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Most Wanted Features!

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#101 sycocys


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:59 AM

More engaging game modes, especially concerning CW.

It really is sad to see this game not evolve what so ever from closed beta to this point simply because Russ has this silly dream of making MWo and arena shooter instead of a Mechwarrior title. It could still be an e-sport and fill its own niche of being a very tactical and objective oriented one but losing the player base that spends ridiculous amounts of money on stuff because its Mechwarrior/Batletech by never giving them the game you sold them on is just short sighted.

You simply aren't going to pick up kids that have no prior relationship with this IP and get them to dump hundreds of dollars on mechs like us older folks with the history in the franchise and job that afford us expendable cash do.

We really need depth in the game play, at least in CW which is supposed to be fully team and warfare oriented to make the game engaging and give it some replay power.

And yes there are a lot of little things I would like to see done, but they can all wait - an actually engaging game mode/system is 2 years past due and needs to be on the very top of the priority list. Please start looking back at what made the prior games so lasting that people still play them almost 2 decades later and begin pulling some of that material into this game so it has that hard draw that keeps people engaged.

Edited by sycocys, 08 June 2015 - 08:03 AM.

#102 SICk Nick


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 09:23 AM

Can you update the website? I was browsing around and it looks out of date.

#103 Astennu


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 10:43 PM

I would like to see a option to revert to the old mech selection screen again.
I liked to see all the mech's i have collected in one big view. And now thats gone T_T.

Or even better maybe a virtual mech bay where you can walk trough and see all your mechs stand there sky high :)

#104 Danielio97


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 11:16 PM

Hmm, what to pick...
-Do something with those monitors in cockpits, some "show" heatsink status and ammo, though that works only rarely, rest are just there, doing nothing. Give them some meaning, like make them show % damage for each part of the 'mech, or at least make them show some random text so it would seem like they're doing something...
-Update website, info there was actual maybe year ago, I can't imagine the confusion new players are going through when reading stuff on the site.
-Ammo dump function would be nice, if I lose my main gun and I still have 3 tons of ammo hidden somewhere... It's kinda frustrating when my 'mech gets destroyed because of ammo explosion just because I wasn't able to deplete that ammo.

#105 Christopher Hamilton


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 11:33 PM

list damage to enemy AND friendly fire damage in score please. little change that can make life a lot easier.
have a penalty for players doing e.g. more then 250 team damage. not just team kills.

reward extra xp / cash for damage to enemy with no team damage.
reward xp for not running into line of sight. ("crossing behind fire lines")

regarding the new UI:
- where do i find number of free mech bays on first look ?
- why not list XP on current mech next to mech name on lower left side ?
- looking at mechs in shop or select screen OVERVIEW: where are my perks (e.g. is that the AC-bonus mech) ?
- why cant i see x2 bonus easily ?

Edited by Christopher Hamilton, 08 June 2015 - 11:38 PM.

#106 Christopher Hamilton


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 11:41 PM

View PostK1ttykat, on 05 June 2015 - 04:04 PM, said:

#2 Mech skills with choices, something like my mockup http://imgur.com/BctFA5E

skill tree reset ? WTH ? this is no MMO....

#107 Vellron2005


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 03:46 AM

After the new mechlab implemenation there is one simple feature that is SORELY needed...

Please... let us spin our mechs and see how beautifull they are in the home screen..

Thank you.

#108 Odanan


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 05:23 AM

View PostChristopher Hamilton, on 08 June 2015 - 11:41 PM, said:

skill tree reset ? WTH ? this is no MMO....

This is no MMORPG, you might say.

But yes, MWO needs badly a better, deeper skill tree. There is a LOT that could be improved in that way.

#109 Hoffenstein


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 05:36 AM

Stock Mech mode
AI troops, tanks and vtol's to give a sensebof being in a battlezone.

#110 dynamite84


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 03:37 PM

Well, I now play the Mechwarrior Series for a decade, played MW3 and MW4+Mercaneries.
Before I developed Mechwarrior I played EarthSiege2, its still one of my favorite OldSchool games.

The Mechwarrior Series did have "soul" as same as Earthsiege2 had.
For my opinion MWO is too arcarde-balanced, it has far less athmosphere.

