Mystere, on 13 June 2015 - 09:12 PM, said:
Well, I'm just so sick and tired of all of these calls for nerfing Clans into the ground and buffing the IS to invincibility. Just ten more freaking days and I'm outta here to enjoy my summer traveling ... some on the beach ... with great food ... and great wine ... and my spanking new Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog when I get back.

Well, the IS
do need a buff. The two sides should be on equal footing in practice even if they go about killing the enemy in a different manner. That manner was intended to be with
zerg rush numerical superiority, but that's been thrown out the window by PGI so we have to do it with a different set of trade-offs, most likely applied to the number and performance of items they can mount on their machines versus the items the Inner Sphere can mount on theirs.
The problem I see on this forum is that "nerfing Clans into the ground" seems to be an obfuscation of "Clans aren't as obviously better than Inner Sphere as the lore says they should be and I am upset by it."
Dr Hobo, on 13 June 2015 - 09:13 PM, said:
It would be nice if engine heatsinks properly worked after all this time. It's been how long now? I remember the days of old when DHS didn't work at all...
What do you mean by work properly? Are you referring to how engine sinks are 2.0x while the rest are 1.4x, that the initial 10 aren't all in the engine, or something else? I wasn't around during the Closed Beta.
Andi Nagasia, on 13 June 2015 - 09:27 PM, said:
Problem for Clan Lights, STORY TIME

so i was playing an Adder Energy Build,
poked out to shoot, fired laser, before i could finish my Duration and turn away,
TDR put 3LL in my Face, my ST was like Ok i can die now right, ok dieing now, POP,...
so 1 poke and i was 1 ST down half my Weapons down but at least i could get the hell out,
with 30%-50% speed reduction, my Adr would have been going 48Kph, so no running away,
I once poked out to shoot with my Locust, saw a Gauss Jager, and whirled around to tank the damage to the arm. With a 30-50% speed reduction, I would still be dead.