oldradagast, on 05 April 2015 - 06:01 AM, said:
It is maddening at times, though keep in mind the game also has about zero for tutorials and new player experience, and most new players won't check out the forums because they are a disorganized mess (with a completely useless search tool, I might add) and full of posts about how various things and people "suck" or "are broken" - useful information is hard to find, and quite frankly should be clearly IN the game vs. being scattered around the Internet.
A lot of people say stuff like this, but I can't get on board with it really. Sure the NPE could be better, but I don't think it will change much.
Some players are just bad at games and a fancy tutorial won't help them, even if they bother to run it. Other players just don't
care about being good at video games, so we call them bad; but that's different than actually being bad, and a tutorial won't help them care more.
Most new players are just like everyone else here. They've probably played a shooter game before, they've probably had to learn maps before, and they've probably used many different interfaces to customize their avatars in other games; so MWO isn't much different. If they do care about doing well in a game, they will use the internet to look up info. Between search tools here, on google, and YouTube, a wealth of info can be found with just a few key words and a modest understanding of internet search functionality. After a thousand matches, those new players will be just as good as all the oldheads here.
New players may be new, but they are still people like us, not apes. I expect anyone that likes the premise of this game as much as we all do, will also learn to play as well as everyone else within a reasonable amount of time.
OldOrgandonor, on 05 April 2015 - 06:05 AM, said:
You'd be surprised how often "waiting out the enemy" can lead to a smashing victory, as they are loaded with impatient little twits that can't sit still for 2 minutes, and come charging over the hill, one at a time, in Blackjacks, for you to wipe them out.
So true! I've played both sides of this scenario...