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Getting Rid Of 12-Man Groups

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#201 madhermit


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 03:55 PM

View PostLazor Sharp, on 26 June 2015 - 03:42 PM, said:


I never said no solo que at all, just made an observation about TEAM games in general... and i did qualify that a solo que in MWO is needed for several reasons.....

if about 40 to 60% of those solo ONLY players would just join a unit, and play group que and CW, AS A TEAM IN A TEAM GAME, it would make MWO's Group and CW que's so much better, it's not funny.......

Because not everyone wants to join a unit. Reasons to it are many and it is pointless to explain why someone doesn't join a unit.

Group making tools are nonexistant in MWO. Simple chat window in the main menu where players could create chatrooms themselves would go a LONG LONG way in helping people get connected with each other and form groups. You can point people to forums all you want but fact is really not THAT many people use forums.

I don't understand why the games today have devolved so that there are no tools or possibility for communities to be formed. Is making a IRC window into a game really THAT hard and laborous that it is better to just leave it out and let people form their own official unofficial place to congregate? The only connection you make with other people is when they rage at you in a match proceeding to leave 1-60 seconds later. I haven't felt anykind desire to add anyone in friendlist. Why? I DON'T KNOW YOU, THAT'S MY PURSE!

There are literally no way for people to chat outside a match. I want my gamelobbies back...

#202 Lazor Sharp


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 03:59 PM

i wander too... i do play solo que some times for various reasons, but i play the vast majority of games in a group with various unit's that i play in TS with depending on what's happening, or who is around

#203 Lazor Sharp


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 04:08 PM

Mad, I agree totally, but that is a PGI needs to make it easier with better software/features problem, that they will hopefully get to someday.

NOT a, I refuse to play anything but solo, and premade TEAM's in a TEAM game, are the boogeyman problem

What is really needed here is a PvE campaign/mission mode with co op, so that newbies can learn the the game and Lore and be trained by their friends, and enjoy the game and lore before getting feed to the sharks in the solo que much less the group que or CW
this game is not easy to learn, unless you have played older MW titles and/or a BT fan

Also, a PvE mode would give the anti social, etc.... solo players, another mode that might interest them....
and that can only increase the total player base for the game in general

Edited by Lazor Sharp, 26 June 2015 - 04:55 PM.

#204 R Razor


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 04:34 PM

View PostMystere, on 26 June 2015 - 03:39 PM, said:

So it's really a "perception vs. reality" thing then? If so, then maybe the people encouraging/promoting that perception should be dealt with, preferably permanently. ;)

I agree, there are people that most definitely do not bring anything to this game aside from irritation and annoyance, they should be shown the door and have to dodge their baggage as it's thrown out behind them. Most of them populate a certain faction and enjoy farming puglandia.......... ;) .

#205 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 04:44 PM

Soy, WoW was created specifically to cater to the LCD crowd who can't be bothered to read what's on the screen, nothing new there. MWO is a PvP game like BF or CoD, they don't hold your hand either, and both now cater to the same group, they didn't use to do that, but they don't hold your hand like WoW does, they toss you right in with the sharks from the start.

12 mans aren't the bogeyman they are being made out to be, they also aren't enough of a population to actually give Russ reason to not change the group que, loss of revenue won't be enough to stop that. Sucks, but that's how it is.

The whines about groups stomping solos was happening when it was 4 mans, it'll continue if Russ sets groups to 4 man, it won't stop, again, mentality is the problem, the special snowflakes who don't want to face a group EVEN WHEN THEY ARE IN A GROUP. What's after that? Removing ALL groups? Will that shut them up? No, because we have paragons of whinage like Mudhut who keep claiming that 12 mans are sync dropping in solo que to roflstomp newbs, so the whining will continue no matter what Russ does due to that mentality.

At some point Russ needs to point out that the data shows the whines are bs and he's not going to cater to them for that reason. As it stands now, the playerbase has learned that if you whine loud enough long enough, Russ will give in, it's been happening all along. Which is funny since we've ALL complained about ECM but it's never been touched, one of those things I can't figure out, evidently only the forums get vocal about ECM, no one's raising hell via emails and twitter and facebook I guess. Or Russ is just so enamored of ECM that it's never going to be touched, that's quite possible.

