kamiko kross, on 26 April 2015 - 09:06 AM, said:
When is enough...well enough?
Thanks for being civil.
Also, nice editing. I like that.
In response:
The forums should not be the only place for social interaction. If MWO is going to claim to be an mmo, there should be better systems in place for getting players to work/play /communicate/strategize.
What was promised and what has been delivered are very different from one another. As it stands CW is just an arena style deathmatch with lame objectives.
Mechwarrior and by extension, battletech, are a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some of us are hardcore into it, and love the team aspect. Some just played the single player and want to have a current generation Mechwarrior game. There are also plenty of players in between.
The solo queue allowed players to play how they wanted regardless of the current meta or dominant strategy. It's why its so popular. I hear a lot of the CW crowd sneering at the solo queue crowd, calling it dumbed down or easy mode. The reality is that they are just enjoying the game the way they want to. And since they make up the majority, it's fair that they would want more content they can use.
I'm fine with there being a hardcore only mode. The problem as I see it, is that development on the solo side has all but stopped since CW was introduced. Meaning the majority of players are stuck with 3 game modes and a handful of maps, while the hardcore minority are getting all of the new content. At this point almost half of the games modes/maps are dedicated to somewhere around 1/8th of the payers. When the solos want to play with the shiny new content, they get their teeth kicked in by the hardcore players.
Solo players want to use the new content in the same capacity they play in the solo queue, and hardcore players don't want CW "dumbed down" with systems designed to give solos a better chance.
At this point the only real option is to allow solo players to use the new maps/game modes, in a solo setting. Disconnected from the star map, and away from the hardcore players.