Com 3A has been my baby the last few days.
I will say this, if they 'Buffed' the Comm, it would be flat out illegal.
I already have everything I need in its little package.
I hadn't played since June, patched up a few days ago, fired up my Com 3A and had all the fun .... really.. all of it.
- Oct. 25th update -
Ive played this solid now for 2 months. I contend, it is among the most lethal mechs in the game ( and I Own 250+ mechs ), if a pilot understands how to play it.
1. Never ever stop.
2. Never ever run in a straight line.
3. Roll damage all over your body as you swerve.
4. Know how to stay behind an assault mech.
5. Chase down every light you see that's running alone alone. ( except the rare Streak Clan Jenner).
6. Hit and run often, but don't be predictable. Reverse direction on circle strafing runs, often.
7. Be sneaky, sometimes you are a damage dealer, sometimes a clay pigeon for the enemy bigs to shoot at and miss. Make them change direction. Just be a target, but that's ok. If they are shooting and missing you, they are not shooting at the large alpha damage dealers on your own team. And they are heating up.. don't discount that.
8. Never just be a capper. Your 167 kph, you can get to any and all caps at the end if you need to flip them to yellow. Kill 1st, cap 2nd.
9. Plan routes in and out. Never run right into them and turn 180 and run away run through them.....make them turn 180 degrees as you dodge and weave. If your twitchy enough, and have Radar Derp, most will miss you with most of the laser beam, almost all of the AC rounds, and Lrms. Streaks, well,.. see below...
10. And lastly.. I.D. 'EVERY' Maddog and StormCrow you see from 400 meters or more before going in. A Streak 36 alpha blast WILL blow off an arm or a leg, outright, first shot, 75% of the time. Don't make that mistake.
Edited by Flak Kannon, 25 October 2016 - 03:17 PM.