Quirk List For The May 19Th Patch
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:40 PM
Also, could you be even MORE inconsistent in the use of colors to denote positive (buffing) quirks or negative (nerfing) quirks?
How exactly is a cooldown reduction of -7.5% a negative quirk? Sure, it's a negative number but being able to fire a weapon more often, in general, is not a negative quirk.
And increase already crazily long laser burn times? I agree that 'laser vomit' is pretty bad but that's on both sides of the battlefield, so perhaps PGI, if lasers are so favored, it might just be time to look at the other weapon systems? Changing LRMs is just going to be a nightmare and I really have no desire to see those results but autocannons (on BOTH sides) really need some changes.
For the first time since August 2012, I'm going to be asking for a refund on a mech pack as I have lost my faith in the ability of this game to deliver value for me. After over 10,000 matches and considerable investment, I'm ejecting from the cockpit.
I may mount up in a couple of months but the game has really lost it's hold on me.
Wish everyone good luck and enjoyment.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:40 PM
I want to play a game. In this game, you can choose to use autocannons, which are absolutely terrible, missiles, which are unreliable at best and terrible at worst, gauss, which is effective but slow and can only be equipped singularly, and lasers, which are hitscan but take a day and a half to shoot.
I understand PGI wants to bring the top performers down a tad. The key is A TAD. ~40% reduction in effectiveness is not a tad. Yes, 40%. 20% burn duration increase, 20% cooldown increase. 40%. It would have been a bit more acceptable had PGI taken action a long ass time ago and fixed our god damned autocannons so we had some sort of option aside from lasers.
But, they did not. So what are the choices here? Take SRMs, take Gauss, or take lasers. Except taking lasers is a poor choice on the TBR and SCR now. Well. Crap. Guess that leaves SRMs and Gauss.
The funny thing is, I rarely ever even take either of those mechs. I use HBR, IFR (yes, really), WHK, ADR, and MLX (yes... really. It is fun, ok?!). Even so, the degree of these changes without the foresight to fix our damned ballistics first is just insanity. Hell, it was not even foresight. Clan players have been begging for improved ballistics for MONTHS now!
Edited by Pariah Devalis, 16 May 2015 - 06:48 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:49 PM
It would be better if the Clans were encouraged to use all of the weapons available.
Hammer them for using them for using the most effective weapon available instead of providing quirks to increase viability of other weapons.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:53 PM
FupDup, on 16 May 2015 - 06:50 PM, said:
I dunno, the Resistance quirks weren't all that impressive. No reason to think that the Wave 3 mechs are going to be super buffed.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:54 PM
Harshaw, on 16 May 2015 - 06:53 PM, said:
I dunno, the Resistance quirks weren't all that impressive. No reason to think that the Wave 3 mechs are going to be super buffed.
After this wave of negative quirks? They do not need to be. They are perfect exactly as they are. And don't you DARE touch the W3 mechs PGI.
Edited by Pariah Devalis, 16 May 2015 - 06:55 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:55 PM
Spadejack, on 16 May 2015 - 06:12 PM, said:
The 3 PPC Thunderbult 9S was Nerfed awhile ago, why the LPL builds for the SE became popular (it's more balanced THUD, I'll give PGI that) It was also a little before the 6x LL Stalker started to become populare and now thats been nerfed.
Keep your mechs, who knows which way the meta winds will blow next.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:55 PM
Harshaw, on 16 May 2015 - 06:53 PM, said:
They don't need to be. They are well designed and have min-maxed base chassis with no distinctive weaknesses (excluding the Executioner). With zero quirks, Wave 3 will still be very effective mechs.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:03 PM
Harshaw, on 16 May 2015 - 06:31 PM, said:
Clan mechs are supposed to be better, but clans also didn't fight like they do here in MWO. Clans fought one on one. They chose a target on the battlefield and it became off limits to other clan pilots. Clans were also almost always outnumbered due to bidding wars over combat drops. That was their biggest drawbacks against the Inner Sphere. If the Clans had fought like the IS did from the start then we'd all be bondsman.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:06 PM
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:06 PM
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:26 PM
All I know is that I play IS in CW. And even I am thinking of canceling my Resistance 2 pack, just out of protest that PGI nerds good mechs rather than trying to improve bad mechs. I may cancel and demand a refund, or I may not - I haven't decided yet.
EDIT: Also, I enjoy CW. But nobody on the clan side is going to play that anymore. So thanks PGI for stabbing your own 'talked-up' game mode in the back.
Edited by grendeldog, 16 May 2015 - 07:27 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:33 PM
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:35 PM
I presently have pre-ordered the second stage of both Resistance 2 and Wave 3:
Based on the latest "balance" pass, it looks like I'm going to be abandoning MWO. Therefore, I'd like a refund on the above items.
