Lazor Sharp, on 26 June 2015 - 10:22 AM, said:
Ok, had this thought last night, if 9-12 man groups are only 2% or so of the drops in group que, than how is it that the 2-3 man groups getting rolled by 12 man groups create all bitching the we hear so much about on the forums.... it seams that the smaller groups are dropping against small to medium size groups most often, and are still getting roll stomped, so i cant see the 9 to 12 man premade's being a problem........
Where's RoadBeer and SandPit when you need them.....LOL.........
The group queue has a low population relative to the solo queue. Very low.
The solo queue has a population that's sufficient for the MM to function reasonably well most of the time for most of the players. . Note the "Most" 's in that sentence - the solo queue doesn't have enough players to work well for everyone all the time, period.
The group queue is a lot smaller, and it's matching requirements are a lot higher (groups vastly limit options for the matchmaker) excluding more potentials from each match.
So, let's say for the purposes of this post and because there are so many sets of numbers floating around, that Russ said 7% of groups are =>5, and thus 93% are groups of 4 or less.
You are in a 4 man group, and there is a 9 man group in the queue at the same time as you.
You are queueing for matches at roughly the same time as the 9 man group.
Because you CANOT be matched on the same side as the 9man, you are highly probably going to be matched AGAINST that 9 man in most of the drops you take.
Why? Overall queue numbers are low, and with the group queue having a fairly low population there's few groups searching at any given moment.
That 9 man group is going to eat up probably 4-5 other groups in every match. One 3 man alongside them, then some combination of 12 players for the opposing team. It's likely there isn't another large group queueing at the same moment, or maybe only 1-2 - which you get depends heavily on who's been in the queue longest, weight classes and tonnage.
But ultimately, even with only 7% of groups being larger, you're still eating a lot of small groups in every match.
This means it's entirely possible that of the players in the queue right now, there may only be one large group, and enough small groups to make two matches at any given time. Because you all get matches at the same time, launch again at the same time, it's highly probable that you run into that 9 man group in 50 percent or more of your matches.