Oh, and Soy, you never answered me, did you get paid to play as a top comp player?

Edited by Kristov Kerensky, 26 June 2015 - 04:46 PM.



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Posted 26 June 2015 - 05:17 PM

View PostR Razor, on 26 June 2015 - 01:45 PM, said:

Not seeing the problem with the low percentage "large group" players rage quitting if the high percentage "small group" players stick around and the population expands thanks to the lower tendency to get roflstomped by that large group that just QQ'd themselves out of MW:O.

Like the group still QQing about continually getting rolfstomped by 12man units even though proven to be false.

Now that we know 12 man unit are less then 1%, you have to find a new boogeyman.



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Posted 26 June 2015 - 05:29 PM

View PostMystere, on 26 June 2015 - 03:39 PM, said:

So it's really a "perception vs. reality" thing then? If so, then maybe the people encouraging/promoting that perception should be dealt with, preferably permanently. ;)

That "new player" perceives the other team as a 12 man, either be it a 12 man Unit or 12 man Skirmish.

They just do not like to be stomped, but who does, and erroneously blame it on the "12 man" not knowing there is a distinction. Now that we know that less then 1% are 12 man Units, they are getting stomped by 12 man skirmish teams.

Skirmish teams are the problem they just remember that one time with the team of all the same tag. What is it? 93% of groups are 4 or less? What are skirmish teams made up of?

Yes, time to end 12 man skirmish teams and the rofl stomping of noobs.

#208 Koniks


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 05:57 PM

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#209 Zordicron


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 09:21 PM

This thread got off track pretty bad.

Different expectations people, different expectations.

IMO, this new ELO buckets and design thing that is coming around, well, IMO if it actually can turn out to work like Russ says, the #yolo's should all end up together, the uber tryhard run the same mech for leaderboard epeen greatness should all end up together, to a point anyway(a lot of those guys have been farming cadets to set their elo anyway) and th eones in the middle like me, who play PUG but have a reasonable expectation for his team mates to at least sort of work together loosley, well we should end up together too in the end.

if it works, the underhive will truly be an underhive. And those players will be happier too IMO.

As an aside, this whole millenials are better thing.... LOL, well, they probably are better at the game type the have grown up with: CoD #yolo FPS games. I have a teenage boy. he plays a couple FPS, NOT CoD lol, but he plays online on uncharted and more on the Plants VS Zombies garden warfare game. Now, he could probably beat me on those, because I don;t have the practice in on that control type. Closest thing I ever messed with was Turok lol, but I play them once in a while because I like to see what he is doing.

I put Final Fantasy 3, SNES in for him a while ago. Told him it was a classic, he should play it once(and maybe FF7) to see what the hype was about seeing as he heard about it(more 7) so much. LOL, totally lost, the entire concept of managing the party was lost on him, the importance of basic things like exploration to find goodies and min/max stats for different characters to do different roles, nope.

I bought virtual console versions of all the Megaman games. I can still load one up and tromp through it. Boy struggles
to defeat the first robot master.

then he loads up one of his FPS shooter games and proceeds to top his leaderboards at end of rounds.

Millenials are good at games that are straight forward, and don;t require much besides some familiarity with controls to play. CoD. Sure it throws you in with vets. Besides some control nuances and learning how the weapons work a bit, what is there? Memorize the maps? thats just repetition. In the end, most of the popular FPS games share so much control/gameplay wise the kids that grew up with them can jump from one into another and fit right in. Truth is, consoles have ruled the roost for a decade(that is changing recently) and the popular console games are rehashes of the same FPS or "assasin's creed" action game.

broad strokes, but being "better" is certainly not the same as being familiar with a game type. UG, in a way i am sorry I even put this post here, but there it is. Too much broad strokes and denial in gaming.

