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Balance - Is Vs Clans - Get On Board...


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#81 Duke Nedo


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Posted 25 July 2015 - 04:41 AM

View PostLORD ORION, on 25 July 2015 - 04:04 AM, said:

I just played a Drg-1N elite'd with AC5 module for the 1st time...

All I can say is STFU that clams are op

Also try it against good opponents and/or in cw. It's far from the best is mech, and further from the best clan mechs.

#82 Sjorpha


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Posted 25 July 2015 - 04:53 AM

View PostLORD ORION, on 25 July 2015 - 04:04 AM, said:

I just played a Drg-1N elite'd with AC5 module for the 1st time...

All I can say is STFU that clams are op

The DRG-1N is actually a great example of the imbalance, because not even that extremely silly strong AC5 quirk has managed to make it worthwhile in comp matches.

If we had balance between IS and Clan tech you shouldn't need a quirk for the mech to be good, except maybe some minor armour/structure buffs to compensate bad hitboxes, but the need for those would be in both the factions.

So the "overquirked" IS mechs are actually one of the strongest evidence we have that the tech is very imbalanced.

You have to understand that the quirks aren't arguments in the balance discussion, balance is achieved when we can remove most of the IS quirks because they are no longer needed.

Edited by Sjorpha, 25 July 2015 - 04:54 AM.

#83 Duke Nedo


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 02:12 AM

View PostSjorpha, on 25 July 2015 - 04:53 AM, said:

The DRG-1N is actually a great example of the imbalance, because not even that extremely silly strong AC5 quirk has managed to make it worthwhile in comp matches.

If we had balance between IS and Clan tech you shouldn't need a quirk for the mech to be good, except maybe some minor armour/structure buffs to compensate bad hitboxes, but the need for those would be in both the factions.

So the "overquirked" IS mechs are actually one of the strongest evidence we have that the tech is very imbalanced.

You have to understand that the quirks aren't arguments in the balance discussion, balance is achieved when we can remove most of the IS quirks because they are no longer needed.

This is a very good point. In tonnage, the 1N quirks are worth along the lines of 16-20 tons and it still doesn't fully make up for the weaknesses. It's a good example for PGI to remember in the New quirk overhaul that no amount of specialized quirks alone heals a broken geometry. It just turned the 1N into a feast-or-famine mech. The Huginn is similar too. I kindof somehow like both though, they have character and are not over Powered when all Things are considered, but they are definately overquirked...

Will be interesting to see how they imagine that they will compensate for low slung hard Points and bad geometry in general. I really hope they do address XL Balance and Laser tonnage efficiency before applying those quirks of theirs.

#84 Lord0fHats


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 04:28 AM

I have rested now.

View PostDuke Nedo, on 26 July 2015 - 09:21 AM, said:

I only filled With DHS' on the EBJ until I got comparable sustained dps.

Yeah, and that was one of my issues with your comparison. The Sustained DPS is wrong because it doesn't factor in the .5 seconds needed to avoid Ghost heat (which applies to a 7 MPLP Ebon Jag as well since the threshold on MPLs is 6). You're comparison also only accounted for straight tonnage and slots, which is a worthless comparison once heat is factored into the equation. The Clan MPL produced 6 heat as opposed to the IS MPL's 4. Off handedly, the Clan mech would need to carry 50% more heat sinks than its IS counter part to achieve the same heat management. But the Ebon jag can only carry 25 (38% more than my TDR's 18).

So there you have. The Clan DHS being one slot less, is not OP. It's frankly quite necessary, as no Clan mech would be able to utilize all its weight and maintain any amount of heat management if it were 3 slots. Even being able to pack in more than IS mechs thanks to a smaller number of slots on the item the Clan mech can't maintain the same heat efficiency as the IS mech.

My point there is that people need to stop comparing straight tonnage and slot values, because they don't mean anything. Once you've actually thrown a real build together, saving 1 slot per DHS is not a big advantage. While my EBJ has 17% better heat dissipation, but it has 200% more heat generation. There's a point I want to make here but before that;

More examples, because having more will help me illustrate my point (god damn it math...);


4x cERMLs compare to 3x LLs (4 vs 15 tons!)


4x cMPLs compare to 3x LPLs (8 vs 21 tons!)

cERMLs have the same heat as cMPLs, and 1 less damage (7/6) at a range of 405 unquirked. The IS LL does 9 damage and produces 7 heat at a range of 450 unquirked. The cLPL does 13 damage at 10 heat at a range of 600.

Because my point is that straight slots and tons is a worthless comparison, lets look at actual builds that would run these weapons. You used the Shadow Hawk and Stormie in your OP, but the Shadow Hawk is subpar (it is not good). Anyway, if you want a good Large Laser platform, look no further than the Wolverine 6k. I will compare it to the classic Laser Vomit Crow.

The 6K's relevant quirks are: LL range +12.5%. Energy Range 12.5%. Energy Cooldown 15%. LL Heat Generation - 12.5%. Energy Heat Generation -12.5%. Laser Duration -15%. Adding the quriks up (cause I'm just slapping some LL's onto this thing), Range +25%. Heat Generation -25%. Cooldown 15%. Duration -15%. < Like seriously, this is why no one should be using the Shadow Hawk. These quirks kick ass!

The Buildies; SCR-B, and WVR-6K.

