What's causing me problems is the mech selection process; partly this is down to the way I've done mech selection via the mechlab interface in the past, and partly down to the poor mech selection screen.
Some details:
In the previous UI, I did all of my mech selection via the Mechlab list screen. I typically keep all of my mechs stripped EXCEPT for the handful I'm currently playing -- typically somewhere between 3 and 6 mechs out of ... er ... well now there doesn't appear to be a way to see how many mechs you own in the new ui -- about 130 chassis total.
While it did involve a certain amount of scrolling, I could fairly quickly skim through the mech "tiles" and find the ones which didn't have an "invalid layout" banner over them, to retrieve engines or modules from currently-built mechs to use in a new mech I wanted to build out and pilot. This also had the advantage of sidestepping the "where are my modules?" problem, and so my main bone of contention was cockpit items, which I generally forgot to remove when stripping a mech, and which meant every so often doing a trawl through all of my owned chassis to retrieve warhorns and the like.
In theory, it should be possible for me to recreate a cramped version of my old habit by sorting the mech list by chassis, then expanding each of the weightclass "buckets", but:
- that still means flipping between clan and IS chassis to find mech modules
- it's a MUCH smaller window, so waaaaay more scrolling
- the collapsible elements for the different weight classes don't remember whether you left them expanded or collapsed, so every time you navigate away from a given view of the mech select (whether opening a mech in the mechlab editor, or just flipping between IS mech and Clan mech filters) they collapse and need to be re-opened... although not entirely consistently, as one section will remember it was expanded, but only one section, not all
- If I can change consumables on the mech select screen, why can't I change other modules too?
- Why can't I see which cockpit items are equipped on a given mech from the mech select screen? I can see weapons and modules, and from the new mech editor screen I can see cockpit items (and strip them as part of the the "strip mech" menu, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU)?
- Why can't I right-click on a mech in the mech select window and choose some of the global actions, like the various "strip mech" options? In fact why not make use of context menus in the mech editor view?
- Why can't I see an unfiltered view of ALL of my mechs?
- Why can't I see mech quirks in the mech select screen?
- ...and the obvious "why aren't you reading the screen res and adjusting the view accordingly: at the very least enlarging the central mech select area, but perhaps also adding in extra content areas when space is available?
Shameless linkage:
Mech Select: possible quick fixes
Mechlab UI fixes (small items)
Edited by Ano, 02 June 2015 - 03:54 PM.