WM Quicksilver, on 05 July 2015 - 03:16 PM, said:
NASCAR and alphastrikes have nothing to do with asymmetric balance. NASCAR is a result of trying to flank teams on smaller maps. Alphastrikes are a result of FLD being so important in FPS (you won't ever change this).
NASCAR has to do with the zerging deathball being the most effective thing to do in this game. Much of this is due to map design, but just as much has to do with the fact that every game mode is a variation of team deathmatch.
FLD IS important in FPS, but it COULD be changed. We could not have FLD at all except for gauss rifles.
With asymmetrically balanced missions, we could have 'mechs with roles. Yes, some mechs would be better than others in some ways, but worse in others. Since we have only one thing we have to be good at, mechs that are better for that are simply better.
We don't have to settle for that.
Ultimatum X, on 05 July 2015 - 03:23 PM, said:
Not that I know Hotthedd's preferences, but I'm often amazed when the people who claim to hate NASCAR (i.e. flanking) also claim to hate humping rocks.
I think for a section of the playerbase, they want to start matches at 250m with no rocks & no real movement "fur muh brawls".
NASCAR isn't really flanking. It IS in a sense, but if everybody is flanking everyone else counter clockwise, is it REALLY flanking?
I enjoy many styles depending on my ride. Hit&Run, Brawling, Skirmishing are all fun, although I do not have the temperament to be a good sniper or LRM boat.