SCR, XL 330, Endo/Ferro, 21 DHS

106.9 KPH
364 Armor
41 Firepower (41 Damage front loaded)
8.5 Real DPS (1.2 Seconds Face time LPL/ 1.24 ERML, 4.71 second cycle time LPL/3.24 second cylce time ERML)
Cooling 44% (40 heat per volley, 9.23 heat dissipation per volley)
TC Enhanced Range, 414 (ERML), 613.5 (LPL) < Ideal range for this combo is 400-500m

WVR XL 300, Endo, 15 DHS

97.2 KPH
368 Armor
36 Firepower (36 damage front loaded)
9.97 Real DPS (.85 seconds face time, 3.61 second cycle time)
Cooling 40% (28 Heat per volley, 5.79 heat dissipation per volley)
Quirk enhanced range, 552 < Ideal range here is going to be 450-600m

As a quick note to illustrate the worthlessness of the Stormcrow negative quirks, the build above only has -8% to fire duration, which takes its face time from 1.1 to 1.2. A point 1 seconds difference... Good job there PGI. Really feeling those nerfs XD /sarcasm

These two are probably a much more worthwhile comparison, because their both tier one mechs, and their most typical load outs as above are very comparable to one another, at least in raw numbers. The Storm Crow is faster, and has higher up front damage but significantly longer face time. The Crow has more favorable heat management, but slightly less range. Note the real DPS. The Wolverine applies it's damage at a faster rate than the Storm Crow thanks to a much shorter fire durations and quicker cycle times. The range difference between the Crow's weapons is also libel to result in lower damage out of 400m, but in the real game, the Laser Vomit Crow likes bouncing between 400 and 500 m, because while the damage falls off on the ERML, they're still quite effective. I didn't bother to calculate that.

Now for the reality; While in numbers, these two mechs are quite well balanced with the above builds carrying an interesting balance, the Storm Crow blatantly better for one reason; The right arm. All of the Wolverines weapons are on the right arm. Blow off the arm, the poor Wolvie is pretty much dead, or might as well be. The Crow can target that arm and blow it off fairly well. I've done it more times than I can count. Plus the Crow gets way more tankiness thanks to the Clan XL.

In this example, the unbalancing factor has nothing to do with tonnage or slots, but with hard point placement and the IS XL engines... IS XLness. It shows that IS mechs need significant quirks (damn are those quirks sexy...) to match Clan tech in damage capability, but that quirks do not make up for hard point location and the issue of the IS XL. Unfortunately, most IS mechs don't get the love that the Wolverine has received, and thus lag even further behind their Clan counterparts.

Compare my earlier TDR and EBJ builds. At first glance, the fight might seem more balanced than it really is. Reality is that a build like that (I'd actually use a Gauss 6 ERML build but the concept carries), a smart pilot will only use 6 of the 8 MPLs. This avoids ghost heat, and takes advantage of the fact that the front loaded damage on the 6 MPLs is very favoirable. 6 Can fire for just 36 heat. The mech will dissipate 12.07 heat during the weapon cycle.

So 6 Clan MPLs and 7 IS MPLs (with quirks) dissipate about 1/3 of their heat during cycle respectively, have comparable range and damage. However to achieve that end, the Clan MPLs need a whopping 38% more heat sinks. The straight tonnage of the weapons + their heat sinks to achieve this parity is 37 Tons on the EBJ, and 32 on the TDR. Again, this is really quite favorable as a matter of balance.

Now the unbalanced part; The EBJ has two more MPLs. Just sitting there. Waiting. Waiting for that poor TDR to be dark yellow or orange CT. Firing just 6 MPLs at a time, the EBJ can just wait 1 second, and no matter what will always be able to pump those last two MPLs, which are always waiting, to get the kill and the EBJ not overheat (12 heat dissipation per second remember, 2 MPLs make 12 heat)?. < That is a significant imbalance in the EBJ's favor. Several Clan Mechs can pull this trick (The Timber, Crow, and Warhawk) thanks to their abundant weapon hard points.

So my point is; Stop looking at tonnage values. PGI seems to have already accounted for the tonnage and slots of Clan and IS tech in their balancing, and has actually done a good job mitigating the strengths and weakness of the two on real builds. The large problem comes not from tonnage/slots, but from hard point placement, the abundant hard points on many Clan mechs, and the fact that only the most quirked IS mechs can even reach parity of paper (and several of said mechs fall short in the real game for numerous reasons).

Balance issues I've noted in the above two comparisons;

The IS XL is a significant weakness for the IS
Many IS mechs can't take advantage of Ferro and Endo, they run out of slots before they run out of tonnage
Only highly quirked IS mechs can achieve damage parity with Clan mechs, and most suffer from the IS XL
Top Clan mechs can abuse their many hard points plus endo and ferro to pack additional on demand burst damage to ensure kills

Edited by Lord0fHats, 27 July 2015 - 09:22 PM.

#85 ZippySpeedMonkey


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 05:02 AM



Read the lore...

The problem right now is that PGI refuses to allow / create games where you supposed to have purely clan vs. Inner Sphere ( I do not count community warfare, as many of us do not want to play it )

IF PGI ever gets it's act together for us Puggers, I's strongly suggest (again) an actual Inner Sphere vs Clan option, with the appropriate numbers for each side suggested below...

formation (# mechs)

Inner Sphere vs. CLan

2 Lances (8) vs. 1 Star (5)
4 Lances (16) vs. 2 Stars (10)



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Posted 26 July 2015 - 05:10 AM

View PostDuke Nedo, on 25 July 2015 - 04:41 AM, said:

Also try it against good opponents and/or in cw. It's far from the best is mech, and further from the best clan mechs.

