joelmuzz, on 15 May 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:
Probably intentional.
Let the news that they are getting nerfed sink in and be accepted before they reveal the full extent of the nerfing.
SC and TW nerfs have potential for enormous drama. There will be much screaming.
This is true. Looking at the CW map now, if the Timberwolf and stormcrow is as effective as a Quick draw and a Dragon 1C we may never see clans in CW again. (Look at the map right now, Ghost bear has 2 planets because wolf has the option to attack the last planet and not the IS, thus that planet is safe. Smoke jaguar on the other hand is down to it's capital.)
I always giggle at the thought of clans getting IS grade quirks...
Adder getting 50% velocity boost to ER PPC's and 30% heat reduction. SUmmoner getting 40% heat reduction on ER PPC's.
War hawk getting ER PPC range to 1200 meters... Stormcrow get 50% LBX 10 fire rate... hehe..
ItchyScrot, on 16 May 2015 - 01:00 AM, said:
Nice sounding patch notes.
Just wondering when Awesomes and Cicadas will get a geometry and dynamic weapon loadout update??
don't forget the commando and stalker! Dragon tooo.
Marukage, on 16 May 2015 - 12:39 AM, said:
Battlemaster has command console but not ECM, Why?

The Atlas-DDC has command console in CBT only.

In MWO with ECM!

excluding the command console parts:
The reason some chassis get ECM is because they are famous for it on later variants. (for eg the Atlas has a lot of ECM variants later on as well as heros with ECM (peter dexters for eg). Cicada too, as well as commando and cataphract.
When this option is available they add it to the worst chassis (things that sacrificed weapons for command console for eg works).