Thunder Child, on 29 May 2015 - 10:20 PM, said:
Sorry. Not trying to argue the battlefield effectiveness of Role Warfare in this game. My point is, some builds should be capable of being Heavy Artillery. And if LRMs were better designed, and used a Grenade Trajectory system, instead of a Lock On system, they could do that, without being completely shafted by ECM.
The weapon system would then have a huge Skill Ceiling for players able to grenade effectively, meaning a good boat would be a useful addition for digging people out of entrenched positions. Instead, we have what we have.
The weapon already has a huge skill ceiling so to say...
The "LRM's" of MW:O is like the soldier of TF2.
The soldier is a character that most new people gravitate to, it's pretty strait forward, after you get past the first learning curve/ step to how to rocket jump, you basicly can compete very well in the game.
This is like MW: O's LRM's, as soon as you learned how to lock on target and kinda stick with your team your are set to do something in the game that's more then 150 damage per game.
However, there is a very distant learning curve for LRM's in the distance, it's more of a cliff then a curve.
This involves in MW: O but not limited to...
Leading your target with guided missiles.
Situation awareness: know your enemy, his speed, enemy ecm location, ams hot spots, etc.
Using LRM's to find enemies by seeing there AMS fire at it. (dumb firing)
Dumb firing LRM's accurately (this works very well and fits what you said)
Team work with pugs and friends.
Situational awareness and map knowledge (for eg: "Enemy is in Northern west corner of G2 on bla bla map, can I hit him with LRM's or is he under cover?")
so many high skill things with LRM's. The skill goes mainly with the situational awareness and surroundings then direct firing. but it IS still skill. Look at the lore, htere are clans (ie clan goliath scorpion) who nearly never use guided missiles due to it being a "no skill weapon", Meanwhile there are people in lore who thinks it's a lot of issues and skill involved.
What you describe could be the possible new weapons that CAN be added to MW: O. this includes the Long Tom, Mech Mortar, etc. which are essentially howitzers or mortars that can not be hit by AMS from memory for obvious reasons.
Long Tom was infamous for being a high skill weapon. in MW: LL it is the only game people ever use it because of the UI helping them a lot while in MW4 this literally involves 100% memorization of t he map and the altitude of all areas as well as the drop of the weapon. Which only lunatics like me would even consider using it.
it can't be used for brawling either because the splash damage was large enough that hitting someone at 200 meters would damage you.
Elizander, on 29 May 2015 - 09:43 PM, said:
The biggest problem I have with lasers is HSR. It's just not a viable option for those with unstable ping or high ping.
I got 240 ping average and I got no problems with lasers.