Aloha, on 29 May 2015 - 10:54 AM, said:
Last night in a PUG drop, one LRM player on my team types a simple request: "Hold Locks Please". It's a simple enough request, and not that uncommon. However, another player types "How about getting your own locks?", which leads to the LRM player to respond if the second player would like him to leave the match. The second player responds "Yes, please", and the LRM player complied. We already have one D/C, so now we're down 2 players.
Now I don't play LRMs very often, but I do it once in a while just to mix things up. I no longer remind the team to hold locks precisely due to that attitude towards LRM players. I admit I have seen some bad LRM players who just sit way back waiting for his teams to lock targets for them, but I've also seen good LRM players who are very effective in providing fire support and keeping the enemy pinned with LRMs. I feel that this hostility towards LRM players is unjustified and foolish. I would rather have a bad LRM player than playing the match short one player. At the very least he'll serve as canon fodder and absorb some damage, and maybe even strip off a few points of armor off an enemy.
Honestly, if you dislike LRM as a weapon system, then don't use it, but to tell your own team mate to leave the match is a disservice to your own team.
You know what Novakaine says.....
Screw em.
Knuckle draggin brawlers let em close in and get cored, it's great for us.
Just watch and then kill the mech they been shooting at.
Call it kill stealing I don't care.
They don't appreciate your support so don't beg em.
Novakaine never begs for target locks.
Novakaine gets his own.
Ungrateful knuckle draggin brawler types.
And ya know the funny thing, Novakaine almost always finds himself out front any damn way.
Leading a charge kinda sad huh.
So if they don't want to be a team player screw em.
They need us more than we need them, but are too obtuse to admit it.
Knuckle draggin...........
So play your LRM boat with pride and pack a fist full support weapons, because there always be some git thinking yer a easy target.
It will help you dissuade that dumb notion.
By all mean be sure to lrm those lights mechs, it fun as hell to see the tears fall.
Ah Novakaine loves lrmin lights.
Easy mode my rear exhaust port.
And if ya win the match with multiple kills be sure to type in this for all to see.
This arse kicking was brought to you by a LRM player - Git some!
Last but not least when all else fails remember.......
Edited by Novakaine, 29 May 2015 - 04:16 PM.