I would like to see 12 DRG 1Ns in a CW match piloted by reasonably skilled members of an experiened CW unit.

Not gonna be able to blow off all those right arms before the sustaible DPS starts wiping mechs with mobile, concetrated firepower.

#87 Lord0fHats


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 05:40 AM

View PostLORD ORION, on 26 July 2015 - 05:10 AM, said:

I would like to see 12 DRG 1Ns in a CW match piloted by reasonably skilled members of an experiened CW unit.

Not gonna be able to blow off all those right arms before the sustaible DPS starts wiping mechs with mobile, concetrated firepower.

Having been on the receiving end of this (dang you kurita!) yeah. DRG 1Ns get better the more of them you have. It presents a massive target priority challenge even for coordinated teams. It's not unbeatable, but it's probably up there in my top 3 things that scare the hell out of me in CW.

#88 Astrocanis


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 05:54 AM

View PostPaigan, on 10 July 2015 - 02:01 AM, said:

Clans are SUPPOSED to have superior tech.

Horsesh1t. This is not TT, it's not BT. It's related but not the same.

#89 Astrocanis


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 05:57 AM

View PostZippySpeedMonkey, on 26 July 2015 - 05:02 AM, said:



Read the lore...

The problem right now is that PGI refuses to allow / create games where you supposed to have purely clan vs. Inner Sphere ( I do not count community warfare, as many of us do not want to play it )

IF PGI ever gets it's act together for us Puggers, I's strongly suggest (again) an actual Inner Sphere vs Clan option, with the appropriate numbers for each side suggested below...

formation (# mechs)

Inner Sphere vs. CLan

2 Lances (8) vs. 1 Star (5)
4 Lances (16) vs. 2 Stars (10)

Lore is meaningless. The Clans were, quite possibly, the worst thing ever added to the "lore". They were a game changer, deus ex machina, meaningless construct that was there to affect the balance of power.

Want lore? When a clan mech attacks an opponent, only one clanner can attack that opponent. The rest have to stand there with there thumbs up unmentionables. And the clanners weapons are DISABLED unless he attacks that opponent.

You can't bring Zellbrigen into this conversation because, despite the role play, nobody here is a clanner. We have to ENFORCE that behavior if you want to bring the stupidity of the lore into this game.

Equal but different is the only way IS and Clan can work in this game.

#90 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 06:32 AM

Clan tech is always supposed to be better than IS tech, until later, when the IS starts replicating Clan tech to fit IS tech.

In 10v12 battles, I doubt anybody would be claiming Clan tech is OP. BUT, because it's always going to be 12v12 under PGI, the Clan tech needs to be watered down and IS tech "spruced up" a bit.

#91 Duke Nedo


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 09:21 AM

View PostLord0fHats, on 26 July 2015 - 04:28 AM, said:

Okay seriously. I'm really bad at math, so I'm hoping I just missed it, but there is one massive GLARING problem with OP's post.

He didn't put any armor on his EBJ, but did put armor on his TDR.

Because I'm lazy, both mechs with Endo+Ferro, 7MPLs, max armor, 315/325 and 13 Heat Sinks (including the 10 in their engins);

TDR-5SS (4 Tons)
EBJ-B (14.5 Tons)

Long post with a more real comparison of the topic mechs follows from this point on. Skip if desired! Probably a fair amount of bad math, especially since I'm too lazy too look up some things.

Now to be realistic, I'm going to compare real mechs, not a bad TDR build to a bad EBJ build. I added Heat Sinks to the EBJ until it's heat efficiency matched it's IS counterpart;

EBJ-B (+6 DHS, leaving 8.5 tons)

Then I simply took into account a TDR running an MPL is unoptimized at 315. Ferro does nothing for the TDR at that engine as it runs out of slots with 1.39 remaining weight, Removing Ferro leaves the mech at exactly 65 tons, but that's a lot of wasted space. Realistically you'd want to downgrade to a STD 305 (83 KPH with speed tweak), and gain some extra DHS; TDR-5SS.

I then finished the EBJ build to complete it; only the mech actually runs out of slots and ends up with 1.5 Tons left over. Now, an IS mech would just say w/e and upgrade itthe engine, or dump the Endo/Ferro to gain more slots and downgrade the engine to fit another heat sink or two, but Omni-Mechs can't do this. So I did the real thing, and gave the EBJ another MPL. This left .5 tons, so I stripped some armor and used the last slot to fit a Targeting Computer; EBJ-B

The final builds (Because I'm not going to debate terribuilds) comes out with;

TDR; STD 305, 18 DHS, 7 MPL, Endo; 416 Armor/42 Firepower/4.32 DPS/Cooling 37% - Quirked range 330m
EBJ; XL 325, 25 DHS, 8 MPL, Endo+Ferro; 403 Armor/64 Firepower/5.32 DPS/Cooling 32% - TC enhanced range 338.25m

The raw firepower then comes to; EBJ has 52% more firepower, 23% more DPS, and 2.5% more range and over 50% more heat.

It is important to note that quirks are not accounted for by the 'Cooling' stat in Smurfy, or in the Mechlab in game. The IS MPL generates 4 Heat when fired, so 7 make 28 heat -15% for quirks (4.2) = 23.8 heat. The TDR can fire 7 MPL with no ghost heat. The Clan MPL generates 6 heat, so 8 makes 48 heat. The EBJ can only fire 6 MPL at a time without ghost heat, so the volleys must be staggered. &lt; Really this only gives the EBJ more reason to bring 8 rather than 7, because it will have to stagger fire anyway. Might as well not waste weight. Especially not a whole ton.

