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Battle Of Tukayyid Statistics

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#201 RAM


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 12:14 AM

View PostHayashi, on 04 May 2015 - 01:09 AM, said:

So we have a new processed statistic here I missed on my first pass. The number of clan mechs destroyed by players is 481,187, but the total number destroyed is 522,118 - so 92.16% are destroyed by players and 7.84% are destroyed by turrets and dropships combined. The number of IS mechs destroyed by players is 480,787, but the total number destroyed is 510645 - so 94.15% are destroyed by players and 5.85% are destroyed by dropships alone (clans had zero access to turrets).

Self-kills? Overheating, Out of Bounds, Falling Damage, etc


#202 Hayashi


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 09:53 AM

Good points. No idea.

WTB clarification re: what conditions under which 'total clan/is mechs destroyed' was measured. If we throw those three in it'd be impossible to analyse anything without a lot more data.

#203 Intrepid


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 12:03 PM

Ejecting? That seems a pretty common non-combat 'kill/death'

#204 AlphaStruck


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 04:48 PM

View PostNathan K, on 05 May 2015 - 01:42 PM, said:

If you lose to people zerg rushing in THOSE mechs, then you just fail as a team. They are bigger than IS lights. They are slower then IS lights. But like the IS lighs, they are NOT SHOOTING YOU. Call target, shoot target, kill target, move to the next. -_-

Clan zerg is far better. Since Clan mechs take 50% more damage to kill (more if you abuse the magic 50% damage reduction from broken side torsos right) they can just walk to the objs at 89kph and theres NOTHING the IS team can do about it unless they've chosen to drop in 12 direct fire assaults that round.

The IS have the FS9's with the lag shields, broken hitboxes, and BS quirks but thats all IS has going for it.

We know the Clan is better all around, its why PGI is hiding the numbers from the battle.

PGI give us the real data please so we can call you on your BS, be done with it, and force you to listen to us on how to fix the game.

Clan K/D W/L
Weapon usage for both.

Since IS is on the defense if clan kills and wins are even close we know theres a huge balance problem. More than likely the clan kills are higher than IS. The final "score" that measures the last 2 hours is pointless.

#205 Uncle Totty


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 05:33 PM

View PostAlphaStruck, on 06 May 2015 - 04:48 PM, said:

Clan zerg is far better. Since Clan mechs take 50% more damage to kill (more if you abuse the magic 50% damage reduction from broken side torsos right) they can just walk to the objs at 89kph and theres NOTHING the IS team can do about it unless they've chosen to drop in 12 direct fire assaults that round.

The IS have the FS9's with the lag shields, broken hitboxes, and BS quirks but thats all IS has going for it.

We know the Clan is better all around, its why PGI is hiding the numbers from the battle.

PGI give us the real data please so we can call you on your BS, be done with it, and force you to listen to us on how to fix the game.

Clan K/D W/L
Weapon usage for both.

Since IS is on the defense if clan kills and wins are even close we know theres a huge balance problem. More than likely the clan kills are higher than IS. The final "score" that measures the last 2 hours is pointless.

Have you tried shooting their legs. <_< That stops them pretty fast. -_-


Edited by Nathan K, 06 May 2015 - 05:35 PM.

#206 darrelltise


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 06:09 PM

From reading all these posts and reading how it isn't fair that IS mechs aren't as good as clan mechs I get the feeling the you people are still missing a major point. IS mechs are mostly free while Clan mechs cost money. They should be better as we have to pay real money for them. Now i understand that alot of them are for sell with c-bills but most of the cw units bought their mechs with cash and deserve to be better. This might be a free to play game but the devs and designers still need to be paid and that money comes mostly from us wallet warriors. Instead of complaining about op mechs dish out some dollars buy the mechs and help the devs buy their kids some good christmas presents.

#207 AlphaStruck


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 06:37 PM

View Postdarrelltise, on 06 May 2015 - 06:09 PM, said:

From reading all these posts and reading how it isn't fair that IS mechs aren't as good as clan mechs I get the feeling the you people are still missing a major point. IS mechs are mostly free while Clan mechs cost money. They should be better as we have to pay real money for them. Now i understand that alot of them are for sell with c-bills but most of the cw units bought their mechs with cash and deserve to be better. This might be a free to play game but the devs and designers still need to be paid and that money comes mostly from us wallet warriors. Instead of complaining about op mechs dish out some dollars buy the mechs and help the devs buy their kids some good christmas presents.

Try again... PGI has stated the game "will not be a race to clantech like battletech" and that the game would not become pay to win.

