Mcgral18, on 22 May 2015 - 05:53 PM, said:
And moduled with a 10% range boost, the isERLL has a 810M range.
Ghost heat on 3 cERLLs is 4.4 heat less than 4 isERLLs, 33 damage VS 34.
2 cERLLs is 22 damage and 20 heat, 3 isERLLx is 27 damage for 24 heat.
Not sure where I'm abusing math.
With a friendly tone, just so you don't think I'm trying to be an arse and rag on you all the time:
You are ignoring how the disparity between a C-ERLL and IS-ERLL in terms of tonnage and slots stacks quickly with multiple mounts. On 'Mechs more dramatically starved for slots and tonnage than anything short of a Mist Lynx, to boot. So if it's always one more IS laser for every Clan laser, you are now at a 7 ton disadvantage when the enemy has only two and an 8 ton disadvantage when he has three.
You are ignoring that you can build in way more heat cap and dissipation into a Clan ERLL boat than you can into an Inner Sphere one, and the quirks only level the difference at best, and usually not even that. The three-slot requirement of IS DHS is pretty brutal.
You are ignoring that at an 814 meter C-ERLL is still doing about 10.87 damage at 911 meters to the 9 on the IS ERLL, and that you can close that gap even more by using targeting computers while IS are stuck with whatever they can squeeze out using modules and quirks on a specific chassis that is more than likely sub-par.
Not a good build, but since we're talking strictly firepower and heat, here...
And finally, you are deliberately ignoring that there are no totally open firing lanes long enough on any map for the absolute range advantage on the quirked IS ERLL to matter, not even Boreal or Alpine.
We can go around this all day, every day, but there is no getting around vanilla Inner Sphere lasers being complete trash. They are heavy, bulky, short-ranged, and competing with large heat-sinks, heavy or bulky engines, and the requisite 14 slots claimed by Endo for a spot on your 'Mech. All IS 'Mechs are basically like the Summoner and Gargoyle, but with the option to move at snails pace to gain some firepower. The only Inner Sphere 'Mechs that can compete directly in a trade are thus very heavy and very slow, and anything else IS has as "meta" is simply the "best of the worst" and still loses to the perfectly-weighted Stormcrows and Hellbringers. The Thud is about the only other thing they have, and it's a one-trick pony that's not so great at the 500-600 meter medium range game where matches are typically decided if both teams are even.
I want Clans and Inner sphere to be what PGI stated: different but equal. But they aren't that right now (getting closer, though), and they won't ever be without some dramatic changes to the base weapon stats and Clan hard-liners giving up the ghost on Clan tech having to be flat-out superior. That can't happen in this game, period, without radical transformation of mode format and the required cash and talent infusions to make that happen.
Elkfire, on 22 May 2015 - 07:01 PM, said:
I'm sure it's probably been said, but to reiterate:
Clan "laservomit" (a term which, as someone who has always enjoyed energy weapon builds in MW games, makes me sad) is so prevalent because most of the other Clan weapons aren't very good compared to IS ones. Clan LRMS are stream-fire, clan Autocannons are stream-fire, etc. Clan SRMs aren't much different, at least, but SRMs aren't super awesome in general.
Clan SRMs are straight-up superior on account of being able to just casually throw them onto any 'Mech to augment its close-range capabilities.
IS autocannons look good on paper, but then you mount them to your 'Mech and notice you have to make a decision that picks one and a half from among speed, armor, ammo, or backup firepower. You want twin UAC/5 on a Hellbringer with far-reaching laser backup and 89 kph top speed and 4.5 tons of ammo? Sure, easy! You want that on a Jager? Yeah, no, only if you like the idea of dying to a single side-coring, and even then you are running hotter and heavier and with shorter range and slightly lower firepower and
still have to make the decision between long-range laser backup and speed because the requisite 3x LL are going to force you down to an XL235.
If autocannons were as good as you are implying, you'd see an IS auto-cannon meta in non-CW game modes, and you simply don't. Clan auto-cannons suck, make no mistake, but you should notice that the best IS 'mechs are those that can most closely approximate Clan laser-boats, so it's not like the IS have better options, either.