Nightmare1, on 20 May 2015 - 05:26 AM, said:
Of course. We paid good money for it and were promised it was a one-time only event. PGI should release a Phoenix II package instead of releasing the original. To release the original is akin to breaching a contract. Putting it bluntly, it's false advertising and incredibly disrespectful to the consumer.
So, yeah, those of us who were here at the beginning and performed the requirements feel like PGI should keep its promiseto us.
I'd like to remind you that I'm among those people, even if I can't seem to find my badges anywhere. Where was it that you configured which to display again?
Nightmare1, on 20 May 2015 - 05:26 AM, said:
Each purchase is its own separate contract. PGI can't establish a poll and allow a simple majority to determine this. Each individual purchaser is, in essence, an individual contractor. You cannot renegotiate my contract with PGI. That's not how things work. If you are truly so naive as to believe that it does not esablish a precedent, then you should go back and read your history books again. It is the little, seemingly insignificant things that establish precedents far more often than it is large or flashy issues.
I see it more as one huge contract with shareholders. I have one vote, you have one vote.
Why would it? If we say Yes now doesn't mean we would say yes to anything, just like saying no wouldn't mean we would say no to everything. They would simply have to ask every time to know.
Nightmare1, on 20 May 2015 - 05:26 AM, said:
In this case, the problem is, at its heart, whether PGI will keep its word. It doesn't matter if the vote is in favor of releasing the pack, there are still contracted parties whose rights, as a consumer, will be violated. There is no getting around that. PGI should never even have brought this up or dared to broach the subject. All it can do is hurt its credibility.
Far better would it have been to poll us on a Phoenix II Pack with the new variants instead. Then, there would have been no danger of damaging PGI's image or reneging on a promise.
A Phoenix II pack wouldn't need any approval at all if it was all new variants or mechs. But this is about those that were in Phoenix pack 1, so not relevant.
And yes, there will no doubt be people who would get butthurt over a Yes, no matter how big a Yes (presuming it would never be 100%). And then there are people who see this as a good thing and now will love PGI more.
I'm already glad PGI has dropped the practice of selling exclusive content and entitlement. Now I don't have to rush to buy packs anymore and maybe buy packs I regret. So I'm only glad to see them correct a past mistake. And I trust that in the future, there will be no more Phoenix packs.
Nightmare1, on 20 May 2015 - 05:26 AM, said:
No, it was different. In the FAQ itself, it is spelled out that it would never again be released. That alone is enough to distinguish it from the packs that followed. The one-time offer was also a big part of the advertising. Releasing it now would constitute false advertising, a business sin that is punishable by law.
You called it a second founders pack. It isn't. Yes the Phoenix is currently exclusive and the resistance pack is not. But symbolically they are both just mechs. Nothing remotely founderish about any of them.
Nightmare1, on 20 May 2015 - 05:26 AM, said:
In this case, the people who missed out were not victimized because nobody took advantage of them. There is no rational basis to even think of them as victims. However, the people who did purchase the pack would very well be victimized because releasing the pack again would, in essence, show that PGI hoodwinked us with promises it never intended to keep. We would be victims of false advertising and business malpractice.
The people who missed out are denied access to a piece of content that we were not. So if you can use the victim card, then so can they. For different reasons, but both equally valid. If they cannot use it, neither can you.
Nightmare1, on 20 May 2015 - 05:26 AM, said:
Except that, even if the "Yes" crowd wins, you still have a sizeable number of consumers who don't want to see it released or their rights violated. That doesn't build trust. Instead, it demonstrates a willingness to break a contract at the merest excuse, and with a total disregard for a large number of the contracted parties.
You really don't get this, do you? It's so simple and it makes me kind of aggravated that there are people around that are so willing to blind themselves like this.
No, I'm not blind to it and it will be up to PGI to decide the pros and cons depending on the outcome of the poll. And it might as well be in your favour if the answer is a big No. Then they can always refer to this poll if anyone asks again and then the case is closed.
But it might split the community, that is true. But sometimes that is necesary. Not certain the Phoenix pack does this. If it did it probably wouldn't be worth it. It not THAT important.