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We Love Your Ideas And Feedback!

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#81 Dragon21rider


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Posted 16 November 2016 - 08:02 PM

Hello MechWarrior Online,

I have a recommendation for your mech setup. The idea I had was mech sub bays. these bays are were you store additional load out for you base mechs. you can purchase them in the mech lab the first one will be 2 mil an the second with be 50 MC for a total of 3 load out for each mech you own. we will be able to select the load out from the home menu by a drop down menu that will replace the mech name area. You will be able to name the load out so you can tell what there for. The upside to this is that you can test out new load out without losing your tried and true but the down side is that you will have to buy all new equipment for the new load out as the equipment on the old one will be stored in the sub bay. What do you think of this fetcher?

#82 HolyGrail101


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Posted 28 November 2016 - 10:33 AM

So on the feedback side of this thread I suggest that ALL the mechs listed as going on sale via the website also actually be on sale in the game.
See Huggin!

#83 Michael Knell


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Posted 28 November 2016 - 12:56 PM

An idea that came to my mind a few moments ago is that it would be nice to allow owners of Battlemaster Hellslinger to change the pattern for the mech, not only be stuck with the default pattern only. I think a lot of Hellslinger owners would like that.

#84 CyanEyd


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 07:55 AM

Always enjoy events, especially for all the swag they generate! I hope your Roughneck kickoff event has a camo pattern on offer, Raider and Applejack being two I think make the RGH look really sharp. Also, I played my first Incursion mission Tuesday night and really enjoyed it. Center part of the event around that mode to drum up more interest in it, please!

#85 Currant


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 12:52 PM

Halloween Event Idea.

Could we fight a live giant crab monster on Viridian bog? All we see is some gutted mechs and a rotted carapace, but I want to fight that behemoth with a lance or company. Even better, make the weather stormy at night.

#86 bar10jim


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:28 PM

1) "Gotta Lotta Dakka Dakka" event - Get kills/KMDD in a ballistic mech as follows:

Large guns are AC-10 and AC-20 (and LBX and UAC versions) are 4 Ballistic Points (BPs)
Med guns are AC-5 (and LBX and UAC versions) and are 2 BPs
Light guns are AC-2 (and LBX and UAC versions) and are 1 BP
Machine guns are 1/2 BP

In order to qualify as a ballistic mech it must have a minimum of:

Lights -> 2 BPs
Med -> 4 BPs
Heavy -> 6 BPs
Assault -> 8 BPs

2) "Ride the Lightning" event - Get kills/KMDD in a PPC mech as follows:

in order to qualify as a PPC mech it must have a minimum of:
Lights -> 1 PPC
Med -> 2 PPC
Heavy -> 3 PPC
Assault -> 4 PPC

3) "Sucker Punch" event - Get kills/KMDD in an SRM mech as follows:

SRMs and SSRMs are valid

In order to qualify as an SRM mech it must have a minimum of:

Lights -> 8 SRM tubes
Med -> 12 SRM tubes
Heavy -> 16 SRM tubes
Assault -> 16 SRM tubes

4) "Knife Fight" event - Get kills/KMDD in an SLas mech as follows:

SLas, and SPLas are valid

In order to qualify as an SLas mech it must have a minimum of:

Lights -> 4 SLas
Med -> 6 SLas
Heavy -> 6 SLas
Assault -> 6 SLas

5) "Laser Vomit" event - Get kills/KMDD in an Laser mech as follows:

Never mind, we already have this.

6) "Let it Rain" event - Get kills/KMDD in an LRM mech as follows:

Never mind. Bad idea. Forget I brought it up.

