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The Monitors
Who are we?
We are the Monitors, a semi competitive unit with casual atmosphere. We identify as a rogue mercenary group in terms of lore. We like having fun, but make no mistake, we have our competitive side as well. We welcome players of all skill levels, from old vets to the new mech warriors. Our unit is proud to hav an emphasis on learning the game together - we were all noobs at some point. We don't track your stats or force you to “attend” practice sessions. You are your own judge, and you set your own goals and limits within the unit. We do host in-unit events just to spice things up now and again, something to detract from the daily grind. In 2015 we held our first fundraiser, hosting a tournament, and raising some money for Children's Cancer Research, something we feel the need to do again.
What is a rogue mercenary unit? The difference between us and them?
Loyalist units fight for their respective factions, and ultimately fight to further their nation or leader. Mercenary units fight for money, and they tend to go where the money goes and usually have the tendency to stick with particular factions. Pirate units hold no loyalty to any nation and are ultimately independent. While money might be a motivating factor we ultimately fight for our own goals, and sometimes conflict with comstar's goals. That being said we are a mixture of dishonored nobles and outlaw pirates.
Requirements to join
Registering with us is simple, and takes a few minutes at most. Set up an account on enjin and then register to our website. You can find our application page at http://monitor.enjin.com/recruitment which can be found under the New Recruits section.
Addtionally we do require you to say hello in our forums, join us on team speak atleast once, regardless if you have a mic, and do a few drops with us so we can get a sense of you as a person. Don't worry about not having a good enough KDR (kill/death ratio), we're all about the team as a whole and helping each other out in figuring out what works best for each pilot and to grow as a unit.
Our exclusive forums are filled with artwork, articles, and the occasional lolly gagging without all that toxicity you find elsewhere

What makes us different?
We have a simple rank structure that makes sense. Everyone starts off as a recruit and only earns their first promotion as a private when they are accepted by a captain of our unit's company system. There are many rank to accend but each is rightfully earned.
We maintain good relations with other units and often coordinate and group with them.
When are we active? Who is usually online?
We have pilots from all over the globe and it is very rare to not see anyone online at any given time of day or night wherever you are, our usual times are around 9 EST. We are primarily comprised of adults, of all ages. So if you are interested, come and drop with us!
In what aspects of the game do we participate in?
We are active in both the quick play and faction play aspects of the game. We love to drop as a team and stomp around in giant robots of death. Some members of our team have an interest in the leagues and competitive play and are part of successful teams.
How to contact us
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mnexus, our primary recruiter, in game or please feel free to message us on this thread, and we will respond ASAP. If you feel that you would like to drop with us in game, please add any of the following people as friends and let them know you want to drop with them:
Command staff:
GothicVash (Unit commander)
KayveFakes (Unit commander)
Affiliates to contact:
So what are you waiting for? Give us a try out today!

Edited by CainenEX, 08 May 2017 - 08:57 PM.