carnivorouswinds, on 09 July 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:
I think this is brilliant. Telling people to uninstall because the community is hot garbage only means you'll be left with a dead game on your hands and hundreds of dollars wasted. Who wins in the end?
I have the opportunity to rid myself of armchair general old farts that think collecting disability and playing a video game qualifies them to lead military campaigns... and you'll be on some other forum posting about the good 'ol days. Enjoy.
And THAT response is exactly why I said you should uninstall the game, you are obviously not a team player of any sort and seem to hold great anger and hatred towards those who are team players.
I AM older, but I work a 50+hr week, head of IT, as well as being on call 24/7. I don't give orders and tell people what to do ingame usually, not my thing, I simply follow the orders of whomever takes command, it's a thing team players do, I know you don't understand this, that's ok.
So please, uninstall and get out of my game, I'm pretty damn sure you won't be missed by anyone, since you've not even been here a month and are obviously quite anti-social.
Kilo 40, on 09 July 2015 - 09:00 AM, said:
Oh B.S.
It's not about it not being "easy mode", it's about it being totally lopsided in favor of large groups at the expense of everyone else.
speaking of easy ever notice how few of these large elite group members you never see in the solo queue, and then when you do, they do just about the same damage/score as everyone else, if not less? it makes you wonder exactly what queue is actually the easy queue.
Kilo 40, on 09 July 2015 - 09:32 AM, said:
That's not an even split. That's twice as many VIABLE options for large group players over small group/solo players.
It's about what is fun and what has a sustainable player base. as it stands now CW does not have a sustainable player base. designing a game mode for a fraction of a game, with a small player base to start with, is folly.
It's anything but "fair"
no worries dude.
First off Kilo, get your Elo bracket up and you'll see that the top comp players DO drop solo PUG outside of CW, I see plenty of them myself, all are excellent players. Get that Elo up, you can see it for yourself.
And last time I checked, Solo players have exactly as many options to play as the Group players do. Solo non-CW or solo CW. Groups can do Group non-CW or group CW. So how exactly are the groups getting MORE options there? Do you mean that since if they drop SOLO they get to drop in the Solo ques as well? Because that's rather silly, Groups prefer to play as a group, not solo, hence the whole GROUP thing, ya know? Logic really ain't your strong point it seems.
I see a number of players who keep saying the EXACT same things about CW that we hear about the non-CW Group que, I mean CUT AND PASTE exact. 12 mans ate my baby bs, you know, the very thing that we found out via Russ and the data was total bs? Remember that? Guess not huh?
Some of us do CW as solo PUGs all the time, we do NOT see the bs you guys swear is ALL that CW is. You get a Ghost Drop, you did that, pure and simple, because you picked a planet no enemy is on, and that's totally YOUR own damn fault, since PGI has posted exactly how the CW Que system works and how to read it to find battles instead of Ghost Drops. Too much trouble to read up on it I guess? You don't face 12 man top comp teams every drop, you'll be facing 12 mans maybe 1 in 10 drops, if that many. You won't face top comp 12 mans very often at all outside of Events, just standard units who do CW a lot, which isn't the top comp units. It's not a good place for them, no incentives to play CW, what you do on CW maps doesn't work on non-CW maps, and the tourneys are ALL non-CW maps, so why waste time there?
Again, that lack of logic, really makes the bs stand out like turds in a punch bowl.
CW isn't real popular because for MOST of us, there's NO INCENTIVE TO PLAY IT! Bad rewards for the time invested, no rewards for taking/holding planets, and that's ALL there is in CW, so why do it? I do it because I enjoy the teamwork that happens far more than it does outside of CW as a Solo PUGer, and that's about it. Same with the other SRM who do CW, we get teamwork there, only reason we do it right now.
And if you don't understand why PGI is working on CW, you really don't understand the game at all, what it's based on, and what PGI promised all of us who where there in 2011 we'd get with MWO. And you demand that PGI cater to YOU? You people don't even get what the game is supposed to be about, why should anyone cater to you?
You don't like CW, don't do it, that's fine, many of US WANT CW but we don't play it much because it is NOT what we were promised, and until it is, it's not worth doing much of. But enough of your bs excuses, and that is ALL they are, because the data has already disproven most of them. You don't like the entire team oriented thing, we get it, you have solo non-CW que, all the non-team oriented CoD in robot avatars you could wish for, so enjoy it.