#87 Harvenger001


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Posted 15 June 2017 - 08:04 PM

Hey, love the events you guys are doing and also the progressing of the timeline is a great idea. As a fairly new player might I suggest bumping up the C-bills earned to what your premium time is, Then kick your premium time up using that as a baseline.
With say using 2 cool shots consumibles each match it really eats away at your profits along with the extra costs of the skill tree and REALLY starts too feel very grindy when your doing 15+ matches just to hit 1 million C-bills sapping the fun quite a bit. I have bought some premiun time and that feels like a pretty good place. But feeling like you HAVE to buy premium time to progress the game is very off putting.
Now say you make C-Bills easier to get, well more money = more mechs = More likely to make that real $ purchase for that extra mech bay, colors, designs for my growing mech corral. I feel more apt to purchase real $ for things once I'm invested in my various mechs. More apt to pick up some premium time to get the new Mech that came out just to add it and play it.
But say if I am only getting 100 k or less sometimes to 200 k (Im averaging around 140k I think) - 2 comsumibles 80k - any skill tree costs getting that 17 million assault gets to be quite an ordeal in the amount of matches and real world time to invest in 1 mech.
So we get back to VERY grindy, then if I don't like it I only get a fraction back. = not so much fun = much less likely to invest time and real money. There are alot of options around these days for online entertainment and I really do love the game and would love to see it continue to grow and improve.

Edited by Harvenger001, 15 June 2017 - 08:06 PM.

#88 mistlynx4life


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Posted 19 August 2017 - 03:58 PM


Rising to the top is easier with jump jets...

Event Highlights

Greetings Mechwarriors!

Lots of recent discussion about the Mist Lynx begs the question: "Is the MLX really a terrible 'mech or just an unsung underdog light hero of the Clan?" It's not just about bragging rights - at stake are some Event-Only cockpit items!

Social Challenge!

Global Kill Counter (Faction play and Quickplay): Smash all the kittehs!

2926* total MLX kills // [counter bar] // Success: MLX Arm Standing Item* // Failure: MLX Hanging Item*

Global Kill Counter (Faction play and Quickplay): Tryhards unite!

2926* total kills by a MLX // [counter bar] // Success: Decal "Small Death*" // Failure: Decal "Failmech*"

Personal Challenge!

Any mode: Faction play and Quickplay

25 Kills Most Damage Dealt against any MLX variant // [counter bar] // Reward: 25MC
25 Kills Most Damage Dealt while piloting any MLX variant // [counter bar] // Reward: 25MC

*2926 is the year the MLX was introduced according to Sarna.net
*MLX Arm Standing Item: A lone MLX Left Arm component laying on its side, bruised and battered.
*MLX Hanging Item: A MLX in flight, similar in stance to a certain well-known superhero and with jump jets on full blast
*Small Death decal inspired by the Koshi designation (Koshi translates as 'small death') and might include some rad artwork (Mist Lynx is an actual lore-friendly animal and might be jumping out or there might be claw marks or whiskers around the words, etc.) - but it has to look good at a small scale...!
*Failmech decal is just an awesome idea, applicable to pretty much any Mech, and might even have a hashtag

Notes: Lasts however long PGI thinks we need to achieve those goals (probably ten days or so to account for vacations and such). The rewards are just suggestions, of course, but let's put all this scuttlebutt to the test, shall we? I am definitely up for further discussion on this topic - feel free to message me - and I have no problem whatsoever challenging other pilots in Lynx-only NGNG Duel Stream! Posted Image


#89 KursedVixen


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Posted 21 August 2017 - 07:58 AM

The arctic Cheetah was made as it's replacement so XD

just a little less burn time on Clan lasers, PLEASE?

15 full damage on CERPPC?

Edited by KursedVixen, 21 August 2017 - 08:24 AM.

#90 Kishida Sato


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 01:43 PM

current mechtoberfest - compared to the years before - sucks.
the challenges (headshot ? the other stuff is also plain stupid), the missing info page, the stupid reclaim the same day.
this should promote gameplay and help people learn to play as a team no suicidal "but i need headshot" stuff...
i see more people dying trying to get some goal before "time runs out" then anything else.
been away half a year, i think i need to get something else to play if that stuff persists.

and that stupid "buy more ACs to win event" moneywaster... if at least you would have won the weapons you needed.... no.
already cash starved. and then such a stupid challenge. "buy more stuff" challenge...