To adjust this for fire duration and heat sinks. I am really bad at math guys, so someone feel free to chip in if the following is wrong because this is getting into the territory where I'm not doing basic percentages XD. I also do not know what the base heat capacity is for mechs, so I can't calculate it even if I can calculate what they get from the Heat Sinks, but I don't think the capacity is as pivotal here;

IS DHS dissipates .14 heat per second
Clan DHS dissipates .14 heat per second

So same deal here. The EBJ has 25 DHS, while the TDR only has 18. So the maths on that comes to (No basics);

EBJ - Dissipates 3.5 heat per second
TDR - Dissipates 2.52 heat per second

With Double Basics;

EBJ - Dissipates 4.025 heat per second
TDR - Dissipates 2.898 heat per second

The dissipation difference is 38% (.388 Repeating). So using this in my crazy long comparison of TDR and EBJ;

TDR fires 7 MPL, generating 23.8 heat. The MPLs take 2.55 seconds to cycle (15% quirk), venting 7.3899 heat. So by the time the TDR fires a second time, it has 16.41 heat + 23.8 = 40.21 heat.

EBJ fires 4 MPL, generating 24 heat. The pilot waits .5 seconds, dissipating 2.01 heat, and fires 4 more generating another 24 heat to end at 43.99 heat. The fire duration of the second volley is .85, plus the .5 the pilot waited to fire it the first 4 MPLs have already cycled 1.35 seconds before the mech starts dissipating heat again. Thus they cycle for 1.65 seconds dissipating 6.64 heat. This leaves the EBJ at 37.35 heat going into its second volley. Skipping the typing for the second volley and just posting the numbers;

TDR 2 Alphas = 84 damage at 40.21 heat (23.8 heat per volley - .7.3899 heat dissipated between volleys)
EBJ 2 Alphas = 128 damage at 76.7 heat (37.35 heat per volley - 8.65 heat dissipated between volleys, accounting for .5 seconds to avoid ghost heat)

The EBJ above treats a 'volley' as a firing of 4 and 4 to avoid Ghost Heat.

It took the TDR .6 seconds to fire a volley, with 3.15 seconds between volleys. It took the EBJ 2.2 seconds to fire one volley, with 1.65 seconds between volleys (the mechs take 3.15 and 3.85 seconds respectively to fire a full volley and cycle their weapons to start the next). Note that in the above, the EBJ's face time is nearly 4x the face time of the TDR.

This is where the 'sustained DPS' number in Smurfy's fails us, because it does not calculate the above reality. The EBJ must stagger fire or it is taking ghost heat to the face. It also fails to account for the TDR's heat and cycle quirks. The real DPS (including Cycle time!) is;

64 damage over 3.85 seconds is 16.6 damage per second for the EBJ
42 damage over 3.15 seconds is 13.33 damage per second for the TDR.

However the TDR gets to front load a full 42 damage in .6 seconds , while the EBJ must stagger 64 damage over 2.2 seconds. The most the EBJ can front load is 48 damage by firing 6 and 2 in a volley.

So, attempting to cut the last hour of my life into a short tid bit;

TDR; STD 305, 18 DHS, 7 MPL, Endo;

416 Armor
42 Firepower (42 damage front loaded)
13.33 real DPS (.6 seconds Face Time)
Cooling 37% (23.8 heat per volley, dissipating 7.38 heat in cycle)

Quirked range 330m

EBJ; XL 325, 25 DHS, 8 MPL, Endo+Ferro;

403 Armor
64 Firepower (48 damage front loaded, 16 on the back end, ideally)
16.6 real DPS (2.2 seconds Face Time)
Cooling 32% (48 heat per volley, dissipating 8.65 heat in cycle)
TC enhanced range 338.25m seconds to avoid ghost heat)

The differences between the mechs as percentages (EBJ vs TDR) rounding any number that isn't .5 up or down accordingly;

Speed, 7.5%, EBJ's favor
Armor, 3%, TDR's Favor
Fire power, 52%, EBJ's Favor
Front loaded damage, 14%, EBJ's Favor
Real DPS, 25%, EBJ's favor
Face time, 366%, TDR's favor
Range, 2.5%, EBJ's favor
Dissipation, 17%, EBJ's favor
Heat generation, 200%, TDR's favor

Now granted, a MPL Ebon Jag, is imo a bad build, but w/e that is where we started and I ran with it. I tried damn it! I've bolded numbers that I find significant as a matter of game balance. There's a lot of stuff I can say about these numbers, but right now I must rest. And thus I end this ridiculously long post. For anyone who actually read all the way through, you get a hat!

Posted Image

On a bad Connection on vacation so I don't want to get into a long discussion, but I can assure you that I used armor on the builds, and used several different builds since none of them is Perfect as you know. The first one uses cSPLs, that's why the huge difference in tonnage. I only filled With DHS' on the EBJ until I got comparable sustained dps.

Now, 7 cMPLs is a special case and not the best comparison to 7 MPLs. The cSPLs actually compare the best except for range. When using cMPLs its probably best to use 5 or 6 to give more reasonable alpha/sustainability relationships and avoid ghost heat.