The devs need to earn their money by providing what they have promised and a decent product (not to mention showing some buisness ethics). There is no mercy for a companys that fails, no heres some money just because you say you earned it,only going out of buisness.

P.S. Pay to win has NEVER worked as a buisness model. Its caused the downfall of every game that tried it.

Edited by AlphaStruck, 06 May 2015 - 06:39 PM.

#208 darrelltise


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 06:57 PM

seems to work for wow, world of tanks, warplanes , and warthunder. So that disproves you're P.S.. As far as the rest of it you make a good point but i still think that if you pay for a mech it should better than a free mech, The only thing they could do is stop being stuck on this one day = one day bs and give us some better tech like inferno missiles, thunderbolt missiles, and long toms. I own some mechs that i know are under powered i just play them different there is no mech in the game that is so op that it cant be killed by good players or good strats. In cw clan lasers where op then IS started bringing ppc factories, for every op build their will be a strat that beats it. So dont worry so much as to wht mech has the better equipment and worry more as to why you build isn't working for you (you can kill any mech in the game with any mech in the game).

#209 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 07:07 PM

Other than the final score, has PGI even posted the overall win percentage for each side, as well as the percentage of slots actually turned?

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 06 May 2015 - 07:10 PM.

#210 AlphaStruck


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 10:56 PM

No. Thats basic first posted data for any game, which leads me to believe the clan/IS balance was way off and they cant post it to hide the clantech OP.

Then again, to be honest, I wouldnt trust the numbers they post anyways.

#211 Uncle Totty


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 02:21 AM

View PostAlphaStruck, on 06 May 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:

No. Thats basic first posted data for any game, which leads me to believe the clan/IS balance was way off and they cant post it to hide the clantech OP.

Then again, to be honest, I wouldnt trust the numbers they post anyways.

You DO know there were times when the IS had about 70% of the planet, right?

#212 Nightshade24


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 02:33 AM

View PostLawnug, on 01 May 2015 - 07:03 PM, said:

It would be nice to be able to lose the defeat banner. What an insulting piece of drivel.

It's not an 'insult', it's like a memorial so to say.

For instance take ANZAC day, the day that basicly whiped out a huge chunk of the Aussie and NZ male population in a war as they were fed like gun fodder for the turkish snippers and machine gunners on that dreadful landings by the UK.

ANZAC didn't go so well, lots of people died. However NZ and Aussie celebrate it to remember the huge lose and to not forget those people who have fallen.

I think it would be offensive so to say if there was no kind of commemoration for this event. This is the closest thing we have to a lore/story based thing in game .

personally, the looks of the defeat one is much more cooler over the victory, I wouldn't mind a trade (also a better back story to it).

#213 Nightshade24


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 02:45 AM

View PostPepito Sbazzeguti, on 02 May 2015 - 04:45 AM, said:

Lack of Banshees and Dire Wolves surprise me..

I didn't, it's very slow, big target, lack of high mounted weapons, no quirks, it has nothing going for it in CW, it sucks at defense, attack, and counter attack missions. It isn't as powerful as people make it out to be, on top of that the 'meta' build for them (6 UAC 5) has ghost heat issues, heat issues, and ammo issues, all very bad in CW).

Personally I am surprised this many direwolfs went into CW. Well I did take one occasionally to use my only 3 invasion mechs (hellbringer, ice ferret, mist lynx).

Edit: Also the IS have 20 ton mechs (that are good, actually all IS mechs for lights are good but that's another topic) and clans got none, meaning 1 direwolf min, also IS got 10 ton advantage meaning they can fit a 30 ton and a 20 ton mech with 2 100 tons or other combinations with 2 assualts.

Edited by Nightshade24, 07 May 2015 - 02:46 AM.

#214 Nightshade24


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 03:25 AM

^note I am not a meta player, but there is a difference between having a disadvantage over X and advantage over X.

and then clear disadvantage over X and minor advantages that means nothing in practice. Direwolf could be usefull in a 12 man team all running duel ER PPC duel gauss with comms, but any mech is good at trolling, hell even a 12 man team of 14 flammer novas can do well if all people are on comms.

#215 Hayashi


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:03 AM

View PostNightshade24, on 07 May 2015 - 02:33 AM, said:

It's not an 'insult', it's like a memorial so to say. For instance take ANZAC day, the day that basicly whiped out a huge chunk of the Aussie and NZ male population in a war as they were fed like gun fodder for the turkish snippers and machine gunners on that dreadful landings by the UK. ANZAC didn't go so well, lots of people died. However NZ and Aussie celebrate it to remember the huge lose and to not forget those people who have fallen. I think it would be offensive so to say if there was no kind of commemoration for this event. This is the closest thing we have to a lore/story based thing in game . personally, the looks of the defeat one is much more cooler over the victory, I wouldn't mind a trade (also a better back story to it).