#91 LordFatman


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Posted 13 October 2017 - 10:26 AM

I got an idea make your event work. Battle for Luthien Faction Play Event not updating just like so many other evens always problems

Edited by LordFatman, 13 October 2017 - 10:28 AM.

#92 Geewiz 27


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Posted 31 October 2017 - 04:01 PM


I've been playing the game for 7 months now and Love it. I enjoy all modes of the game and I like all the events you put on to mix things up. One thing I've noticed with the events is with faction play rewards given for scouting and invasion out of the same pool a large quantity of players just do scouting to achieve there event rewards. I find it thins the numbers for invasion games massively, would it be possible to separate the event rewards for invasion and scouting?

#93 Dungeon 206


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Posted 01 January 2018 - 08:42 PM


for future faction events, perhaps all cockpit items, colors, and patterns for the associated IS faction / clan could go on sale
(except the prizes as you want people to play and earn them)

so for example Steiner VS Ghost Bear:
all Steiner and Ghost Bear cockpit items, patterns, colors, warhorns, decals except the event rewards can go on sale.

i think that would help increase enthusiasm for the event and encourage people to spend MC to deck out their mechs to represent.

#94 Bogsveigir


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 07:54 AM


First suggestion/feedback: I've seen it mentioned before, and I've heard it from a number of streamers. The new Event system is a nice thing. What would make it much better would be if the system could be semi-randomized.

Example: have 4, 6, 8, or 12 separate goals for the day/event. Assign them as people login or return from a match, or whatever. That way there aren't 24 people trying to shoot down UAVs or get X damage with Y weapon at the same time. That kills a lot of the fun.

Second: With regards to the Loyalty program. I think the players could better budget for earning 'Reward Z' if we know in December or January what the program would entail.

Example: Spend $ get foo. Purchase A, B, F, G packs, get bar. And so on. If the concern is that a mech isn't available or announced yet, we could be teased with 'Purchase A,B, F, G packs, and Top-Tier Reward will be a new mech to be announced in September!' or whatever.


#95 Gort Guardian of the Galaxy


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 01:15 AM

Hi, don't normally post, but several of the current daily challenges require us to own IS and Clan Mechs. To purists this is not going to happen (eg for me IS only) so you are effectively stopping ppl from achieving the challenge before they start. Please consider some alternatives for ppl who only have IS or Clan, like double damage or kills or the relevant equivalent...
PS love the game and this my only gripe ever!

#96 Skytja


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Posted 01 February 2018 - 06:14 AM

I think getting good XP + CB for achieving the game-mode objectives might help everything from being skirmish with objectives being an afterthought. I know I've heard that expressed a lot.

#97 Rushroca


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Posted 08 March 2018 - 09:39 PM

I find the events that are based on specific chassis and KMDD create and unenjoyable game experience. This is because all the players are out for themselves so team work goes out the window. Even if the event is based on weight class the game play is better. Overall I do like the frequency of the events and the rewards are acceptable.

#98 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 20 April 2018 - 06:06 PM

Team oriented objectives and Faction of the Day: One IS vs one Clan faction with all IS or Clans able to aid. Pick 3-5 planets winning side gets swag. The more games you play are more chances at goodies.

#99 Domtik


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Posted 14 May 2018 - 06:06 PM

I'm not sure if this would belong in this feed, but what about sale events on colors? A month ago there was a sale for purple but that's the only one I can remember (only been playing since December). Paying 1000 mc for one color at normal price is kind of steep when it can be used towards a mech bay or a new mech. It is more enticing when it is 30 or 40% off though.

#100 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 15 May 2018 - 02:18 AM

I have been enjoying the events and sales. Keep them coming.

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