The point is just to highlight how big advantage clan Tech actually has in raw tonnage compared to IS when you sum up the effects of clan XL + their very weight efficient lasers. The real point is comparing performance, not the same number of lasers, so when you take that approach 4x cERMLs compare to 3x LLs (4 vs 15 tons!) and 4x cMPLs compare to 3x LPLs (8 vs 21 tons!).

None of this ever gets Perfect, but I just want to illustrate the powergap in tonnage numbers for those that still swear there is no big difference between Techs and that quirks are rediculous etc etc. It's Nice if everyone can see the amount of tonnage that quirks are trying to make up for, then we can understand why there are so big numbers and we can all join hands and lobby for some kind of clan/IS XL engine normalization before the quirks are re-done. Then we wont need as strong quirks and quirks can be better Applied to Balance clan vs clan and IS vs IS, while the Techs themselves are closer together from the start.

Edit: Side note about the builds, using 6-8 cMPLs is not the best build, I agree. I tried them but switched it out rather quickly. One build that I do use however is the 5x cMPL, 1x cGuass build and that's rather Close to a 5SS MPL build + a bonus Gauss. Not exactly, but Close enough to illustrate what you can do With the spare tonnage that clan Tech saves you.

Edited by Duke Nedo, 26 July 2015 - 09:24 AM.

#92 Duke Nedo


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 09:36 AM

View PostGremlich Johns, on 26 July 2015 - 06:32 AM, said:

Clan tech is always supposed to be better than IS tech, until later, when the IS starts replicating Clan tech to fit IS tech.

In 10v12 battles, I doubt anybody would be claiming Clan tech is OP. BUT, because it's always going to be 12v12 under PGI, the Clan tech needs to be watered down and IS tech &quot;spruced up&quot; a bit.

Yeah, I have a feeling that PGI intentially tries to please both sides by keeping clan Tech OP within acceptable limits. Balance is not broken in any way, but clans still have the edge, so in that respect it's somehow working. That point is why and how it's working... band-aid^2 feels like a dead end to me at least so I hope they dare to do something about the underlaying problems when they apply the New quirk overhaul. One must be allowed to dream...

#93 Lord0fHats


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 04:01 PM

I have rested now.

View PostDuke Nedo, on 26 July 2015 - 09:21 AM, said:

I only filled With DHS' on the EBJ until I got comparable sustained dps.

Yeah, and that was one of my issues with your comparison. The Sustained DPS is wrong because it doesn't factor in the .5 seconds needed to avoid Ghost heat (which applies to a 7 MPLP Ebon Jag as well since the threshold on MPLs is 6). You're comparison also only accounted for straight tonnage and slots, which is a worthless comparison once heat is factored into the equation. The Clan MPL produced 6 heat as opposed to the IS MPL's 4. Off handedly, the Clan mech would need to carry 50% more heat sinks than its IS counter part to achieve the same heat management. But the Ebon jag can only carry 25 (38% more than my TDR's 18).

So there you have. The Clan DHS being one slot less, is not OP. It's frankly quite necessary, as no Clan mech would be able to utilize all its weight and maintain any amount of heat management if it were 3 slots. Even being able to pack in more than IS mechs thanks to a smaller number of slots on the item the Clan mech can't maintain the same heat efficiency as the IS mech.

My point there is that people need to stop comparing straight tonnage and slot values, because they don't mean anything. Once you've actually thrown a real build together, saving 1 slot per DHS is not a big advantage. While my EBJ has 17% better heat dissipation, but it has 200% more heat generation. There's a point I want to make here but before that;

More examples, because having more will help me illustrate my point (god damn it math...);


4x cERMLs compare to 3x LLs (4 vs 15 tons!)


4x cMPLs compare to 3x LPLs (8 vs 21 tons!)

cERMLs have the same heat as cMPLs, and 1 less damage (7/6) at a range of 405 unquirked. The IS LL does 9 damage and produces 7 heat at a range of 450 unquirked. The cLPL does 13 damage at 10 heat at a range of 600.

Because my point is that straight slots and tons is a worthless comparison, lets look at actual builds that would run these weapons. You used the Shadow Hawk and Stormie in your OP, but the Shadow Hawk is subpar (it is not good). Anyway, if you want a good Large Laser platform, look no further than the Wolverine 6k. I will compare it to the classic Laser Vomit Crow.

The 6K's relevant quirks are: LL range +12.5%. Energy Range 12.5%. Energy Cooldown 15%. LL Heat Generation - 12.5%. Energy Heat Generation -12.5%. Laser Duration -15%. Adding the quriks up (cause I'm just slapping some LL's onto this thing), Range +25%. Heat Generation -25%. Cooldown 15%. Duration -15%. < Like seriously, this is why no one should be using the Shadow Hawk. These quirks kick ass!

The Buildies; SCR-B, and WVR-6K.