To repeat the actual relevent part:
Different expectations. Competitive players vs casual "blow off some steam" players. Tryhard vs #yolo. The banter about 12 mans and stomps and all that, MEH, it really come down to two vastly different playstyles of the game and PGI smashing the two groups together to force them to play on the same teams. IMO, hopefully the new ELo will seperate them, but if it doesnt, PGI needs to be more creative and push it further, and group size and restricting where 12 mans can play might be a needed part of that.

#210 Mystere


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:16 PM

View PostTWIAFU, on 26 June 2015 - 05:29 PM, said:

That "new player" perceives the other team as a 12 man, either be it a 12 man Unit or 12 man Skirmish.

They just do not like to be stomped, but who does, and erroneously blame it on the "12 man" not knowing there is a distinction. Now that we know that less then 1% are 12 man Units, they are getting stomped by 12 man skirmish teams.

Skirmish teams are the problem they just remember that one time with the team of all the same tag. What is it? 93% of groups are 4 or less? What are skirmish teams made up of?

Yes, time to end 12 man skirmish teams and the rofl stomping of noobs.

I think something got "lost in translation". Just what exactly is a 12-man skirmish team?

View PostTWIAFU, on 26 June 2015 - 05:17 PM, said:

Like the group still QQing about continually getting rolfstomped by 12man units even though proven to be false.

Now that we know 12 man unit are less then 1%, you have to find a new boogeyman.

That's easy:
  • cheaters
  • sync droppers
  • high-Elo tryhards in new alts

Mud, calling Mud! Need more bogeyman examples.

#211 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 02:10 AM

View PostLazor Sharp, on 26 June 2015 - 02:54 PM, said:

"""""And it's always bewildered me, team game designed around team play, adverts and the website are all clear on that, and yet the playerbase keeps demanding that it be solo friendly, even when they drop in a group, they don't want to drop against other groups of any size, WTF?

Yes, I'm fully aware of the data and what it shows, that doesn't make my bewilderment any less, just worse, because it shows the solo players really have no interest in actually doing the team thing at all, and that's just sad."""""""
THIS so very much....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MUD, This is a TEAM Game DAMM IT.... and that's why it just boggles my mind that there are more solo players than group TEAM players...... I do understand that a Solo que is needed for several reasons, but the Team group que and CW should be the focus for the vast majority of players, vs the other way around, and this is part of the problem...

as TEAM games go, Does the NFL or NBA have a solo que....? ridiculous.....lol So, in a way, why does a TEAM based game called MWO, even have a solo que, but for the whining.......lol

You miss the one thing this game never had, Progression. I have always said everyone could fit under this tent if PGI would make it happen and the tryhards would let it happen.
You could have solo, group, leagues and cw along with solaris and PVE. A place for everyone and their playstyle.

Teams really don't attract new players unless its to try and survive. That's gang mentality not teams.

Every league has progression, every one

The gang tactics employed in solo and here on the forums has done much to alienate solo's. It's not solos fault none of you were forward thinking. Teams/factions have only themselves to blame. I can't even blame PGI because when they created solo que many faction members vowed to make the experience bad for solo's and they succeeded.

Now you either wake up and fix it and start cleaning your houses of all the exploiter/cheaters/synch droppers or you continue until there is no more team play or minimal at best.

Its up to the faction/team leaders to actually lead for once. Then you would attract players.

View PostBurktross, on 26 June 2015 - 03:12 PM, said:

Jeeze, with all of this "your generation sucks" banter, you'd think we'd be in K-Town already.

Labels labels everywhere and no one to think.

#212 Pjwned


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 02:18 AM

What I do find kind of funny is how well this highlights the fact that not every crappy game you have in the group queue is because you faced a 12-man team.

93% of the groups are 2-4 and they all complain about always facing the other 7% in bigger groups? Yeah, I don't buy it.

#213 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 02:22 AM

View PostTWIAFU, on 26 June 2015 - 05:29 PM, said:

That "new player" perceives the other team as a 12 man, either be it a 12 man Unit or 12 man Skirmish.

They just do not like to be stomped, but who does, and erroneously blame it on the "12 man" not knowing there is a distinction. Now that we know that less then 1% are 12 man Units, they are getting stomped by 12 man skirmish teams.