It would have been better implemented to have a 'Victory' banner only for the winning team, while both teams also get a 'Tukayyid Participant' banner.

Too late now though.

#216 Dino Might


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 09:26 AM

View PostHades Trooper, on 04 May 2015 - 09:01 PM, said:

So obviously you where playing IS for the event then as that wasn't the case for clans.

Nice to see you also join Clan sheep in wolves clothing.

nothing like being a member of the herd when it's winning team huh?

I have no idea what your point is or what you are trying to say here. My apologies if English is not your first language. It sounds like this is a passive aggressive insult, but I can't understand it for the life of me. You are unhappy he is aligned with the Clans now, and somehow that's jumping on the bandwagon, but at the same time he was fighting for IS during the event. Are you saying he changed to wolf as a result of the battle of Tuk Tuk? :lol:

Clans certainly aren't the winning team right now, per the star map, so it appears that he has been fighting on the underdog side both during and after Tuk Tuk. Is this reprehensible in some way?

View PostHades Trooper, on 04 May 2015 - 09:01 PM, said:

How about a bracket for people like me who got 72 pts? from 76 games

Congrats? Is this special in some way? 80 match score in each game for someone of your experience should be a cakewalk.

By the way, props on the roleplay. It doesn't go unappreciated.

Edited by Dino Might, 07 May 2015 - 09:28 AM.

#217 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 06:54 PM

View PostAlphaStruck, on 06 May 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:

No. Thats basic first posted data for any game, which leads me to believe the clan/IS balance was way off and they cant post it to hide the clantech OP.

Then again, to be honest, I wouldnt trust the numbers they post anyways.

There could be several reasons why PGI has not posted it :( Anywhere from IS winning more battles but most wins were on slots already owned by the IS, whereas the Clans wins were on slots that turned for them, etc. So by not posting them they do not have to explain the difference.

/tinfoil hat....

#218 Nightshade24


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:31 PM

View PostHayashi, on 07 May 2015 - 07:03 AM, said:

It would have been better implemented to have a 'Victory' banner only for the winning team, while both teams also get a 'Tukayyid Participant' banner.

Too late now though.

I still like the defeat banner for the defeated team and it has quite a bit of strength on the in games history then any other cockpit item in game, even the war horns that actually interacts with the 'physical' game doesn't do as much as it.

#219 meteorol


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 12:11 AM

View PostNightshade24, on 07 May 2015 - 02:45 AM, said:

It isn't as powerful as people make it out to be, on top of that the 'meta' build for them (6 UAC 5) has ghost heat issues, heat issues, and ammo issues, all very bad in CW).

6UAC5 is certainly not the DW meta build. Most guys who use uacs go for 5 uacs and backup er ml to make the build a bit less ammo depended, but UACs are far from being meta on the DW.
You see like 5 Gauss/Laservomit DWs for every guy putting UACs on it.

#220 Nightshade24


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 04:19 AM

View Postmeteorol, on 08 May 2015 - 12:11 AM, said:

6UAC5 is certainly not the DW meta build. Most guys who use uacs go for 5 uacs and backup er ml to make the build a bit less ammo depended, but UACs are far from being meta on the DW.
You see like 5 Gauss/Laservomit DWs for every guy putting UACs on it.

I have never seen a direwolf use less then 6 UAC 5's or more then 2 (2 = trial / nostelgia prime, 6 = meta / band wagon / nostelgia solaris, 5 = nearly extinct species of whale?)

on top of that I rarely see medium lasers (or anything not large) on a direwolf besides one guy with like 14-ish Small lasers and 2 gauss rifles who insta killed but insta died due to over heating when alpha'ing near the end.

Also how is 5 gauss rifles meta for the direwolf? you can't make it under current construction rules and even then running 4 would have the 'gauss ghost heat' equivilent that prevents firing more then 2 at any time, meaning you basicly got 2 rapid fire gauss which could be replicated with right omnipods and modules to make it obselete and have space for more weapons, targeting computer, ams, jumpjets, etc.

Also Laser vomit direwolf? never seen those, I've seen more 15 ER PPC direwolfs then those and that says a lot because they die under 2-3 alphas. Hearing laservomit direwolf is like hearing Catapult laservomit... by catapult I mean the C1.

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