SCR, XL 330, Endo/Ferro, 21 DHS

106.9 KPH
364 Armor
41 Firepower (41 Damage front loaded)
8.5 Real DPS (1.2 Seconds Face time LPL/ 1.24 ERML, 4.71 second cycle time LPL/3.24 second cylce time ERML)
Cooling 44% (40 heat per volley, 9.23 heat dissipation per volley)
TC Enhanced Range, 414 (ERML), 613.5 (LPL) < Ideal range for this combo is 400-500m

WVR XL 300, Endo, 15 DHS

97.2 KPH
368 Armor
36 Firepower (36 damage front loaded)
9.97 Real DPS (.85 seconds face time, 3.61 second cycle time)
Cooling 40% (28 Heat per volley, 5.79 heat dissipation per volley)
Quirk enhanced range, 552 < Ideal range here is going to be 450-600m

As a quick note to illustrate the worthlessness of the Stormcrow negative quirks, the build above only has -8% to fire duration, which takes its face time from 1.1 to 1.2. A point 1 seconds difference... Good job there PGI. Really feeling those nerfs XD /sarcasm

These two are probably a much more worthwhile comparison, because their both tier one mechs, and their most typical load outs as above are very comparable to one another, at least in raw numbers. The Storm Crow is faster, and has higher up front damage but significantly longer face time. The Crow has more favorable heat management, but slightly less range. Note the real DPS. The Wolverine applies it's damage at a faster rate than the Storm Crow thanks to a much shorter fire durations and quicker cycle times. The range difference between the Crow's weapons is also libel to result in lower damage out of 400m, but in the real game, the Laser Vomit Crow likes bouncing between 400 and 500 m, because while the damage falls off on the ERML, they're still quite effective. I didn't bother to calculate that.

Now for the reality; While in numbers, these two mechs are quite well balanced with the above builds carrying an interesting balance, the Storm Crow blatantly better for one reason; The right arm. All of the Wolverines weapons are on the right arm. Blow off the arm, the poor Wolvie is pretty much dead, or might as well be. The Crow can target that arm and blow it off fairly well. I've done it more times than I can count. Plus the Crow gets way more tankiness thanks to the Clan XL.

In this example, the unbalancing factor has nothing to do with tonnage or slots, but with hard point placement and the IS XL engines... IS XLness. It shows that IS mechs need significant quirks (damn are those quirks sexy...) to match Clan tech in damage capability, but that quirks do not make up for hard point location and the issue of the IS XL. Unfortunately, most IS mechs don't get the love that the Wolverine has received, and thus lag even further behind their Clan counterparts.

Compare my earlier TDR and EBJ builds. At first glance, the fight might seem more balanced than it really is. Reality is that a build like that (I'd actually use a Gauss 6 ERML build but the concept carries), a smart pilot will only use 6 of the 8 MPLs. This avoids ghost heat, and takes advantage of the fact that the front loaded damage on the 6 MPLs is very favoirable. 6 Can fire for just 36 heat. The mech will dissipate 12.07 heat during the weapon cycle.

So 6 Clan MPLs and 7 IS MPLs (with quirks) dissipate about 1/3 of their heat during cycle respectively, have comparable range and damage. However to achieve that end, the Clan MPLs need a whopping 38% more heat sinks. The straight tonnage of the weapons + their heat sinks to achieve this parity is 37 Tons on the EBJ, and 32 on the TDR. Again, this is really quite favorable as a matter of balance.

Now the unbalanced part; The EBJ has two more MPLs. Just sitting there. Waiting. Waiting for that poor TDR to be dark yellow or orange CT. Firing just 6 MPLs at a time, the EBJ can just wait 1 second, and no matter what will always be able to pump those last two MPLs, which are always waiting, to get the kill and the EBJ not overheat (12 heat dissipation per second remember, 2 MPLs make 12 heat)?. < That is a significant imbalance in the EBJ's favor. Several Clan Mechs can pull this trick (The Timber, Crow, and Warhawk) thanks to their abundant weapon hard points.

So my point is; Stop looking at tonnage values. PGI seems to have already accounted for the tonnage and slots of Clan and IS tech in their balancing, and has actually done a good job mitigating the strengths and weakness of the two on real builds. The large problem comes not from tonnage/slots, but from hard point placement, the abundant hard points on many Clan mechs, and the fact that only the most quirked IS mechs can even reach parity of paper (and several of said mechs fall short in the real game for numerous reasons).

Balance issues I've noted in the above two comparisons;

The IS XL is a significant weakness for the IS
Many IS mechs can't take advantage of Ferro and Endo, they run out of slots before they run out of tonnage
Only highly quirked IS mechs can achieve damage parity with Clan mechs, and most suffer from the IS XL
Top Clan mechs can abuse their many hard points plus endo and ferro to pack additional on demand burst damage to ensure kills

Edited by Lord0fHats, 27 July 2015 - 09:14 PM.

#94 Duke Nedo


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 12:31 AM

View PostLord0fHats, on 26 July 2015 - 04:01 PM, said:

Yeah, and that was one of my issues with your comparison. The Sustained DPS is wrong because it doesn't factor in the .5 seconds needed to avoid Ghost heat (which applies to a 7 MPLP Ebon Jag as well since the threshold on MPLs is 6).

Then just ignore the 7 cMPL comparison, it's not really relevant. Compare to 5 or 6 cMPLs. Same goes for heat arguments, compare to a fewer number of clan PLs since they have higher damage and higher heat. Also check out cSPLs, they are increadibly effective at Close range, Shorter but not incredibly much Shorter range than unquirked MPLs.

View PostLord0fHats, on 26 July 2015 - 04:01 PM, said:

cERMLs have the same heat as cMPLs, and 1 less damage (7/6) at a range of 405 unquirked. The IS LL does 9 damage and produces 7 heat at a range of 450 unquirked. The cLPL does 13 damage at 10 heat at a range of 600.

Not sure what you're saying here but it looks like you missed my point.

