Hitman85, on 05 January 2016 - 06:42 AM, said:
You work with blender?wow, I use Scetchup, same result but much much easier for me. I see great potential in You, have you exp with in paper models or this is Your first? Nice to see more paper modelers here:) It is fun and give so much satisfaction that you have build something cool with your hands:)
It's been a hobby for a few years now
i usually search and build with only 1/4 of it's intended original model size (much more challenging). theres only 2 thing that were not scaled down are the warhammer dreadnought and the nanosuit 2.0 (first one i built and it is the ugliest)

the original paperkit has locked joint, so this was my first time trying to make moveable joint in mech model. As you can see lots of trial and error

much better
other works (credits go to the original creator) this is like making figurines on budget lol (all did on a 1/4 scaled down, i printed 4 pages on 1 sheet of paper)

Edited by Everyday In Laugh, 05 January 2016 - 06:27 PM.