Sometimes I´m thinking, the game is developing into a tournament game (in far sight like counter-strike or starcraft).
You start at the same point. You meet the enemy team at the same point. (or two). You fight and win or die. You play the next round which will look like the first. And the next.
Thats getting boring after a couple of rounds. I thing PGI cant sidetrack this any longer with bringing out new hero variants for a MC-Price which nobody can or want afford.
I can understand that this is a F2P-Game, but why not earning more with upgrade the game at the right places?
Here are some things what would improve the game expierence a lot.

1. Just look at the MW5 Trailer. I watched the Eject Scene again and again, because it was so cool. The Eject sound, the core breach, the nuclear explosion after the mech explodes.
It was just cool.
In MWO theres nothing from that. Just nothing. Does a mech has a nuclear reactor? Yes I thought, but in MWO it explodes like a Diesel Engine. Make small nuclear explosions when core is destroyed, let them vary, some bigger some smaller. Let winning players see their reward nuke when the enemy is blown into bits.

2. Look at Earthsiege series - the Mechs did have a lot of internals (20 or so) which could
be destroyed like life supporting systems, targeting computer, energy system, core/engine, Servo engines, Radar, Pilot.... Besides weapons, heatsinks and legs, theres nothing from that in MWO.
Why not penalize a player for getting a ballistic cockpit hit with a big hole in the glass of the cockpit front or a scratch for a laser hit.
Why not shutting down energy system for some seconds for getting a PPC hit.
Why not blurring the view for loosing life-systems.
Why not see and feel when the pilot was hit.
Why not a damaged reactor core that sounds like a diesel engine when beeing 1% before exploding.
Why not loosing oil or hydraulic.
Why not beeing unable to hold up the arms when getting a hard internal hit. (like the MadDog in the MW4 opening Video).
Why is there so less sound. When the mech is 1% before death, it just says: Critical damage in red, with a little red flashing. This pilot is not going to bed sleeping. Think about it. This pilot is going to die in the next few seconds/minutes. The machine should cry, flash, roar and blink that the end is near. The same is with incoming missiles. "Missiles incoming" or something is said. Uaaaaahhhh, its sounds like the woman want to go to bed that moment having a sleep.
The most fun the player have, is when he wins the fight with a hardly standing, legged, strongly damaged, moaning mech, then you tell yourself - what a match!
...and its making the game more intersting - finding out what happens when internals get damaged or go offline, just vary the consequences, it brings a lot deepness to the game.

3. Whats about weather.
There is a snow blizzard in one map. Thats all. Wow.
Whats about rain, which runs down my cockpit glass, making little drops. Whats about lightnings, whats about a sandstorm. Whats about fighting under water?

You could add 4 weather conditions to every map, with different heats, view ranges and so on. If you have 10 different maps before, you have 40 after adding weather conditions.

4. Whats about useless weapons.
Nobody uses the Flamer f e. Its crap. Why is it ingame? It should be look more ballistic like a fuel-flamethrower. That one ingame has a flame that looks like a brogen gas-pipeline.
You could add a fire effect. Putting enemy mechs on fire, hardly to extinct. It would be great to see burning mechs getting heat and fire damage running over the battlefield.

5. Rework the look of the Pilot. His legs look Alien-like.

6. Whats about adding different G-Effects to differents maps/planets?

7. Use your existing maps and add new game modes or different starting points. You can
use your old maps but change the gameplay in every match.

8. Ever thought about adding repair-bays to some maps like in MW4?

9. Destroyable battlefield would be great. But this may not be possible with the cryengine.

All in all for my opinion you have to add more deepness or athmosphere to the game. If you want players ,expecially the old nerds who play these games for a decade, play that game a long time with fun, its not enough to add only new variants. The Dropship Faction Mode is a good step, but the game still stays at a superficial level. It just gets boring after some hundred matches....



#111 scgt1


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 08:23 PM

The ability to use one account for both IS and Clan in CW like you should have implemented in the first place like any other damn MP game out there. Don't take peoples money then come up with a scheme to screw them into playing one side or the other and not be able to use everything they paid real money for to fully enjoy the game.