4x cERML: Damage: 28, Heat: 24, Range: 405, Duration: 1.15s, Tons: 4
3x ISLL: Damage: 27, Heat: 21, Range: 450, Duration: 1.0s, Tons: 15

5x cMPL: Damage: 32, Heat: 30, Range: 330, Duration: 0.85s, Tons: 10 (5x not 4 like I wrote, remembered wrong)
3x ISLPL: Damage: 33, Heat: 21, Range: 365, Duration: 0.67s, Tons: 21

This is not a useless comparison. It clearly shows how much pod Space a clan build saves after it has reached the same performance as the IS mech has. 3x ISLL or 3x ISLPL is a main armament for a Medium mech. I am not saying that a clan build would then proceed to fill up With more lasers, because then they will become very hot (like you know). They can do it and play the alpha game, many does, or they can attach a heat neutral Gauss and this is why you see so many Gauss + 4-7x cERML builds. The Gauss is "for free" compared to the corresponding IS laser build.

View PostLord0fHats, on 26 July 2015 - 04:01 PM, said:

You used the Shadow Hawk and Stormie in your OP, but the Shadow Hawk is subpar (it is not good). Anyway, if you want a good Large Laser platform, look no further than the Wolverine 6k. I will compare it to the classic Laser Vomit Crow.

Actually, I think the SHD and SCR is an excellent comparison to compare what I want to compare; IS vs clan Tech. If you remove all quirks, the SHD-2K would be the best IS medium out there and that is why it did not receive any significant quirks. It is a pretty good mech actually, just unquirked. It also have high Mounts and decent hitboxes, making it the best comparison to the Stormcrow. The result illustrates how big the Power gap is between a good unquirked IS mech and a good unquirked clan mech (in this 2x cLPL shoulder build).

About the Wolverine comparison, I appreciate the job you did but I find it very hard to conclude anything from it. The Wolverine has the strongest quirks, old Tier 5 stuff, that puts it to very comparable laser values to clan Tech like you showed there. But, then it instead suffers from low slung hard Points, main weaponry that can be blown off and a bit oversized geometry in general + an IS XL engine... Didn't check Your numbers, was a bit hard to see if you assume firing 4x LL and compensate for ghost heat With heat gen quirk? Probably, since you wrote facetime as short. Anyways... that Wolverine just shows that quirks can allow IS laser vomit to compare With clan laser vomit if you use an XL engine on a bad geometry chassi. So I think we are on the same page about the Power gap? :) We are just illustrating it in different ways.

Imo, using tonnage is an effective way to "visualize" the Power gap because tonnage is something that everyone playing MWO can relate to. We all know the complaints (which I agree With) about locked JJs, or ferro instead of endo, etc... if you sum it up, The summoner has 5 tons locked in JJs, and a few tons to gain from switching ferro to endo. These tons are less than the clan vs IS Power gap counted in tons, so I assume that this would be something that purist clan players should be able to relate to.

In the end, I just wish we could have a more balanced game. Not sure what I will end up playing the most since I have no strong preferences... but I'd like the game to survive Steam launch.

#95 Lord0fHats


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 02:45 AM

View PostDuke Nedo, on 27 July 2015 - 12:31 AM, said:

Not sure what you're saying here but it looks like you missed my point.

No. I've seen your point and rejected it, because I disagree heartedly.


This is not a useless comparison.

If there were no quirks on IS mechs, you'd be right, but IS mechs do have quirks. At this time there are only 3 IS Mechs that are imo Quirked sufficiently to match Clan mechs (The Wolverine 6K, Stalker 4N, and w/e the Meta Firestarter is I forget :lol: ). There's some cheese builds to, like the Dragon 1N but I don't think the Dragon is a well balanced mech just because it works if you stack a team with 12 of them.


The result illustrates how big the Power gap is between a good unquirked IS mech and a good unquirked clan mech (in this 2x cLPL shoulder build).

It's kind of obvious quirked IS mechs are not on par with Clan Mechs (The argument that IS mechs are over quirked I disagree with, but that's different from saying quirks should vanish). I mean, if the goal is to buff IS tech to make quirks unnecessary, then nothing I've said is really relevant. For now, quirks are a thing, and I'm not going to ignore them when talking about balance.


a bit hard to see if you assume firing 4x LL and compensate for ghost heat With heat gen quirk?

Nope you are correct I did not calculate this. I forgot that PGI dropped the Ghost heat threshold to 3 on the ISLL! So that Wolverine is probably not stacking up as favorably in damage as I calculated above.


36 Firepower (27 damage front loaded, 9 on back end)
8.75 Real DPS (2.2 seconds face time, 4.11 second cycle time)
Cooling 40% (28 Heat per volley, 6.14 heat dissipation per volley)


Imo, using tonnage is an effective way to "visualize" the Power gap because tonnage is something that everyone playing MWO can relate to.

Until you look at some examples, like the 6 MPL/7MPL comparison. The techs were very close in parity;

Clan / IS (6 MPL EBJ vs

Damage 48 / 42
Heat dissipation 1/3 of generation per volley
Weight of weapons and heat sinks 37 / 32

The only thing that differed between the Clan MPLs and the quirked IS MPLs was the damage, and the Clan mech paid 5 more tons to get it and a slightly longer face time .2 seconds longer. So honestly, is there really a tonnage advantage? The unbalance here, has nothing to do with the MPL or any of the clan equipment. It's the Ebon Jag's extra hard points and the ability to use Ferro and Endo, which the TBolt can't reasonably do. To me, that is not an issue with the tech per se. It's a direct issue with the EBJ chassis (at least, I wouldn't consider the 'hard points' of the mech to be 'clan tech'. Clan tech to mean means things that take up space in the chassis). If there is a tech issue, the one I'd highlight is not weaponry tonnage but Ferro/Endo. The Clan mechs that have it, suffer very little for it. IS mechs on the other hand often struggle to fully use both, something we've seen in this thread with both my TDR and WVR builds.

