I took this:
and added this

Plugged into my Win7 64 bit computer and that was ALL I HAD TO DO !!!! Windows had a NATIVE Driver for it and treated it like a XBox controller (as far as what it called the buttons)
So I know it at least tests.. MWLL has a problem now so I can't test on it on that.
But the DirectX Diagnostic test works fine..
SO..... have to ask the Devs...
Will a dual
joystick driver work in MW:O.. ? I have 10 buttons (Start, Back, White, Black, A, B, X, Y, L Trigger, R Trigger), 2
joysticks with (X and Y axis and a Z axis and Z rotation) both with thier own "button", and a D pad Will that be easily customizable..?
Here is my setup
Left Thumb - Push = Crouch
X = Body Left and Right
Y = Forward or Reverse
Right Thumb - Push = Target Enemy in Recticle
Z = Torso and Aiming
Left Trigger = Fire Primary or Lock Weapons..?
Right Trigger = Fire Selected Group
A and X (Left Middle and RIng FInger)
A = Alpha Strike
X = Jump Jet
B and Y (Right Middle and Ring FInger)
B = Up Weapon Selection
Y = Down Weapon Selection
Up = ?? Command (Radar ? Night VIsion ?)
Down = ?? Command (Radar ? Night VIsion ?)
Left = Strafe Left
R = Strafe Right
Still leaves the Black, White, Start and Back buttons for different commands.
Also would still have Keyboard for other commands and such as needed..
What you all think..?
Edited by Chuckie, 22 March 2012 - 05:18 PM.