If necessary, I'll run Paypal disputes on both items, but I'd rather handle it through the system and make sure you guys understand why people hate you passionately for your miserable treatment of your customers and lack of technical and programmatic insight.
Edited by FuzzyLog1c, 16 May 2015 - 07:36 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:37 PM
Telmasa, on 16 May 2015 - 06:08 PM, said:
What. I don't even....
Sure, the SPL/SRM Gargoyle brawler has its moments, but that's a situational mech with a situational build.
By & large, it's not suitable for CW unless you've got a fully pre-planned team with dedicated role-warfare and teamwork going on...or if it's basically just a pug match.
... dude, SPL/SRM what? Why would you downgrade a GAR like that? I'm talking STOCK LOADOUT. You don't have to change a single thing on them.......
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:39 PM
FuzzyLog1c, on 16 May 2015 - 07:35 PM, said:
I presently have pre-ordered the second stage of both Resistance 2 and Wave 3:
Based on the latest "balance" pass, it looks like I'm going to be abandoning MWO. Therefore, I'd like a refund on the above items.
If necessary, I'll run Paypal disputes on both items, but I'd rather handle it through the system and make sure you guys understand why people hate you passionately for your miserable treatment of your customers and lack of technical and programmatic insight.
Okay, please start a new thread with that text as a form letter, so that people who want refunds can all send the exact same specific text to the support email address.
Seriously, protest it, but protest it as a group by sending them the same email from every person to drive the damn point home.
EDIT: And to reiterate it again, I don't play clan on CW and I have majority IS chassis. But I'm about a hair's breadth away from sending them that text myself and canceling my Wave 3 and Resistance 2 in protest on behalf of clanners. Clanners they may be, but they are gamers just like me. And they don't deserve the shaft any more than I do - I didn't really get hit by these quirks because as I said I mostly run IS. But if they shaft some customers, there's no reason they won't shaft the rest another time, myself included.
Edited by grendeldog, 16 May 2015 - 07:42 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:43 PM
So how did PGI fail?
One: the problem has not gone away, as much as people will cry, the Timber and Crow will still be first picks in most comp, tournament and CW situations. They are still incredibly powerfull mechs and smart people will be able to mitigate or all out avoid these quirks and still put out amazingly strong builds by just making very minor changes to exisitng builds.
Two: All they managed was to just reduce the amount of viable builds on these two mechs. They have constrained the playerbase's choices without reducing the power of these mechs and that is a huge no-no in game design. Taking away player choice without even solving the problem is horribly short sighted.
Three: They JUST released multiple omni pods that add... that's right a whole bunch of energy hardpoints. That people bought for real money even. This gives the distinct impression that one half of PGI has absolutely no clue what the other does. It's like they've never met and happily does their own things without any overarching guidance or plan. The people who spent real money for those omni pods can not be happy either.
Four: Laser vomit on the other mechs like the Hellbringer are not effected. Upcoming mechs that will allow laser vomit to the same degree as was on the timber or crow (Cauldron borne) will also not be effected unless they come out with this broken quirk system in place already. People are just going to migrate their laser vomit builds to these mechs and nothing will have been fixed.
Five: Having the penalty be per hard point instead of per equipped weapon just showcases exactly how madly thought out and implemented this idea was. This heavily penalizes builds that might not even have more than two energy weapons equipped.
Six: This will, for absolutely no conceivable reason, negatively effect stock/trail builds. Because what new players really need is to be penalized even more for piloting trail mechs.
Seven: Sets a precedent for applying this horrendously broken and badly thought out system on other mechs, including IS mechs (Didn't think about that now did you IS kiddies)
Eight: This is just another way to control how people build mechs, along with any negative quirk or unnecessarily strong weapon specific quirks. This is leading toward a trend of enforcing very specific build ideas and with each one of these new kinds of quirks, reduces build variety. Might just as well start giving us hard mounted weapons. Oh wait...
It's just so sad seeing PGI release obviously broken omnipods in their greed for sales and then try and patch it up with a broken as hell mechanic, it's transparent and a little disgusting.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:44 PM
So why all the outcry now?
There is need to constantly adjust things to help balance. And that's a good thing.
we might not like it, but it is consistent. Bring down the bar a bit, raise the bar for others.
I empathise with those that overly invested in metas. But that is exactly what they are trying to solve.
Improve clan ballistics some say. The whole issue of non pin point damage is to balance the savings of two tonnes. Same with laser duration to counter better range and again eeight.
Quirks are the way this game will ballanced. Live with and adjust accordingly
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:48 PM
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