Well, might be time to revisit the standard achievements with an eye to creating a reward for them. Might even be time to add some more.
For example - Ace of Spades trophy; player gets one for free when getting the achievement for the first time. A placard type of the card (Ace of Spades) with the silhouette of the mech they got it in (in my case, would be a Stormcrow on the card/plaque); can buy other mech silhouettes of the reward for say, oh...50-100 mc each; for whichever mechs they want. That sort of thing.
A working rear view mirror would be nice.
An odometer would be mildly amusing.
Benny Hill warhorn for light mechs.
Footlong 'subway' sandwich (partially eaten).
'vintage' hanging aircraft models.
'to do' list on a notepad - pen/pencil on top that rolls back and forth as the mech walks. (Mech related + get milk and mow lawn)
Hobo Dan, on 03 May 2015 - 07:09 AM, said:
This isn't exactly on topic, but I'd love to see some B*tchin Betty alternate voice packs. *cough* Duncan Fisher *cough*
Heh, how about a Duke Nuk'em type?