Compare the Storm Crow and the Wolverine in the same way, which illustrates the difference using different weapons;

Damage 41 / 36
Heat dissipation per volley 20% (Wolverine)
Heat dissipation per volley 23% (Storm Crow)
Weight of Weapons and Heat sinks 32 / 35

Range favors the Wolverine, but is that extra range worth 3 tons? In terms of tech, the paper balance still looks pretty good imo. The heat dissipation of the mechs is comparable, damage is comparable, and the weight spent on the gear is comparable. Enough so that if all we were talking about was the 'tech' there would not exist a significant balance issue just from the weapons alone.

However the adjusted math for the face time worsens the situation of the Wolverine, cause now that arm is out there to be shot at even longer! But again, that's not a 'tech' issue, but a chassis issue. If the Shadow Hawk had the quirks of the Wolverine 6K, yeah, it would undoubtedly be better than the 6k, though I don't consider that directly relevant as an issue of Clan vs IS balance. That's an issue of IS internal balance.

From the above comparisons my proposal to improve balance would actually be to buff IS Ferro/Endo, by lowering the slots they take up. At least if we were looking for a broad IS buff. Twice now we've seen how the inability to use both hurts the IS, and I have seen this appear in many of my other IS builds. Alternatively, nerf the Clan Ferro/Endo, but then realistically we start running into problems with the basic build rules of Clan mechs in MWO (as in, altering Clan Ferro/Endo would require a complete rebuild of clan tech, as Clan mechs right mostly completely ride the lightning when it comes to space).


In the end, I just wish we could have a more balanced game. Not sure what I will end up playing the most since I have no strong preferences... but I'd like the game to survive Steam launch.

Well they've already announce a big balance pass is in the works. I don't think we're looking at a 'Quirkening 2.0' on this one. I think PGI is planning a big rebuild of the techs, which if they are, probably renders all this damn math moot. Math always finds ways to kick me in the nuts!

Edited by Lord0fHats, 27 July 2015 - 02:47 AM.

#96 Kanjejou


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 03:28 AM

Is will always be inferior its how its supposed to be... usually IS use more mech to compensate simple as that so we just need 12vs10 or 16vs10 simple as that

#97 Lord0fHats


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 03:32 AM

And people just need to drop that old song. PGI is never going to go for it.

#98 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 04:03 AM

LordOfHats is exactly right, and i wish people would listen to the fact that you need to compare final, non useless, builds and NOT individual weapon systems.

They wont though, because a large portion of this community hate clans with a totally biased, never ending rage for 'ruining TT' and therefore will continue to cherry pick arguments which support their viewpoint, while ignoring the balancing factors or pretending they do not matter. These people do not want balance, they want Clans GONE.

#99 Hit the Deck


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 04:23 AM

View PostWidowmaker1981, on 27 July 2015 - 04:03 AM, said:

LordOfHats is exactly right, and i wish people would listen to the fact that you need to compare final, non useless, builds and NOT individual weapon systems.

I think balancing the weapons (and other equipment) should be based on the tech alone. Balancing the quirks is done through comparing different popular builds.

Edited by Hit the Deck, 27 July 2015 - 04:23 AM.

#100 Lugh


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 04:29 AM

View PostPaigan, on 10 July 2015 - 02:01 AM, said:

I normally hate when people don't even bother to read a little longer post, but this time I didn't read it either.

Breaking "balance" down to the last hardpoint per mech is not how balance in Battletech works.

Balance is paramount. BUT: in a proper way.

Clans are SUPPOSED to have superior tech.

IS on the other hand have greater numbers, meaner tactics, etc.
Simple example: Clanners would not dare to call in an artillery strike for reasons of honor, while IS burried hundreds of clan mechs under a collapsing mountain on Tukayyid without a glimpse of an eye.

This is called asymmetrical balance.
Think starcraft: Zerg are generally weak, but have far greater numbers.

For MWO, this could be done very simply:

- Clans have better equipment but less or maybe even no modules at all
- IS have more and meaner modules (like ammo packs, mines, etc.). Think of it as representing IS "tinkering" with mechs and employing meaner tactics.
- Maybe other stuff like asymmetrical drop tonnage (but NOT 10vs12 because of understandable technical reasons)
- And then in the end MAYBE some tiny quirks here and there (again IS tinkering).

This would be very simple and lorewise elegant. And MUCH more interesting than magically quirking up lostech until it's stupidly better than high-tech.

Everyone listing hardpoints etc. for pages and pages for C vs IS balancing purposes has clearly no clue of the game, sorry.

*whispers* The Clans already have less Module slots..

View PostKanjejou, on 27 July 2015 - 03:28 AM, said:

Is will always be inferior its how its supposed to be... usually IS use more mech to compensate simple as that so we just need 12vs10 or 16vs10 simple as that

Cant do that until the clan units are actually twice the power of the IS units. While clans have a margin of 'better' its on paper about 10% in range.
They are flat out worse in HPS and DPS. Which isn't how it should be either.

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