challenge of a superior opponent instead of taking candy from babies, but we're weird like that. We feel that an undeserved win is pointless. But we're not designing MWO, and the majority of the playerbase does NOT like to face superior opponents who's superiority is based soley on equipment instead of skill, so PGI has to take some liberties with the game's core of BTech in order to achieve balance while still keeping that superior equipment. That's the reality of MWO, has been since this game was announced almost 4 years ago now, something so many people ignored and are just NOW seeing. Clans are OP, pure and simple, by design originally, and making a game based on BTech where you have IS vs Clan, that's going to be an issue. You can't design it for the purists, you won't make any money. You have to design it to appeal to the masses, which means far more balance than people who want to be Clan really want to see, after all it's a PvP game, can't have 1 side being so OP, it won't fly. Critics will pan the game, players will refuse to play IS, screaming, crying, gnashing of teeth, dogs and cats living together in peace, total chaos!
Quicksilver, I know a few people who love the Mechs people claim are terribad, they do quite well in them as well so I have to think it's more a matter of perception than reality. Buddy of mine can't use a Dire to get a single kill, but he does awesome in a Nova. I'm of the opinion that the Summoner is a POS, but my CO in SRM swears by the Summoner, and he gets amazing results out of it, again, perception and reality.