Skirmish teams are the problem they just remember that one time with the team of all the same tag. What is it? 93% of groups are 4 or less? What are skirmish teams made up of?

Yes, time to end 12 man skirmish teams and the rofl stomping of noobs.

The issue is farming that creates the myth its 12 mans doing all the damage. Factions and teams allowed and most often supported the notion its ok to team up on TS , choose a map together and synch drop. Pretty soon after that barrier was crossed other bad behaviors were allowed and accepted. My alt account signed up to several so I have read and heard the conversations first hand. Solo que is considered c-bill meat and low graphics cfg. mods and cheats were laughed about like it was normal and ok.

The culture was created by those leading the factions and teams. No one said this is bad or tried to stop it. It was condoned and encouraged. Now everyone knows because of the first cheat sweep and who was caught. Trust lost is near impossible to gain back. You guys did it to yourselves. No one else.

Whenever I posted about making it better for new players I was met with that mentality. You guys may hate me for it but I have a strong following in solo because of it. It's time you look at yourselves hard. Clean house and lead us. You can easily push for progression and make it so people want nothing more than to work hard and join a team. Right now they don't unless its to survive and that a crappy feeling in whats supposed to be fun.

#214 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 02:40 AM

View PostTriordinant, on 26 June 2015 - 04:21 AM, said:

I'll be forgiving because English is not your first language. Back in February, Russ revealed in the Town Hall that only 13.5% of all activity on MWO servers takes place in CW. EVEN IF as much as 30% of all MWO players played in groups, 93% of those are groups of 4 or less. That means 7% of groups are 5 or more. Even if 30% of all MWO players played in groups (twice the actual number) that means less than 3% of ALL of the MWO players are in groups of 5 or more. Do you understand now? There is math involved.

So what you are saying is, We don't need to make it harder for groups to form a full company cause that doesn't happen often enough to be a problem for the playing community. Right? :huh:

#215 QuantumButler


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 02:50 AM

They tried absolute barriers before, it sucked so bad PGI admitted it was a mistake and they removed them, make of that what you will.

#216 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 02:58 AM

View PostMystere, on 26 June 2015 - 10:16 PM, said:

I think something got "lost in translation". Just what exactly is a 12-man skirmish team?

That's easy:
  • cheaters
  • sync droppers
  • high-Elo tryhards in new alts
Mud, calling Mud! Need more bogeyman examples.

No one is buying your bull anymore but your pals.

When solos drop and see five of the same faction tag and three with the same team tags they know its not random.

You clowns don't even hide it anymore.

Glad your on the watch list. You will end up the same as your other forum pal who made a point of sneaking a mud jab in every thread.

#217 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 03:02 AM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 27 June 2015 - 02:58 AM, said:

No one is buying your bull anymore but your pals.

When solos drop and see five of the same faction tag and three with the same team tags they know its not random.

You clowns don't even hide it anymore.

Glad your on the watch list. You will end up the same as your other forum pal who made a point of sneaking a mud jab in every thread.

I haven't seen that in a drop in... a year or more Mud.

#218 QuantumButler


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 03:02 AM

What really should be gotten rid of is 12 vs 12 except for CW, 12 vs 12 has been a mistake from the start and undeniably made the game worse to play.

Back in 8v8 coordinated groups of 4 could actually make a difference, and most of the maps really are too small for 12 v 12.

#219 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 03:04 AM

View PostQuantumButler, on 27 June 2015 - 03:02 AM, said:

What really should be gotten rid of is 12 vs 12 except for CW, 12 vs 12 has been a mistake from the start and undeniably made the game worse to play.

Back in 8v8 coordinated groups of 4 could actually make a difference, and most of the maps really are too small for 12 v 12.

So having a full company is bad? I will continue to say the truth, the best team wins the match. That is how victory is earned here.

#220 QuantumButler


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 03:06 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 27 June 2015 - 03:04 AM, said:

So having a full company is bad? I will continue to say the truth, the best team wins the match. That is how victory is earned here.

It is, it makes the games over too quickly and lopsidedly favors energy weapons because of abysmal ammo counts per ton.

By all means keep it for CW, but not in thee normal queue,

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