#112 nehebkau


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 06:28 AM

My wishlist contains only 1 thing -- and it is both figuratively and literally big:

I want open world matches. At least 72 mechs on either side, a giant map and fluid objectives that dish-out cbills like bumpers in pinball. Purchasable attacks, like arty-strikes that send a wave of ground-pounders to a position and hold there firing on enemies until destroyed. I want dynamically upgrade-able defenses and roles for all mech types.

So, basically I want you to scrap most of what you've done and start again.

Edited by nehebkau, 10 June 2015 - 06:29 AM.

#113 Poptart81


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 06:40 AM

Hit Reg needs to work better ( I have a 22ping so its not that) for the gameplay to be less frustrating and "Roll of the diceish" when trading damage.

More MAPS, less MECHS.

Having 200 mechs to choose from is cool when they're all viable, but as always, the ones for sale/new ones are always OP for a time to encourage sales, then get nerfed to try to balance the game after the money's been made. Then new wave of mechs to rinse and repeat the money soak process(and to give us new goals to keep the game purposeful). I have no problem with having tons of mechs to buy, but the cycle of having them be OP and then nerfed makes it feel like my money goes to "Renting" a new mech until it gets nerfed back so hard I can't even build it out and play it the way I did when I first got it. (Timberwolf dual gauss... RIP)
Thanks JJ locked positions...

I do appreciate the great work you guys have done to optimize the game in recent months though. It is running much better for me at least.

By the way, if you took the assets from this game, and made instanced open worlds (travel between them with dropships) with territory to hold as a guild with base building, salvage (LOOT!!!), and the ability to hop out of your cockpit.... You would make soo much money it would crush any game in the industry. Make AI NPC mechs to farm for cbills, maybe quests, and mix it with the PVP setting described in the start of this paragraph, put the **** on kickstarter and DELIVER, you then retire rich rich rich!!!!!

You could ask a subscribtion and it would be happilly paid. People moan about subs, but give them a great game... and they will pay it willingly. Especially adults, which in the end, have more money to dump into a game they love and play all the time.

AAAAAnnnnyway, now I'm ranting/rambling.

Hit Reg, and Map editor access please. Maps without Hit Reg is pointless. Start with Hit Reg.

Thanks for your attention


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#114 Le Bum


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 11:06 AM

You know what everyone would love? What everyone NEEDS??

A cockpit dashboard item, Steaming Pizza. :)

Yes this is random, but at the same time, not so random, and awesome! Because MWO is FUN :D

#115 Spleenslitta


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 01:09 PM

More Tidy And Effective Feature Suggestions Forum For Pgi/our Benefit.

This is something that is easy for PGI to achieve. It shouldn't have to be popular to be implemented because both PGI/ players would benefit from it.
You would no longer have to trawl through the entire Feature Suggestions part of the forum to find suggestions on the subject PGI/ we want.

Easier to find out which suggestions are most popular not to mention more accurate.
Right now there are a bunch of topics that are buried which would be immensivly popular but since they are buried few know of them.

#116 TheArisen


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 09:32 PM

I have an idea to improve premium time's value for players who don't have tons of time. Pgi should introduce condensed or concentrated premium time. Basically, a player gets the option of regular or concentrated premium time. Concentrated would have a substantially bigger bonus over a shorter period of time.

Here's my thread w/ poll. http://mwomercs.com/...em-times-value/

#117 Kell Morgan


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 10:46 PM

PVE & DX 12

#118 Jaeger Gonzo


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Posted 13 June 2015 - 01:56 AM

  • Stock Mech / 3025 mode
  • ECM rework
  • Melee/Collisions

#119 Ninjah


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Posted 13 June 2015 - 06:20 AM

Please make the mode selection button bigger =)

(Conquest, Skirmish, Assault)

#120 CainenEX


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Posted 13 June 2015 - 08:35 AM

I'll just chime in on what other have stated. I believe most players want to see more developed and deeper gameplay, as well as greater immersion. Seems to me that most current complaints wail on how "Arcade-like the game is". Most of this is attributed to the map sizes, lack of varied interaction in the cockpit, repetitive and unvaried game modes, no AI, etc.

I think you guys have heard the full run of the story so many times already and people have just been so very passionate and vocal about it. I'll spare you the repeated details.

Looking forward to see what PGI will do with this wonderful trove of great feedback.

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