Tina Benoit, on 01 May 2015 - 05:52 PM, said:
Hello MechWarriors!
This is a contest where you must come up with a serious cockpit item idea!
The Staff will then pick the winner(s) and create the cockpit item in-game!
Then the winner(s) will receive this item for free as the prize!
Now get creative and remember; no goofy stuff this time!!
Hi! Im really glad you guys are doing this! Makes me happy you guys listen to our ideas!
1: Pistol as a dashboard "standing item". Hanging would be... Wrong...
I like Needlers, so thats what I present to you!
Laser would also be awesome!
2: Grenade! Flashbang, Frag, and everyone's favorite (except the enemy!) Inferno! Standing would work, hanging could too.
3: Box of ammunition. .226 rounds, 9 mm, gyrojet. Standing item.
4: A magazine, or laser power pack. That could be a good hanging item.
5: Vibroblade / Vibrokatana for those filthy Dracs. Could be up top like the banners.
6: MRE type food package.
7: Piece of damaged mech armor. Many warriors kept mementos of their kills, consisting of a piece of the mech they destroyed. Good hanging item.
Thanks again!