Yeonne Greene, on 13 January 2017 - 07:19 PM, said:
Targeting Computers similarly shouldn't be speeding up projectiles or increasing range either, then, but generally I agree. Those kinds of quirks actually make moving from one 'Mech to another a pain in the butt, having to readjust what should be muscle memory to use the same equipment. The exception, though, are 'Mechs that really can't bring many weapons, i.e. Spider 5V (gets two energy, both in the CT) or Locust 3V (two Energy in CT, two Ballistics in arms). They need something to boost their output. More hardpoints is one option, rate of fire quirks is another.
Really, the base values on current equipment are out of whack. The weapon quirks should be unnecessary on most 'Mechs with some tweaks to the base values. Less heat for Medium-class lasers and PPC classes, faster cool-down for Medium and Small-class lasers and standard ACs. Slightly higher velocity for PPCs and standard ACs. A little more range on the Large and ER Large Laser. A little less duration on the Medium and ER Large laser (also cER Large). Etc.
Now that i know about the different weapon system manufacturers i can understand & tolerate the range and velocity differences a bit. I just wish PGI had put that out there when they released quirks to begin with. It would also be nice if they listed not just the type of weapon being installed on each mech, make and model would do a lot (for me at least) in understanding why some mechs get the quirks that they do.
I still don't think TCs should affect range and veocity. I wonder if PGI will ever come up with a better way to have them be useful enough to make people use them though?
As far as some underpowered mechs having their output boosted, I agree that reduced heat and reload/cooldown quirks go a long way in resolving that. The problem is, whiny (and jealous?) people will cry "OP! Nerf it!"
Annoying. Especially when the nerfs actually become reality.
Snowbluff, on 13 January 2017 - 07:33 PM, said:
The weapons aren't modular, they are not made by the same manufacturer, or compatible with each chassis, and the weapon classes are only an abstraction of a variety of weapon.
Best explanation I've read. As I've never played TT (unfortunately) I wouldn't know about the different makers.
That just applied to velocity? Range as well? How about cooldowns?